2 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Localization, Mapping, and Manipulation for Unsupervised Object Discovery

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    We present an unsupervised framework for simultaneous appearance-based object discovery, detection, tracking and reconstruction using RGBD cameras and a robot manipulator. The system performs dense 3D simultaneous localization and mapping concurrently with unsupervised object discovery. Putative objects that are spatially and visually coherent are manipulated by the robot to gain additional motion-cues. The robot uses appearance alone, followed by structure and motion cues, to jointly discover, verify, learn and improve models of objects. Induced motion segmentation reinforces learned models which are represented implicitly as 2D and 3D level sets to capture both shape and appearance. We compare three different approaches for appearance-based object discovery and find that a novel form of spatio-temporal super-pixels gives the highest quality candidate object models in terms of precision and recall. Live experiments with a Baxter robot demonstrate a holistic pipeline capable of automatic discovery, verification, detection, tracking and reconstruction of unknown objects

    Building 3D Object Models during Manipulation by Reconstruction-Aware Trajectory Optimization

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    Object shape provides important information for robotic manipulation; for instance, selecting an effective grasp depends on both the global and local shape of the object of interest, while reaching into clutter requires accurate surface geometry to avoid unintended contact with the environment. Model-based 3D object manipulation is a widely studied problem; however, obtaining the accurate 3D object models for multiple objects often requires tedious work. In this letter, we exploit Gaussian process implicit surfaces (GPIS) extracted from RGB-D sensor data to grasp an unknown object. We propose a reconstruction-aware trajectory optimization that makes use of the extracted GPIS model plan a motion to improve the ability to estimate the object's 3D geometry, while performing a pick-and-place action. We present a probabilistic approach for a robot to autonomously learn and track the object, while achieve the manipulation task. We use a sampling-based trajectory generation method to explore the unseen parts of the object using the estimated conditional entropy of the GPIS model. We validate our method with physical robot experiments across eleven different objects of varying shape from the YCB object dataset. Our experiments show that our reconstruction-aware trajectory optimization provides higher-quality 3D object reconstruction when compared with directly solving the manipulation task or using a heuristic to view unseen portions of the object