2 research outputs found

    Lean service model with Simulation in Arena to improve response time of the technical service in a Peruvian SME

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    The services sector has maintained sustained growth in recent decades, becoming one of the sectors contributing most to the global economy. However, the characteristics of these activities represent a challenge to companies in the sector, which seek to be more competitive in the presence of new technologies and a globalized world. In this context, the companies that offer field service for the maintenance of machinery and equipment present problems in planning their activities due to the uncertainty in demand, the distances to be covered, and to comply with the expected response time of the client. Therefore, to solve these problems, this article proposes applying manpower planning strategies and lean tools to reduce the response time in field service. The simulation models are based on these strategies and were structured and validated using Arena simulator. A 7% improvement in service level was obtained, considering the contractual response time offered to customers. The proposal will provide alternatives for field service planning and provide companies with tools to increase their competitiveness

    Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de simulação para apoio à tomada de decisão em oficina automóvel

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    A existência de concorrência entre empresas na produção de bens, ou fornecimentos de serviços, está intrínseca nas atividades de todos nós diariamente. Usualmente as empresas tentam criar fatores diferenciadores recorrendo à melhoria dos produtos ou serviços fornecidos, ou então pelo preço ou mesmo pelo fator do tempo de entrega do produto ou execução do serviço. Logicamente todas as empresas procuram conseguir fatores de vantagem sobre os competidores diretos, que permitam melhorar algum dos pontos já referidos. As ferramentas de simulação como suporte à tomada de decisão, podem ser a vantagem à qual as empresas podem recorrer, por forma a estudarem novos processos ou métodos que permitam alavancar algum (ou mesmo todos) os fatores já referidos. Como objetivo desta dissertação, foi criada uma ferramenta de apoio à decisão aplicada a uma oficina automóvel que permitiu estudar o resultado da aplicação de algumas estratégias, no funcionamento da mesma e avaliar o seu impacte no resultado atingido. O simulador criado foi desenvolvido recorrendo-se ao software Arena para implementação do modelo lógico, e recorrendo ao ambiente de Visual Basic também do software Arena, foi criado uma interface para o utilizador, que isola o mesmo das atividades de criação e programação do modelo. Como se pretende que o simulador seja de utilização comum (dado que isola o utilizador da programação de simuladores) foi dada grande atenção à similaridade entre módulos, tanta na apresentação dos dados, como no funcionamento dos botões disponíveis. Desta forma pretende-se contribuir para o desenvolvimento e utilização de simuladores como suporte à tomada da decisão.The existence of competition between companies in the production of goods, or the provision of services, is intrinsic in the activities of all of us on a daily basis. Usually companies try to create differentiating factors by resorting to the improvement of the products or services provided, or by the price or even by the factor of the time of delivery of the product or execution of the service. Logically, all companies seek to obtain advantage factors over their direct competitors, which allow to improve some of the points already mentioned. Simulation tools as a support for decision making can be the advantage that companies can use, to study new processes or methods that allow leveraging some (or even all) of the factors already mentioned. As a goal of this dissertation, a decision support tool applied to a car repair shop was created, which made it possible to study the result of the application of some strategies, in the operation of the same and to evaluate its impact on the result achieved. The simulator created was developed using the Arena software to implement the logical model, and using the Visual Basic environment also from the Arena software, an user interface was created, which isolates it from the model's creation and programming activities. As the simulator is intended to be in common use (given that it isolates the user from simulator programming) great attention was paid to the similarity between modules, both in the presentation of the data and in the operation of the available buttons. In this way it is intended to contribute to the development and use of simulators to support decision making