1 research outputs found

    Development Of Walking Gaits For Quadruped Robot (4-Legged Robot)

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    The project outcomes of this project are to develop the walking gaits for the quadruped robot including trotting gait, to produce printed circuit board (PCB) for the electronic parts of the robot and to improve on the motor torque for better lifting capability and to model the gaits and implementation of the quadruped robot on ADAM software. This project is the continuation of the project completed by Mr. Yee Yuan Bin whereby he managed to develop the control system that enables the robot to perform crawling gait on the flat and horizontal surface. The control system designed involves gait control, stability control and motor control. Therefore, the existing crawling gait is to be improved into trotting gait. Besides, the modelling of the quadruped robot is to be performed using ADAMS software and the PCB for the electronic parts of the robot is to be produced in order to reduce the weight of the body. This project is split to two phases. Phase 1 is to be carried out during semester FYP 1 while Phase 2 is commenced during FYP 2. The work aspects of phase 1 are on producing printed circuit board (PCB), modelling the walking gaits using ADAMS software and also to learn about C programming for PIC18. Phase 2 is the testing stage with the presence of servomotors and circuit board as well as improvement and development of the walking gaits. At the end of project, the quadruped prototype is meant to perform forward trotting gait on flat and horizontal grounds