770 research outputs found

    On the Corner Points of the Capacity Region of a Two-User Gaussian Interference Channel

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    This work considers the corner points of the capacity region of a two-user Gaussian interference channel (GIC). In a two-user GIC, the rate pairs where one user transmits its data at the single-user capacity (without interference), and the other at the largest rate for which reliable communication is still possible are called corner points. This paper relies on existing outer bounds on the capacity region of a two-user GIC that are used to derive informative bounds on the corner points of the capacity region. The new bounds refer to a weak two-user GIC (i.e., when both cross-link gains in standard form are positive and below 1), and a refinement of these bounds is obtained for the case where the transmission rate of one user is within ε>0\varepsilon > 0 of the single-user capacity. The bounds on the corner points are asymptotically tight as the transmitted powers tend to infinity, and they are also useful for the case of moderate SNR and INR. Upper and lower bounds on the gap (denoted by Δ\Delta) between the sum-rate and the maximal achievable total rate at the two corner points are derived. This is followed by an asymptotic analysis analogous to the study of the generalized degrees of freedom (where the SNR and INR scalings are coupled such that log(INR)log(SNR)=α0\frac{\log(\text{INR})}{\log(\text{SNR})} = \alpha \geq 0), leading to an asymptotic characterization of this gap which is exact for the whole range of α\alpha. The upper and lower bounds on Δ\Delta are asymptotically tight in the sense that they achieve the exact asymptotic characterization. Improved bounds on Δ\Delta are derived for finite SNR and INR, and their improved tightness is exemplified numerically.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Trans. on Information Theory in July 17, 2014, and revised in April 5, 2015. Presented in part at Allerton 2013, and also presented in part with improved results at ISIT 201

    Capacity Regions and Sum-Rate Capacities of Vector Gaussian Interference Channels

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    The capacity regions of vector, or multiple-input multiple-output, Gaussian interference channels are established for very strong interference and aligned strong interference. Furthermore, the sum-rate capacities are established for Z interference, noisy interference, and mixed (aligned weak/intermediate and aligned strong) interference. These results generalize known results for scalar Gaussian interference channels.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figure, submitted to IEEE trans. on Information theor

    On the Capacity Region of the Two-User Interference Channel

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    One of the key open problems in network information theory is to obtain the capacity region for the two-user Interference Channel (IC). In this paper, new results are derived for this channel. As a first result, a noisy interference regime is given for the general IC where the sum-rate capacity is achieved by treating interference as noise at the receivers. To obtain this result, a single-letter outer bound in terms of some auxiliary random variables is first established for the sum-rate capacity of the general IC and then those conditions under which this outer bound is reduced to the achievable sum-rate given by the simple treating interference as noise strategy are specified. The main benefit of this approach is that it is applicable for any two-user IC (potentially non-Gaussian). For the special case of Gaussian channel, our result is reduced to the noisy interference regime that was previously obtained. Next, some results are given on the Han-Kobayashi (HK) achievable rate region. The evaluation of this rate region is in general difficult. In this paper, a simple characterization of the HK rate region is derived for some special cases, specifically, for a novel very weak interference regime. As a remarkable characteristic, it is shown that for this very weak interference regime, the achievable sum-rate due to the HK region is identical to the one given by the simple treating interference as noise strategy.Comment: 12 pages. In this paper a noisy interference regime is identified for any two-user interference channel (potentially non-Gaussian). For conference publicatio

    On the High-SNR Capacity of the Gaussian Interference Channel and New Capacity Bounds

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    The best outer bound on the capacity region of the two-user Gaussian Interference Channel (GIC) is known to be the intersection of regions of various bounds including genie-aided outer bounds, in which a genie provides noisy input signals to the intended receiver. The Han and Kobayashi (HK) scheme provides the best known inner bound. The rate difference between the best known lower and upper bounds on the sum capacity remains as large as 1 bit per channel use especially around g2=P1/3g^2=P^{-1/3}, where PP is the symmetric power constraint and gg is the symmetric real cross-channel coefficient. In this paper, we pay attention to the \emph{moderate interference regime} where g2(max(0.086,P1/3),1)g^2\in (\max(0.086, P^{-1/3}),1). We propose a new upper-bounding technique that utilizes noisy observation of interfering signals as genie signals and applies time sharing to the genie signals at the receivers. A conditional version of the worst additive noise lemma is also introduced to derive new capacity bounds. The resulting upper (outer) bounds on the sum capacity (capacity region) are shown to be tighter than the existing bounds in a certain range of the moderate interference regime. Using the new upper bounds and the HK lower bound, we show that Rsym=12log(gP+g1(P+1))R_\text{sym}^*=\frac{1}{2}\log \big(|g|P+|g|^{-1}(P+1)\big) characterizes the capacity of the symmetric real GIC to within 0.1040.104 bit per channel use in the moderate interference regime at any signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We further establish a high-SNR characterization of the symmetric real GIC, where the proposed upper bound is at most 0.10.1 bit far from a certain HK achievable scheme with Gaussian signaling and time sharing for g2(0,1]g^2\in (0,1]. In particular, RsymR_\text{sym}^* is achievable at high SNR by the proposed HK scheme and turns out to be the high-SNR capacity at least at g2=0.25,0.5g^2=0.25, 0.5.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory on June 2015, revised on November 2016, and accepted for publication on Feb. 28, 201

    Accessible Capacity of Secondary Users

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    A new problem formulation is presented for the Gaussian interference channels (GIFC) with two pairs of users, which are distinguished as primary users and secondary users, respectively. The primary users employ a pair of encoder and decoder that were originally designed to satisfy a given error performance requirement under the assumption that no interference exists from other users. In the scenario when the secondary users attempt to access the same medium, we are interested in the maximum transmission rate (defined as {\em accessible capacity}) at which secondary users can communicate reliably without affecting the error performance requirement by the primary users under the constraint that the primary encoder (not the decoder) is kept unchanged. By modeling the primary encoder as a generalized trellis code (GTC), we are then able to treat the secondary link and the cross link from the secondary transmitter to the primary receiver as finite state channels (FSCs). Based on this, upper and lower bounds on the accessible capacity are derived. The impact of the error performance requirement by the primary users on the accessible capacity is analyzed by using the concept of interference margin. In the case of non-trivial interference margin, the secondary message is split into common and private parts and then encoded by superposition coding, which delivers a lower bound on the accessible capacity. For some special cases, these bounds can be computed numerically by using the BCJR algorithm. Numerical results are also provided to gain insight into the impacts of the GTC and the error performance requirement on the accessible capacity.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables; Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory on December, 2010, Revised on November, 201

    Capacity Analysis for Gaussian and Discrete Memoryless Interference Networks

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    Interference is an important issue for wireless communication systems where multiple uncoordinated users try to access to a common medium. The problem is even more crucial for next-generation cellular networks where frequency reuse becomes ever more intense, leading to more closely placed co-channel cells. This thesis describes our attempt to understand the impact of interference on communication performance as well as optimal ways to handle interference. From the theoretical point of view, we examine how interference affects the fundamental performance limits, and provide insights on how interference should be treated for various channel models under different operating conditions. From the practical design point of view, we provide solutions to improve the system performance under unknown interference using multiple independent receptions of the same information. For the simple two-user Gaussian interference channel, we establish that the simple Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) technique suffices to provide the optimal sum- rate within the largest computable subregion of the general achievable rate region for a certain interference range. For the two-user discrete memoryless interference channels, we characterize different interference regimes as well as the corresponding capacity results. They include one- sided weak interference and mixed interference conditions. The sum-rate capacities are derived in both cases. The conditions, capacity expressions, as well as the capacity achieving schemes are analogous to those of the Gaussian channel model. The study also leads to new outer bounds that can be used to resolve the capacities of several new discrete memoryless interference channels. A three-user interference up-link transmission model is introduced. By examining how interference affects the behavior of the performance limits, we capture the differences and similarities between the traditional two-user channel model and the channel model with more than two users. If the interference is very strong, the capacity region is just a simple extension of the two-user case. For the strong interference case, a line segment on the boundary of the capacity region is attained. When there are links with weak interference, the performance limits behave very differently from that of the two-user case: there is no single case that is found of which treating interference as noise is optimal. In particular, for a subclass of Gaussian channels with mixed interference, a boundary point of the capacity region is determined. For the Gaussian channel with weak interference, sum capacities are obtained under various channel coefficients and power constraint conditions. The optimalities in all the cases are obtained by decoding part of the interference. Finally, we investigate a topic that has practical ramifications in real communication systems. We consider in particular a diversity reception system where independently copies of low density parity check (LDPC) coded signals are received. Relying only on non-coherent reception in a highly dynamic environment with unknown interference, soft-decision combining is achieved whose performance is shown to improve significantly over existing approaches that rely on hard decision combining