5,528 research outputs found

    A spectral sequence for polyhedral products

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    The purpose of this paper is to exhibit fine structure for polyhedral products Z(K;(X,A) and polyhedral smash products Z^(K;(X,A)\widehat{Z}(K;(X,A). (Moment-angle complexes are special cases for which (X,A) = (D^2,S^1)). There are three main parts. The first defines a natural filtration of the polyhedral product and derives properties of the resulting spectral sequence. This is followed with applications. The second part uses the first to give a homological decomposition of the polyhedral smash product. Finally there are applications to the ring structure of H*(Z(K;(X,A))) for CW-pairs (X,A) satisfying suitable freeness conditions

    Stability of Hodge decompositions in finite element spaces of differential forms in arbitrary dimension

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    We elaborate on the interpretation of some mixed finite element spaces in terms of differential forms. First we develop a framework in which we show how tools from algebraic topology can be applied to the study of their cohomological properties. The analysis applies in particular to certain hphp finite element spaces, extending results in trivial topology often referred to as the exact sequence property. Then we define regularization operators. Combined with the standard interpolators they enable us to prove discrete Poincar\'e-Friedrichs inequalities and discrete Rellich compactness for finite element spaces of differential forms of arbitrary degree on compact manifolds of arbitrary dimension.Comment: 26 page

    Linking combinatorial and classical dynamics: Conley index and Morse decompositions

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    We prove that every combinatorial dynamical system in the sense of Forman, defined on a family of simplices of a simplicial complex, gives rise to a multivalued dynamical system F on the geometric realization of the simplicial complex. Moreover, F may be chosen in such a way that the isolated invariant sets, Conley indices, Morse decompositions, and Conley-Morse graphs of the two dynamical systems are in one-to-one correspondence

    Covariantly functorial wrapped Floer theory on Liouville sectors

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    We introduce a class of Liouville manifolds with boundary which we call Liouville sectors. We define the wrapped Fukaya category, symplectic cohomology, and the open-closed map for Liouville sectors, and we show that these invariants are covariantly functorial with respect to inclusions of Liouville sectors. From this foundational setup, a local-to-global principle for Abouzaid's generation criterion follows.Comment: Final version to appear in Publ Math IHES, 115 pages, 15 figure

    Toric Differential Inclusions and a Proof of the Global Attractor Conjecture

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    The global attractor conjecture says that toric dynamical systems (i.e., a class of polynomial dynamical systems on the positive orthant) have a globally attracting point within each positive linear invariant subspace -- or, equivalently, complex balanced mass-action systems have a globally attracting point within each positive stoichiometric compatibility class. A proof of this conjecture implies that a large class of nonlinear dynamical systems on the positive orthant have very simple and stable dynamics. The conjecture originates from the 1972 breakthrough work by Fritz Horn and Roy Jackson, and was formulated in its current form by Horn in 1974. We introduce toric differential inclusions, and we show that each positive solution of a toric differential inclusion is contained in an invariant region that prevents it from approaching the origin. We use this result to prove the global attractor conjecture. In particular, it follows that all detailed balanced mass action systems and all deficiency zero weakly reversible networks have the global attractor property.Comment: Version 2 corrects some typos and makes other minor improvement

    E-infinity obstruction theory

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    The space of E-infinity structures on an simplicial operad C is the limit of a tower of fibrations, so its homotopy is the abutment of a Bousfield-Kan fringed spectral sequence. The spectral sequence begins (under mild restrictions) with the stable cohomotopy of the graded right Gamma-module formed by the homotopy groups of C ; the fringe contains an obstruction theory for the existence of E-infinity structures on C. This formulation is very flexible: applications extend beyond structures on classical ring spectra to examples (in references) in motivic homotopy theory.Comment: 33 page

    Locally standard torus actions and sheaves over Buchsbaum posets

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    We consider a sheaf of exterior algebras on a simplicial poset SS and introduce a notion of homological characteristic function. Two natural objects are associated with these data: a graded sheaf I\mathcal{I} and a graded cosheaf Ξ ^\widehat{\Pi}. When SS is a homology manifold, we prove the isomorphism Hnβˆ’1βˆ’p(S;I)β‰…Hp(S;Ξ ^)H^{n-1-p}(S;\mathcal{I})\cong H_{p}(S;\widehat{\Pi}) which can be considered as an extension of the Poincare duality. In general, there is a spectral sequence Ep,q2β‰…Hnβˆ’1βˆ’p(S;Unβˆ’1+qβŠ—I)β‡’Hp+q(S;Ξ ^)E^2_{p,q}\cong H^{n-1-p}(S;\mathcal{U}_{n-1+q}\otimes \mathcal{I})\Rightarrow H_{p+q}(S;\widehat{\Pi}), where Uβˆ—\mathcal{U}_* is the local homology stack on SS. This spectral sequence, in turn, extends Zeeman--McCrory spectral sequence. This sheaf-theoretical result is applied to toric topology. We consider a manifold XX with a locally standard action of a compact torus and acyclic proper faces of the orbit space. A principal torus bundle YY is associated with XX, so that Xβ‰…Y/∼X\cong Y/\sim. The orbit type filtration on XX is covered by the topological filtration on YY. We prove that homological spectral sequences associated with these two filtrations are isomorphic in many nontrivial positions.Comment: 23 pages. Several typos were corrected and the numbering of theorems change

    Supersymmetric Euclidean Field Theories and K-theory

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    We construct spaces of 1-dimensional supersymmetric Euclidean field theories and show that they represent real or complex K-theory. A noteworthy feature of our bordism category is that the identity bordism of a point is connected to intervals of positive length.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Persistent homology of the sum metric

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    Given finite metric spaces (X,dX)(X, d_X) and (Y,dY)(Y, d_Y), we investigate the persistent homology PHβˆ—(XΓ—Y)PH_*(X \times Y) of the Cartesian product XΓ—YX \times Y equipped with the sum metric dX+dYd_X + d_Y. Interpreting persistent homology as a module over a polynomial ring, one might expect the usual K\"unneth short exact sequence to hold. We prove that it holds for PH0PH_0 and PH1PH_1, and we illustrate with the Hamming cube {0,1}k\{0,1\}^k that it fails for PHn,  nβ‰₯2PH_n,\,\, n \geq 2. For n=2n = 2, the prediction for PH2(XΓ—Y)PH_2(X \times Y) from the expected K\"unneth short exact sequence has a natural surjection onto PH2(XΓ—Y)PH_2(X \times Y). We compute the nontrivial kernel of this surjection for the splitting of Hamming cubes {0,1}k={0,1}kβˆ’1Γ—{0,1}\{0,1\}^k = \{0,1\}^{k-1} \times \{0,1\}. For all nβ‰₯0n \geq 0, the interleaving distance between the prediction for PHn(XΓ—Y)PH_n(X \times Y) and the true persistent homology is bounded above by the minimum of the diameters of XX and YY. As preliminary results of independent interest, we establish an algebraic K\"unneth formula for simplicial modules over the ring ΞΊ[R+]\kappa[\mathbb{R}_+] of polynomials with coefficients in a field ΞΊ\kappa and exponents in R+=[0,∞)\mathbb{R}_+ = [0,\infty), as well as a K\"unneth formula for the persistent homology of R+\mathbb{R}_+-filtered simplicial sets -- both of these K\"unneth formulas hold in all homological dimensions nβ‰₯0n \geq 0.Comment: To appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr

    Homological stability of Aut(Fn)Aut(F_n) revisited

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    We give another proof of a theorem of Hatcher and Vogtmann stating that the sequence Aut(Fn)Aut(F_n) satisfies integral homological stability. The paper is for the most part expository, and we also explain Quillen's method for proving homological stability.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 7th Seasonal Institute of the Mathematical Society of Japan (MSJ-SI) on Hyperbolic Geometry and Geometric Group Theory held July 30th - August 5th 2015 at the University of Toky
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