1 research outputs found

    Simplex based Steiner tree instances yield large integrality gaps for the bidirected cut relaxation

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    The bidirected cut relaxation is the characteristic representative of the bidirected relaxations (BCR\mathrm{\mathcal{BCR}}) which are a well-known class of equivalent LP-relaxations for the NP-hard Steiner Tree Problem in Graphs (STP). Although no general approximation algorithm based on BCR\mathrm{\mathcal{BCR}} with an approximation ratio better than 22 for STP is known, it is mostly preferred in integer programming as an implementation of STP, since there exists a formulation of compact size, which turns out to be very effective in practice. It is known that the integrality gap of BCR\mathrm{\mathcal{BCR}} is at most 22, and a long standing open question is whether the integrality gap is less than 22 or not. The best lower bound so far is 3631β‰ˆ1.161\frac{36}{31} \approx 1.161 proven by Byrka et al. [BGRS13]. Based on the work of Chakrabarty et al. [CDV11] about embedding STP instances into simplices by considering appropriate dual formulations, we improve on this result by constructing a new class of instances and showing that their integrality gaps tend at least to 65=1.2\frac{6}{5} = 1.2. More precisely, we consider the class of equivalent LP-relaxations BCR+\mathrm{\mathcal{BCR}}^{+}, that can be obtained by strengthening BCR\mathrm{\mathcal{BCR}} by already known straightforward Steiner vertex degree constraints, and show that the worst case ratio regarding the optimum value between BCR\mathrm{\mathcal{BCR}} and BCR+\mathrm{\mathcal{BCR}}^{+} is at least 65\frac{6}{5}. Since BCR+\mathrm{\mathcal{BCR}}^{+} is a lower bound for the hypergraphic relaxations (HYP\mathrm{\mathcal{HYP}}), another well-known class of equivalent LP-relaxations on which the current best (ln⁑(4)+Ξ΅)(\ln(4) + \varepsilon)-approximation algorithm for STP by Byrka et al. [BGRS13] is based, this worst case ratio also holds for BCR\mathrm{\mathcal{BCR}} and HYP\mathrm{\mathcal{HYP}}