2 research outputs found

    Simple transmission strategies for interference channel

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    In this paper, we investigate performances of simple transmission strategies. We first consider two user SISO Gaussian symmetric interference channel (IC) for which Etkin, Tse and Wang proposed a scheme (ETW scheme) which achieves one bit gap to the capacity. We compare performance of point-to-point (p2p) codes with that of the ETW scheme in practical range of transmitter power. It turns out that p2p coding scheme performs better or as nearly good as the ETW scheme. Next, we consider K user SISO Gaussian symmetric IC. We define interference regimes for K user SISO Gaussian symmetric IC and provide closed-form characterization of the symmetric rate achieved by the p2p scheme and the ETW scheme. Using this characterization, we evaluate performances of simple strategies with K=3, and show the similar trend to two user case

    On the achievable region for interference networks with point-to-point codes

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    This paper studies evaluation of the capacity region for interference networks with point-to-point (p2p) capacity-achieving codes. Such capacity region has recently been characterized as union of several sub-regions each of which has distinctive operational characteristics. Detailed evaluation of this region, therefore, can be accomplished in a very simple manner by acknowledging such characteristics, which, in turn, provides an insight for a simple implementation scenario. Completely generalized message assignment which is also practically relevant is considered in this paper, and it is shown to provide strictly larger achievable rates than what traditional message assignment does when a receiver with joint decoding capability is used