1,172 research outputs found

    Distributed Evaluations: Ending Neural Point Metrics

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    With the rise of neural models across the field of information retrieval, numerous publications have incrementally pushed the envelope of performance for a multitude of IR tasks. However, these networks often sample data in random order, are initialized randomly, and their success is determined by a single evaluation score. These issues are aggravated by neural models achieving incremental improvements from previous neural baselines, leading to multiple near state of the art models that are difficult to reproduce and quickly become deprecated. As neural methods are starting to be incorporated into low resource and noisy collections that further exacerbate this issue, we propose evaluating neural models both over multiple random seeds and a set of hyperparameters within ϵ\epsilon distance of the chosen configuration for a given metric.Comment: ACM SIGIR - LND4IR Worksho

    Hacking Google reCAPTCHA v3 using Reinforcement Learning

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    We present a Reinforcement Learning (RL) methodology to bypass Google reCAPTCHA v3. We formulate the problem as a grid world where the agent learns how to move the mouse and click on the reCAPTCHA button to receive a high score. We study the performance of the agent when we vary the cell size of the grid world and show that the performance drops when the agent takes big steps toward the goal. Finally, we used a divide and conquer strategy to defeat the reCAPTCHA system for any grid resolution. Our proposed method achieves a success rate of 97.4% on a 100x100 grid and 96.7% on a 1000x1000 screen resolution.Comment: Accepted for the Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM) 201

    Changing Model Behavior at Test-Time Using Reinforcement Learning

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    Machine learning models are often used at test-time subject to constraints and trade-offs not present at training-time. For example, a computer vision model operating on an embedded device may need to perform real-time inference, or a translation model operating on a cell phone may wish to bound its average compute time in order to be power-efficient. In this work we describe a mixture-of-experts model and show how to change its test-time resource-usage on a per-input basis using reinforcement learning. We test our method on a small MNIST-based example.Comment: Submitted to ICLR 2017 Workshop Trac

    Learnings Options End-to-End for Continuous Action Tasks

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    We present new results on learning temporally extended actions for continuoustasks, using the options framework (Suttonet al.[1999b], Precup [2000]). In orderto achieve this goal we work with the option-critic architecture (Baconet al.[2017])using a deliberation cost and train it with proximal policy optimization (Schulmanet al.[2017]) instead of vanilla policy gradient. Results on Mujoco domains arepromising, but lead to interesting questions aboutwhena given option should beused, an issue directly connected to the use of initiation sets

    Parameter Space Noise for Exploration

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    Deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods generally engage in exploratory behavior through noise injection in the action space. An alternative is to add noise directly to the agent's parameters, which can lead to more consistent exploration and a richer set of behaviors. Methods such as evolutionary strategies use parameter perturbations, but discard all temporal structure in the process and require significantly more samples. Combining parameter noise with traditional RL methods allows to combine the best of both worlds. We demonstrate that both off- and on-policy methods benefit from this approach through experimental comparison of DQN, DDPG, and TRPO on high-dimensional discrete action environments as well as continuous control tasks. Our results show that RL with parameter noise learns more efficiently than traditional RL with action space noise and evolutionary strategies individually.Comment: Updated to camera-ready ICLR submissio

    Analyzing Language Learned by an Active Question Answering Agent

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    We analyze the language learned by an agent trained with reinforcement learning as a component of the ActiveQA system [Buck et al., 2017]. In ActiveQA, question answering is framed as a reinforcement learning task in which an agent sits between the user and a black box question-answering system. The agent learns to reformulate the user's questions to elicit the optimal answers. It probes the system with many versions of a question that are generated via a sequence-to-sequence question reformulation model, then aggregates the returned evidence to find the best answer. This process is an instance of \emph{machine-machine} communication. The question reformulation model must adapt its language to increase the quality of the answers returned, matching the language of the question answering system. We find that the agent does not learn transformations that align with semantic intuitions but discovers through learning classical information retrieval techniques such as tf-idf re-weighting and stemming.Comment: Emergent Communication Workshop, NIPS 201

    Memory Augmented Self-Play

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    Self-play is an unsupervised training procedure which enables the reinforcement learning agents to explore the environment without requiring any external rewards. We augment the self-play setting by providing an external memory where the agent can store experience from the previous tasks. This enables the agent to come up with more diverse self-play tasks resulting in faster exploration of the environment. The agent pretrained in the memory augmented self-play setting easily outperforms the agent pretrained in no-memory self-play setting

    Blindfold Baselines for Embodied QA

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    We explore blindfold (question-only) baselines for Embodied Question Answering. The EmbodiedQA task requires an agent to answer a question by intelligently navigating in a simulated environment, gathering necessary visual information only through first-person vision before finally answering. Consequently, a blindfold baseline which ignores the environment and visual information is a degenerate solution, yet we show through our experiments on the EQAv1 dataset that a simple question-only baseline achieves state-of-the-art results on the EmbodiedQA task in all cases except when the agent is spawned extremely close to the object.Comment: NIPS 2018 Visually-Grounded Interaction and Language (ViGilL) Worksho

    Independently Controllable Features

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    Finding features that disentangle the different causes of variation in real data is a difficult task, that has nonetheless received considerable attention in static domains like natural images. Interactive environments, in which an agent can deliberately take actions, offer an opportunity to tackle this task better, because the agent can experiment with different actions and observe their effects. We introduce the idea that in interactive environments, latent factors that control the variation in observed data can be identified by figuring out what the agent can control. We propose a naive method to find factors that explain or measure the effect of the actions of a learner, and test it in illustrative experiments.Comment: RLDM submissio

    Look, Investigate, and Classify: A Deep Hybrid Attention Method for Breast Cancer Classification

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    One issue with computer based histopathology image analysis is that the size of the raw image is usually very large. Taking the raw image as input to the deep learning model would be computationally expensive while resizing the raw image to low resolution would incur information loss. In this paper, we present a novel deep hybrid attention approach to breast cancer classification. It first adaptively selects a sequence of coarse regions from the raw image by a hard visual attention algorithm, and then for each such region it is able to investigate the abnormal parts based on a soft-attention mechanism. A recurrent network is then built to make decisions to classify the image region and also to predict the location of the image region to be investigated at the next time step. As the region selection process is non-differentiable, we optimize the whole network through a reinforcement approach to learn an optimal policy to classify the regions. Based on this novel Look, Investigate and Classify approach, we only need to process a fraction of the pixels in the raw image resulting in significant saving in computational resources without sacrificing performances. Our approach is evaluated on a public breast cancer histopathology database, where it demonstrates superior performance to the state-of-the-art deep learning approaches, achieving around 96\% classification accuracy while only 15% of raw pixels are used.Comment: Accepted to ISBI'1