2,049 research outputs found

    Hand gesture recognition with jointly calibrated Leap Motion and depth sensor

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    Novel 3D acquisition devices like depth cameras and the Leap Motion have recently reached the market. Depth cameras allow to obtain a complete 3D description of the framed scene while the Leap Motion sensor is a device explicitly targeted for hand gesture recognition and provides only a limited set of relevant points. This paper shows how to jointly exploit the two types of sensors for accurate gesture recognition. An ad-hoc solution for the joint calibration of the two devices is firstly presented. Then a set of novel feature descriptors is introduced both for the Leap Motion and for depth data. Various schemes based on the distances of the hand samples from the centroid, on the curvature of the hand contour and on the convex hull of the hand shape are employed and the use of Leap Motion data to aid feature extraction is also considered. The proposed feature sets are fed to two different classifiers, one based on multi-class SVMs and one exploiting Random Forests. Different feature selection algorithms have also been tested in order to reduce the complexity of the approach. Experimental results show that a very high accuracy can be obtained from the proposed method. The current implementation is also able to run in real-time

    Automated Pollen Image Classification

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    This Master of Science thesis reviews previous research, proposes a method anddemonstrates proof-of-concept software for the automated matching of pollen grainimages to satisfy degree requirements at the University of Tennessee. An ideal imagesegmentation algorithm and shape representation data structure is selected, alongwith a multi-phase shape matching system. The system is shown to be invariantto synthetic image translation, rotation, and to a lesser extent global contrast andintensity changes. The proof-of-concept software is used to demonstrate how pollengrains can be matched to images of other pollen grains, stored in a database, thatshare similar features with up to a 75% accuracy rate

    Scene Segmentation and Object Classification for Place Recognition

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    This dissertation tries to solve the place recognition and loop closing problem in a way similar to human visual system. First, a novel image segmentation algorithm is developed. The image segmentation algorithm is based on a Perceptual Organization model, which allows the image segmentation algorithm to ‘perceive’ the special structural relations among the constituent parts of an unknown object and hence to group them together without object-specific knowledge. Then a new object recognition method is developed. Based on the fairly accurate segmentations generated by the image segmentation algorithm, an informative object description that includes not only the appearance (colors and textures), but also the parts layout and shape information is built. Then a novel feature selection algorithm is developed. The feature selection method can select a subset of features that best describes the characteristics of an object class. Classifiers trained with the selected features can classify objects with high accuracy. In next step, a subset of the salient objects in a scene is selected as landmark objects to label the place. The landmark objects are highly distinctive and widely visible. Each landmark object is represented by a list of SIFT descriptors extracted from the object surface. This object representation allows us to reliably recognize an object under certain viewpoint changes. To achieve efficient scene-matching, an indexing structure is developed. Both texture feature and color feature of objects are used as indexing features. The texture feature and the color feature are viewpoint-invariant and hence can be used to effectively find the candidate objects with similar surface characteristics to a query object. Experimental results show that the object-based place recognition and loop detection method can efficiently recognize a place in a large complex outdoor environment
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