1,199 research outputs found

    Packages for Terahertz Electronics

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    In the last couple of decades, solid-state device technologies, particularly electronic semiconductor devices, have been greatly advanced and investigated for possible adoption in various terahertz (THz) applications, such as imaging, security, and wireless communications. In tandem with these investigations, researchers have been exploring ways to package those THz electronic devices and integrated circuits for practical use. Packages are fundamentally expected to provide a physical housing for devices and integrated circuits (ICs) and reliable signal interconnections from the inside to the outside or vice versa. However, as frequency increases, we face several challenges associated with signal loss, dimensions, and fabrication. This paper provides a broad overview of recent progress in interconnections and packaging technologies dealing with these issues for THz electronics. In particular, emerging concepts based on commercial ceramic technologies, micromachining, and 3-D printing technologies for compact and lightweight packaging in practical applications are highlighted, along with metallic split blocks with rectangular waveguides, which are still considered the most valid and reliable approach.119Ysciescopu

    TSV-Based Hairpin Bandpass Filter for 6G Mobile Communication Applications

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    Sub-diffraction thin-film sensing with planar terahertz metamaterials

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    Planar metamaterials have been recently proposed for thin dielectric film sensing in the terahertz frequency range. Although the thickness of the dielectric film can be very small compared with the wavelength, the required area of sensed material is still determined by the diffraction-limited spot size of the terahertz beam excitation. In this article, terahertz near-field sensing is utilized to reduce the spot size. By positioning the metamaterial sensing platform close to the sub-diffraction terahertz source, the number of excited resonators, and hence minimal film area, are significantly reduced. As an additional advantage, a reduction in the number of excited resonators decreases the inter-cell coupling strength, and consequently the resonance Q factor is remarkably increased. The experimental results show that the resonance Q factor is improved by 113%. Moreover, for a film with a thickness of \lambda/375 the minimal area can be as small as 0.2\lambda by 0.2\lambda. The success of this work provides a platform for future metamaterial-based sensors for biomolecular detection.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    A comprehensive survey on antennas on-chip based on metamaterial, metasurface, and substrate integrated waveguide principles for millimeter-waves and terahertz integrated circuits and systems

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    Antennas on-chip are a particular type of radiating elements valued for their small footprint. They are most commonly integrated in circuit boards to electromagnetically interface free space, which is necessary for wireless communications. Antennas on-chip radiate and receive electromagnetic (EM) energy as any conventional antennas, but what distinguishes them is their miniaturized size. This means they can be integrated inside electronic devices. Although on-chip antennas have a limited range, they are suitable for cell phones, tablet computers, headsets, global positioning system (GPS) devices, and WiFi and WLAN routers. Typically, on-chip antennas are handicapped by narrow bandwidth (less than 10%) and low radiation efficiency. This survey provides an overview of recent techniques and technologies investigated in the literature, to implement high performance on-chip antennas for millimeter-waves (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) integrated-circuit (IC) applications. The technologies discussed here include metamaterial (MTM), metasurface (MTS), and substrate integrated waveguides (SIW). The antenna designs described here are implemented on various substrate layers such as Silicon, Graphene, Polyimide, and GaAs to facilitate integration on ICs. Some of the antennas described here employ innovative excitation mechanisms, for example comprising open-circuited microstrip-line that is electromagnetically coupled to radiating elements through narrow dielectric slots. This excitation mechanism is shown to suppress surface wave propagation and reduce substrate loss. Other techniques described like SIW are shown to significantly attenuate surface waves and minimise loss. Radiation elements based on the MTM and MTS inspired technologies are shown to extend the effective aperture of the antenna without compromising the antenna’s form factor. Moreover, the on-chip antennas designed using the above technologies exhibit significantly improved impedance match, bandwidth, gain and radiation efficiency compared to previously used technologies. These features make such antennas a prime candidate for mmWave and THz on-chip integration. This review provides a thorough reference source for specialist antenna designers.This work was supported in part by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant 801538, in part by the Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) under Grant 206606, and in part by the National Science Centre of Poland under Grant 2018/31/B/ST7/02369

    Novel Materials and Devices for Terahertz Detection and Emission for Sensing, Imaging and Communication

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    Technical advancement is required to attain a high data transmission rate, which entails expanding beyond the currently available bandwidth and establishing a new standard for the highest data rates, which mandates a higher frequency range and larger bandwidth. The THz spectrum (0.1-10 THz) has been considered as an emerging next frontier for the future 5G and beyond technology. THz frequencies also offer unique characteristics, such as penetrating most dielectric materials like fabric, plastic, and leather, making them appealing for imaging and sensing applications. Therefore, employing a high-power room temperature, tunable THz emitters, and a high responsivity THz detector is essential. Dyakonov-theory Shur\u27s was applied in this dissertation to achieve tunable THz detection and emission by plasma waves in high carrier density channels of field-effect devices. The first major contribution of this dissertation is developing graphene-based THz plasmonics detector with high responsivity. An upside-down free-standing graphene in a field effect transistor based resonant room temperature THz detector device with significantly improved mobility and gate control has been presented. The highest achieved responsivity is ~3.1kV/W, which is more than 10 times higher than any THz detector reported till now. The active region is predominantly single-layer graphene with multi-grains, even though the fabricated graphene THz detector has the highest responsivity. The challenges encountered during the fabrication and measurement of the graphene-based detector have been described, along with a strategy to overcome them while preserving high graphene mobility. In our new design, a monolayer of hBN underneath the graphene layer has been deposited to increase the mobility and electron concentration rate further. We also investigated the diamond-based FETs for their potential characteristics as a THz emitters and detectors. Diamond\u27s wide bandgap, high breakdown field, and high thermal conductivity attributes make it a potential semiconductor material for high voltage, high power, and high-temperature operation. Diamond is a good choice for THz and sub-THz applications because of its high optical phonon scattering and high momentum relaxation time. Numerical and analytical studies of diamond materials, including p-diamond and n-diamond materials, are presented, indicating their effectiveness as a prospective contender for high temperature and high power-based terahertz applications These detectors are expected to be a strong competitor for future THz on-chip applications due to their high sensitivity, low noise, tunability, compact size, mobility, faster response time, room temperature operation, and lower cost. Furthermore, when plasma wave instabilities are induced with the proper biasing, the same devices can be employed as THz emitters, which are expected to have a higher emission power. Another key contribution is developing a method for detecting counterfeit, damaged, forged, or defective ICs has been devised utilizing a new non-destructive and unobtrusive terahertz testing approach to address the crucial point of hardware cybersecurity and system reliability. The response of MMICs, VLSI, and ULSIC to incident terahertz and sub-terahertz radiation at the circuit pins are measured and analyzed using deep learning. More sophisticated terahertz response profiles and signatures of specific ICs can be created by measuring a more significant number of pins under different frequencies, polarizations, and depth of focus. The proposed method has no effect on ICs operation and could provide precise ICs signatures. The classification process between the secure and unsecure ICs images has been explained using data augmentation and transfer learning-based convolution neural network with ~98% accuracy. A planar nanomatryoshka type core-shell resonator with hybrid toroidal moments is shown both experimentally and analytically, allowing unique characteristics to be explored. This resonator may be utilized for accurate sensing, immunobiosensing, quick switching, narrow-band filters, and other applications

    Microspectroscopy and Imaging in the THz Range Using Coherent CW Radiation

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    A novel THz near-field spectrometer is presented which allows to perform biological and medical studies with high spectral resolution combined with a spatial resolution down to l/100. In the setup an aperture much smaller than the used wavelength is placed in the beam very close to the sample. The sample is probed by the evanescent wave behind the aperture. The distance is measured extremely accurate by a confocal microscope. We use monochromatic sources which provide powerful coherent cw radiation tuneable from 50 GHz up to 1.5 THz. Transmission and reflection experiments can be performed which enable us to study solids and molecules in aqueous solution. Examples for spectroscopic investigations on biological tissues are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, email: [email protected]