3 research outputs found

    Signs behind Rossetti

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    This article investigates related themes of the Pre-Raphaelite artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) in relation to his idealized representation of the human figure. Rossetti often represented the female figure in a significantly idealized and sensual manner. Semiotics is used to analyse the artwork of this artist in order to develop a greater understanding of these artworks, and to investigate possible meanings that certain signs might signify. The possible symbolism of these signs are from the key symbolist theorist, Juan Eduardo Cirlot (1916-1973), from his methodical study of symbolic signs. This article pinpoints semiotics’ validity as a system for interpreting signs, and aims to show that there are deep and multifaceted meanings, imbedded in a painting. Semiotics as an interpretive mechanism could be used to explore other art disciplines and theories, because it provides a richer and in-depth understanding of meaning. Semiotics is also philosophical: it suggests that reality does not exist beyond individual interpretation, but that reality is a system of signs.Tekens agter Rossetti. Hierdie artikel ondersoek spesifieke temas van die Pre-Raphealit[iese] kunstenaar Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) in verband tot sy geĂ¯dealiseerde uitbeelding van die menslike figuur. Rossetti skilder dikwels die vroulike figuur in ‘n aansienlik geĂ¯dealiseerde [en sensuele] wyse. As sodanig voer hierdie artikel aan dat semiotiek gebruik kan word om Rosetti se kunswerke te ontleed vir ‘n beter begrip op die ondersoek wat sekere tekens beteken. Die simboliek van hierdie tekens is gebaseer op die simbolis, Juan Eduardo Cirlot (1916-1973), as gevolg van sy metodiese studie van simboliese tekens. Hierdie artikel identifiseer ook semiotiek se geldigheid as ‘n stelsel vir die interpretasie van tekens, met die doel om te wys dat daar diep en veelsydige betekenisse in ‘n skildery is. Semiotiek as ‘n interpretatiewe meganisme kan ook gebruik word om ander kuns-dissiplines en teorieĂ« te analiseer en verken, want dit gee ‘n ryker en in-diepte begrip van betekenis. Semiotiek is ook filosofies: dit dui daarop dat werklikheid nie kan bestaan buite individuele interpretasie nie, maar dat die werklikheid ‘n stelsel van tekens is

    Trends and Developments in Thirty Prominent Snare Drum Method Books Published in the United States from 1935 to 2008 with a Review of Selected Material

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    This document examines thirty prominent snare drum method books published between 1935 and 2008 in the United States. A review of each method book is provided, followed by a discussion of trends and developments in individual components including set-up and maintenance, note reading and music fundamentals, grip, stroke, rudimental instruction, exercises, etudes and solos, and organization. By exhibiting developments and trends this study informs snare drum pedagogy and provides valuable comprehensive educational material for students and educators. The study also allows performers to efficiently filter through various approaches to technique and serves as a guide for effective musical contextualization

    Signs and Formal Concepts

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    this paper we propose a semiotic conceptual framework which is compatible with Peirce's definition of signs and uses formal concept analysis for its conceptual structures. The goal of our research is to improve the use of formal languages such as ontology languages and programming languages. Even though there exist a myriad of theories, models and implementations of formal languages, in practice it is often not clear which strategies to use. AI ontology language research is in danger of repeating mistakes that have already been studied in other disciplines (such as linguistics and library science) years ag