12 research outputs found

    Uncertainty-Aware Consistency Regularization for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation

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    Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to adapt existing models of the source domain to a new target domain with only unlabeled data. Many adversarial-based UDA methods involve high-instability training and have to carefully tune the optimization procedure. Some non-adversarial UDA methods employ a consistency regularization on the target predictions of a student model and a teacher model under different perturbations, where the teacher shares the same architecture with the student and is updated by the exponential moving average of the student. However, these methods suffer from noticeable negative transfer resulting from either the error-prone discriminator network or the unreasonable teacher model. In this paper, we propose an uncertainty-aware consistency regularization method for cross-domain semantic segmentation. By exploiting the latent uncertainty information of the target samples, more meaningful and reliable knowledge from the teacher model can be transferred to the student model. In addition, we further reveal the reason why the current consistency regularization is often unstable in minimizing the distribution discrepancy. We also show that our method can effectively ease this issue by mining the most reliable and meaningful samples with a dynamic weighting scheme of consistency loss. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on two domain adaptation benchmarks, i.e.,i.e., GTAV \rightarrow Cityscapes and SYNTHIA \rightarrow Cityscapes

    DACS: Domain Adaptation via Cross-domain Mixed Sampling

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    Semantic segmentation models based on convolutional neural networks have recently displayed remarkable performance for a multitude of applications. However, these models typically do not generalize well when applied on new domains, especially when going from synthetic to real data. In this paper we address the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), which attempts to train on labelled data from one domain (source domain), and simultaneously learn from unlabelled data in the domain of interest (target domain). Existing methods have seen success by training on pseudo-labels for these unlabelled images. Multiple techniques have been proposed to mitigate low-quality pseudo-labels arising from the domain shift, with varying degrees of success. We propose DACS: Domain Adaptation via Cross-domain mixed Sampling, which mixes images from the two domains along with the corresponding labels and pseudo-labels. These mixed samples are then trained on, in addition to the labelled data itself. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution by achieving state-of-the-art results for GTA5 to Cityscapes, a common synthetic-to-real semantic segmentation benchmark for UDA.Comment: This paper has been accepted to WACV202

    Adaptive Boosting for Domain Adaptation: Towards Robust Predictions in Scene Segmentation

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    Domain adaptation is to transfer the shared knowledge learned from the source domain to a new environment, i.e., target domain. One common practice is to train the model on both labeled source-domain data and unlabeled target-domain data. Yet the learned models are usually biased due to the strong supervision of the source domain. Most researchers adopt the early-stopping strategy to prevent over-fitting, but when to stop training remains a challenging problem since the lack of the target-domain validation set. In this paper, we propose one efficient bootstrapping method, called Adaboost Student, explicitly learning complementary models during training and liberating users from empirical early stopping. Adaboost Student combines the deep model learning with the conventional training strategy, i.e., adaptive boosting, and enables interactions between learned models and the data sampler. We adopt one adaptive data sampler to progressively facilitate learning on hard samples and aggregate "weak" models to prevent over-fitting. Extensive experiments show that (1) Without the need to worry about the stopping time, AdaBoost Student provides one robust solution by efficient complementary model learning during training. (2) AdaBoost Student is orthogonal to most domain adaptation methods, which can be combined with existing approaches to further improve the state-of-the-art performance. We have achieved competitive results on three widely-used scene segmentation domain adaptation benchmarks.Comment: 10 pages, 7 tables, 5 figure

    Unsupervised domain adaptation for mobile semantic segmentation based on cycle consistency and feature alignment

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    The supervised training of deep networks for semantic segmentation requires a huge amount of labeled real world data. To solve this issue, a commonly exploited workaround is to use synthetic data for training, but deep networks show a critical performance drop when analyzing data with slightly different statistical properties with respect to the training set. In this work, we propose a novel Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) strategy to address the domain shift issue between real world and synthetic representations. An adversarial model, based on the cycle consistency framework, performs the mapping between the synthetic and real domain. The data is then fed to a MobileNet-v2 architecture that performs the semantic segmentation task. An additional couple of discriminators, working at the feature level of the MobileNet-v2, allows to better align the features of the two domain distributions and to further improve the performance. Finally, the consistency of the semantic maps is exploited. After an initial supervised training on synthetic data, the whole UDA architecture is trained end-to-end considering all its components at once. Experimental results show how the proposed strategy is able to obtain impressive performance in adapting a segmentation network trained on synthetic data to real world scenarios. The usage of the lightweight MobileNet-v2 architecture allows its deployment on devices with limited computational resources as the ones employed in autonomous vehicles