3 research outputs found

    Minimum Ranks and Refined Inertias of Sign Pattern Matrices

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    A sign pattern is a matrix whose entries are from the set {+,βˆ’,0}\{+, -, 0\}. This thesis contains problems about refined inertias and minimum ranks of sign patterns. The refined inertia of a square real matrix BB, denoted \ri(B), is the ordered 44-tuple (n+(B),Β nβˆ’(B),Β nz(B),Β 2np(B))(n_+(B), \ n_-(B), \ n_z(B), \ 2n_p(B)), where n+(B)n_+(B) (resp., nβˆ’(B)n_-(B)) is the number of eigenvalues of BB with positive (resp., negative) real part, nz(B)n_z(B) is the number of zero eigenvalues of BB, and 2np(B)2n_p(B) is the number of pure imaginary eigenvalues of BB. The minimum rank (resp., rational minimum rank) of a sign pattern matrix A\cal A is the minimum of the ranks of the real (resp., rational) matrices whose entries have signs equal to the corresponding entries of A\cal A. First, we identify all minimal critical sets of inertias and refined inertias for full sign patterns of order 3. Then we characterize the star sign patterns of order nβ‰₯5n\ge 5 that require the set of refined inertias Hn={(0,n,0,0),(0,nβˆ’2,0,2),(2,nβˆ’2,0,0)}\mathbb{H}_n=\{(0, n, 0, 0), (0, n-2, 0, 2), (2, n-2, 0, 0)\}, which is an important set for the onset of Hopf bifurcation in dynamical systems. Finally, we establish a direct connection between condensed mΓ—nm \times n sign patterns and zero-nonzero patterns with minimum rank rr and mm point-nn hyperplane configurations in Rrβˆ’1{\mathbb R}^{r-1}. Some results about the rational realizability of the minimum ranks of sign patterns or zero-nonzero patterns are obtained

    Density and Chromatic Index, and Minimum Ranks of Sign Pattern Matrices

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    Given a (multi)graph, the density is defined by Ξ“(G)=max⁑{2∣E(U)∣∣Uβˆ£βˆ’1:  UβŠ†V,β€‰β€‰βˆ£U∣β‰₯3andodd}.\Gamma(G)=\max \Big\{\frac{2|E(U)|}{|U|-1}:\,\, U \subseteq V, \,\, |U|\ge 3 \hskip 2mm {\rm and \hskip 2mm odd} \Big\}. The {\bf chromatic index} Ο‡2˘7(G)\chi\u27(G) of a graph GG is the minimum number of colors that required to color the edges of GG such that two adjacent edges receive different colors. It is known that Ο‡2˘7(G)β‰₯Ξ“(G)\chi\u27(G)\geq \Gamma(G). The {\bf cover index} ΞΎ(G)\xi(G) of GG is the greatest integer kk for which there is a coloring of EE with kk colors such that each vertex of GG is incident with at least one edge of each color. A sign pattern is a matrix whose entries are from the set {+,βˆ’,0}\{+, -, 0\}. In part 1, we will generally discuss the connections between the density and the chromatic index. In particular, the Goldberg-Seymour conjecture states that Ο‡2˘7(G)=βŒˆΞ“(G)βŒ‰\chi\u27(G)=\lceil\Gamma(G)\rceil if Ο‡2˘7(G)3˘eΞ”+1\chi\u27(G)\u3e\Delta+1, where Ξ”\Delta is the maximum degree of GG. Some open problems are mentioned at the end of part 1. In particular, a dual conjecture to the Goldberg-Seymour conjecture on the cover index is discussed. A proof of the Goldberg-Seymour conjecture is given In part 2. In part 3, we will present a connection between the minimum ranks of sign pattern matrices and point-line configurations