52 research outputs found

    RecAD: Towards A Unified Library for Recommender Attack and Defense

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    In recent years, recommender systems have become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, while they suffer from a high risk of being attacked due to the growing commercial and social values. Despite significant research progress in recommender attack and defense, there is a lack of a widely-recognized benchmarking standard in the field, leading to unfair performance comparison and limited credibility of experiments. To address this, we propose RecAD, a unified library aiming at establishing an open benchmark for recommender attack and defense. RecAD takes an initial step to set up a unified benchmarking pipeline for reproducible research by integrating diverse datasets, standard source codes, hyper-parameter settings, running logs, attack knowledge, attack budget, and evaluation results. The benchmark is designed to be comprehensive and sustainable, covering both attack, defense, and evaluation tasks, enabling more researchers to easily follow and contribute to this promising field. RecAD will drive more solid and reproducible research on recommender systems attack and defense, reduce the redundant efforts of researchers, and ultimately increase the credibility and practical value of recommender attack and defense. The project is released at https://github.com/gusye1234/recad

    Analysis of malicious input issues on intelligent systems

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    Intelligent systems can facilitate decision making and have been widely applied to various domains. The output of intelligent systems relies on the users\u27 input. However, with the development of Web-Based Interface, users can easily provide dishonest input. Therefore, the accuracy of the generated decision will be affected. This dissertation presents three essays to discuss the defense solutions for malicious input into three types of intelligent systems: expert systems, recommender systems, and rating systems. Different methods are proposed in each domain based on the nature of each problem. The first essay addresses the input distortion issue in expert systems. It develops four methods to distinguish liars from truth-tellers, and redesign the expert systems to control the impact of input distortion by liars. Experimental results show that the proposed methods could lead to the better accuracy or the lower misclassification cost. The second essay addresses the shilling attack issue in recommender systems. It proposes an integrated Value-based Neighbor Selection (VNS) approach, which aims to select proper neighbors for recommendation systems that maximize the e-retailer\u27s profit while protecting the system from shilling attacks. Simulations are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The third essay addresses the rating fraud issue in rating systems. It designs a two-phase procedure for rating fraud detection based on the temporal analysis on the rating series. Experiments based on the real-world data are utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Shilling Black-box Review-based Recommender Systems through Fake Review Generation

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    Review-Based Recommender Systems (RBRS) have attracted increasing research interest due to their ability to alleviate well-known cold-start problems. RBRS utilizes reviews to construct the user and items representations. However, in this paper, we argue that such a reliance on reviews may instead expose systems to the risk of being shilled. To explore this possibility, in this paper, we propose the first generation-based model for shilling attacks against RBRSs. Specifically, we learn a fake review generator through reinforcement learning, which maliciously promotes items by forcing prediction shifts after adding generated reviews to the system. By introducing the auxiliary rewards to increase text fluency and diversity with the aid of pre-trained language models and aspect predictors, the generated reviews can be effective for shilling with high fidelity. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework can successfully attack three different kinds of RBRSs on the Amazon corpus with three domains and Yelp corpus. Furthermore, human studies also show that the generated reviews are fluent and informative. Finally, equipped with Attack Review Generators (ARGs), RBRSs with adversarial training are much more robust to malicious reviews

    How Fraudster Detection Contributes to Robust Recommendation

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    The adversarial robustness of recommendation systems under node injection attacks has received considerable research attention. Recently, a robust recommendation system GraphRfi was proposed, and it was shown that GraphRfi could successfully mitigate the effects of injected fake users in the system. Unfortunately, we demonstrate that GraphRfi is still vulnerable to attacks due to the supervised nature of its fraudster detection component. Specifically, we propose a new attack metaC against GraphRfi, and further analyze why GraphRfi fails under such an attack. Based on the insights we obtained from the vulnerability analysis, we build a new robust recommendation system PDR by re-designing the fraudster detection component. Comprehensive experiments show that our defense approach outperforms other benchmark methods under attacks. Overall, our research demonstrates an effective framework of integrating fraudster detection into recommendation to achieve adversarial robustness

    Poisoning Attacks against Recommender Systems: A Survey

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    Modern recommender systems (RS) have seen substantial success, yet they remain vulnerable to malicious activities, notably poisoning attacks. These attacks involve injecting malicious data into the training datasets of RS, thereby compromising their integrity and manipulating recommendation outcomes for gaining illicit profits. This survey paper provides a systematic and up-to-date review of the research landscape on Poisoning Attacks against Recommendation (PAR). A novel and comprehensive taxonomy is proposed, categorizing existing PAR methodologies into three distinct categories: Component-Specific, Goal-Driven, and Capability Probing. For each category, we discuss its mechanism in detail, along with associated methods. Furthermore, this paper highlights potential future research avenues in this domain. Additionally, to facilitate and benchmark the empirical comparison of PAR, we introduce an open-source library, ARLib, which encompasses a comprehensive collection of PAR models and common datasets. The library is released at https://github.com/CoderWZW/ARLib.Comment: 9 pages,3 figure

    Securing Recommender System via Cooperative Training

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    Recommender systems are often susceptible to well-crafted fake profiles, leading to biased recommendations. Among existing defense methods, data-processing-based methods inevitably exclude normal samples, while model-based methods struggle to enjoy both generalization and robustness. To this end, we suggest integrating data processing and the robust model to propose a general framework, Triple Cooperative Defense (TCD), which employs three cooperative models that mutually enhance data and thereby improve recommendation robustness. Furthermore, Considering that existing attacks struggle to balance bi-level optimization and efficiency, we revisit poisoning attacks in recommender systems and introduce an efficient attack strategy, Co-training Attack (Co-Attack), which cooperatively optimizes the attack optimization and model training, considering the bi-level setting while maintaining attack efficiency. Moreover, we reveal a potential reason for the insufficient threat of existing attacks is their default assumption of optimizing attacks in undefended scenarios. This overly optimistic setting limits the potential of attacks. Consequently, we put forth a Game-based Co-training Attack (GCoAttack), which frames the proposed CoAttack and TCD as a game-theoretic process, thoroughly exploring CoAttack's attack potential in the cooperative training of attack and defense. Extensive experiments on three real datasets demonstrate TCD's superiority in enhancing model robustness. Additionally, we verify that the two proposed attack strategies significantly outperform existing attacks, with game-based GCoAttack posing a greater poisoning threat than CoAttack.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.1376