26,559 research outputs found

    Fast Order Basis and Kernel Basis Computation and Related Problems

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    In this thesis, we present efficient deterministic algorithms for polynomial matrix computation problems, including the computation of order basis, minimal kernel basis, matrix inverse, column basis, unimodular completion, determinant, Hermite normal form, rank and rank profile for matrices of univariate polynomials over a field. The algorithm for kernel basis computation also immediately provides an efficient deterministic algorithm for solving linear systems. The algorithm for column basis also gives efficient deterministic algorithms for computing matrix GCDs, column reduced forms, and Popov normal forms for matrices of any dimension and any rank. We reduce all these problems to polynomial matrix multiplications. The computational costs of our algorithms are then similar to the costs of multiplying matrices, whose dimensions match the input matrix dimensions in the original problems, and whose degrees equal the average column degrees of the original input matrices in most cases. The use of the average column degrees instead of the commonly used matrix degrees, or equivalently the maximum column degrees, makes our computational costs more precise and tighter. In addition, the shifted minimal bases computed by our algorithms are more general than the standard minimal bases

    Fast, deterministic computation of the Hermite normal form and determinant of a polynomial matrix

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    Given a nonsingular n×nn \times n matrix of univariate polynomials over a field K\mathbb{K}, we give fast and deterministic algorithms to compute its determinant and its Hermite normal form. Our algorithms use O~(nω⌈s⌉)\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(n^\omega \lceil s \rceil) operations in K\mathbb{K}, where ss is bounded from above by both the average of the degrees of the rows and that of the columns of the matrix and ω\omega is the exponent of matrix multiplication. The soft-OO notation indicates that logarithmic factors in the big-OO are omitted while the ceiling function indicates that the cost is O~(nω)\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(n^\omega) when s=o(1)s = o(1). Our algorithms are based on a fast and deterministic triangularization method for computing the diagonal entries of the Hermite form of a nonsingular matrix.Comment: 34 pages, 3 algorithm

    Symmetric tensor decomposition

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    We present an algorithm for decomposing a symmetric tensor, of dimension n and order d as a sum of rank-1 symmetric tensors, extending the algorithm of Sylvester devised in 1886 for binary forms. We recall the correspondence between the decomposition of a homogeneous polynomial in n variables of total degree d as a sum of powers of linear forms (Waring's problem), incidence properties on secant varieties of the Veronese Variety and the representation of linear forms as a linear combination of evaluations at distinct points. Then we reformulate Sylvester's approach from the dual point of view. Exploiting this duality, we propose necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such a decomposition of a given rank, using the properties of Hankel (and quasi-Hankel) matrices, derived from multivariate polynomials and normal form computations. This leads to the resolution of polynomial equations of small degree in non-generic cases. We propose a new algorithm for symmetric tensor decomposition, based on this characterization and on linear algebra computations with these Hankel matrices. The impact of this contribution is two-fold. First it permits an efficient computation of the decomposition of any tensor of sub-generic rank, as opposed to widely used iterative algorithms with unproved global convergence (e.g. Alternate Least Squares or gradient descents). Second, it gives tools for understanding uniqueness conditions, and for detecting the rank

    Block Tridiagonal Reduction of Perturbed Normal and Rank Structured Matrices

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    It is well known that if a matrix A∈Cn×nA\in\mathbb C^{n\times n} solves the matrix equation f(A,AH)=0f(A,A^H)=0, where f(x,y)f(x, y) is a linear bivariate polynomial, then AA is normal; AA and AHA^H can be simultaneously reduced in a finite number of operations to tridiagonal form by a unitary congruence and, moreover, the spectrum of AA is located on a straight line in the complex plane. In this paper we present some generalizations of these properties for almost normal matrices which satisfy certain quadratic matrix equations arising in the study of structured eigenvalue problems for perturbed Hermitian and unitary matrices.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Fast Computation of Minimal Interpolation Bases in Popov Form for Arbitrary Shifts

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    We compute minimal bases of solutions for a general interpolation problem, which encompasses Hermite-Pad\'e approximation and constrained multivariate interpolation, and has applications in coding theory and security. This problem asks to find univariate polynomial relations between mm vectors of size σ\sigma; these relations should have small degree with respect to an input degree shift. For an arbitrary shift, we propose an algorithm for the computation of an interpolation basis in shifted Popov normal form with a cost of O ~(mω−1σ)\mathcal{O}\tilde{~}(m^{\omega-1} \sigma) field operations, where ω\omega is the exponent of matrix multiplication and the notation O ~(⋅)\mathcal{O}\tilde{~}(\cdot) indicates that logarithmic terms are omitted. Earlier works, in the case of Hermite-Pad\'e approximation and in the general interpolation case, compute non-normalized bases. Since for arbitrary shifts such bases may have size Θ(m2σ)\Theta(m^2 \sigma), the cost bound O ~(mω−1σ)\mathcal{O}\tilde{~}(m^{\omega-1} \sigma) was feasible only with restrictive assumptions on the shift that ensure small output sizes. The question of handling arbitrary shifts with the same complexity bound was left open. To obtain the target cost for any shift, we strengthen the properties of the output bases, and of those obtained during the course of the algorithm: all the bases are computed in shifted Popov form, whose size is always O(mσ)\mathcal{O}(m \sigma). Then, we design a divide-and-conquer scheme. We recursively reduce the initial interpolation problem to sub-problems with more convenient shifts by first computing information on the degrees of the intermediate bases.Comment: 8 pages, sig-alternate class, 4 figures (problems and algorithms

    Vertex operators arising from Jacobi-Trudi identities

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    We give an interpretation of the boson-fermion correspondence as a direct consequence of Jacobi-Trudi identity. This viewpoint enables us to construct from a generalized version of the Jacobi-Trudi identity the action of Clifford algebra on polynomial algebras that arrives as analogues of the algebra of symmetric functions. A generalized Giambelli identity is also proved to follow from that identity. As applications, we obtain explicit formulas for vertex operators corresponding to characters of the classical Lie algebras, shifted Schur functions, and generalized Schur symmetric functions associated to linear recurrence relations.Comment: 23 page

    On integer programing with bounded determinants

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    Let AA be an (m×n)(m \times n) integral matrix, and let P={x:Ax≀b}P=\{ x : A x \leq b\} be an nn-dimensional polytope. The width of PP is defined as w(P)=min{x∈Zn∖{0}: maxx∈Px⊀u−minx∈Px⊀v} w(P)=min\{ x\in \mathbb{Z}^n\setminus\{0\} :\: max_{x \in P} x^\top u - min_{x \in P} x^\top v \}. Let Δ(A)\Delta(A) and ÎŽ(A)\delta(A) denote the greatest and the smallest absolute values of a determinant among all r(A)×r(A)r(A) \times r(A) sub-matrices of AA, where r(A)r(A) is the rank of a matrix AA. We prove that if every r(A)×r(A)r(A) \times r(A) sub-matrix of AA has a determinant equal to ±Δ(A)\pm \Delta(A) or 00 and w(P)≄(Δ(A)−1)(n+1)w(P)\ge (\Delta(A)-1)(n+1), then PP contains nn affine independent integer points. Also we have similar results for the case of \emph{kk-modular} matrices. The matrix AA is called \emph{totally kk-modular} if every square sub-matrix of AA has a determinant in the set {0, ±kr: r∈N}\{0,\, \pm k^r :\: r \in \mathbb{N} \}. When PP is a simplex and w(P)≄Ύ(A)−1w(P)\ge \delta(A)-1, we describe a polynomial time algorithm for finding an integer point in PP. Finally we show that if AA is \emph{almost unimodular}, then integer program max⁥{c⊀x: x∈P∩Zn}\max \{c^\top x :\: x \in P \cap \mathbb{Z}^n \} can be solved in polynomial time. The matrix AA is called \emph{almost unimodular} if Δ(A)≀2\Delta(A) \leq 2 and any (r(A)−1)×(r(A)−1)(r(A)-1)\times(r(A)-1) sub-matrix has a determinant from the set {0,±1}\{0,\pm 1\}.Comment: The proof of Lemma 4 has been fixed. Some minor corrections has been don
