668 research outputs found

    Sheaf Logic, Quantum Set Theory and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

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    Based on the Sheaf Logic approach to set theoretic forcing, a hierarchy of Quantum Variable Sets is constructed which generalizes and simplifies the analogous construction developed by Takeuti on boolean valued models of set theory. Over this model two alternative proofs of Takeuti's correspondence, between self adjoint operators and the real numbers of the model, are given. This approach results to be more constructive showing a direct relation with the Gelfand representation theorem, revealing also the importance of these results with respect to the interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in close connection with the Deutsch-Everett multiversal interpretation. Finally, it is shown how in this context the notion of genericity and the corresponding generic model theorem can help to explain the emergence of classicality also in connection with the Deutsch- Everett perspective.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figure

    Boolean Coverings of Quantum Observable Structure: A Setting for an Abstract Differential Geometric Mechanism

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    We develop the idea of employing localization systems of Boolean coverings, associated with measurement situations, in order to comprehend structures of Quantum Observables. In this manner, Boolean domain observables constitute structure sheaves of coordinatization coefficients in the attempt to probe the Quantum world. Interpretational aspects of the proposed scheme are discussed with respect to a functorial formulation of information exchange, as well as, quantum logical considerations. Finally, the sheaf theoretical construction suggests an opearationally intuitive method to develop differential geometric concepts in the quantum regime.Comment: 25 pages, Late
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