4 research outputs found

    Sharp Upper Bounds on the Signless Laplacian Spectral Radius of Strongly Connected Digraphs

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    Let G = (V (G),E(G)) be a simple strongly connected digraph and q(G) be the signless Laplacian spectral radius of G. For any vertex vi ∈ V (G), let d+i denote the outdegree of vi, m+i denote the average 2-outdegree of vi, and N+i denote the set of out-neighbors of vi. In this paper, we prove that

    Sharp upper bounds on the signless Laplacian spectral radius of strongly connected digraphs

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    Sharp Upper Bounds on the Signless Laplacian Spectral Radius of Strongly Connected Digraphs

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    Let G=(V(G),E(G)) G = (V (G),E(G)) be a simple strongly connected digraph and q(G) q(G) be the signless Laplacian spectral radius of G G . For any vertex vi∈V(G) v_i \in V (G) , let d+i d+i denote the outdegree of vi v_i , mi+ m_i^+ denote the average 2-outdegree of vi v_i , and Ni+ N_i^+ denote the set of out-neighbors of vi v_i . In this paper, we prove that: (1) q(G)=d1++d2+,(d1+β‰ d2+) q(G) = d_1^+ + d_2^+, (d_1^+ \ne d_2^+ ) if and only if G G is a star digraph K↔1,nβˆ’1 \overleftrightarrow{K}_{1,n-1} , where d1+ d_1^+ , d2+ d_2^+ are the maximum and the second maximum outdegree, respectively (K↔1,nβˆ’1 \overleftrightarrow{K}_{1,n-1} is the digraph on n n vertices obtained from a star graph K1,nβˆ’1 K_{1,nβˆ’1} by replacing each edge with a pair of oppositely directed arcs). (2) q(G)≀max{12(di++di+2+8di+mi+):vi∈V(G)} q(G) \le \text{max} \bigg\{ \frac{1}{2} \left( d_i^+ + \sqrt{ { d_i^+ }^2 + 8d_i^+ m_i^+ } \right) : v_i \in V(G) \bigg\} with equality if and only if G G is a regular digraph. (3) q(G)≀max{12(di++di+2+4di+βˆ‘vj∈Ni+dj+(dj++mj+)):vi∈V(G)} q(G) \le \text{max} \bigg\{ \frac{1}{2} \left( d_i^+ + \sqrt{ {d_i^+}^2 + \frac{4}{d_i^+} \sum_{v_j \in N_i^+ } d_j^+ ( d_j^+ + m_j^+ ) } \right) : v_i \in V(G) \bigg\} . Moreover, the equality holds if and only if G G is a regular digraph or a bipartite semiregular digraph. (4) q(G)≀max{12(di++2dj+βˆ’1+(di+βˆ’2dj++1)2+4di+):(vj,vi)∈E(G)} q(G) \le \text{max} \big\{ \frac{1}{2} \left( d_i^+ + 2d_j^+ - 1 + \sqrt{ ( d_i^+ - 2d_j^+ + 1 )^2 + 4d_i^+ } \right) : ( v_j, v_i ) \in E(G) \big\} . If the equality holds, then G G is a regular digraph or G∈Ω G \in \Omega , where Ξ© \Omega is a class of digraphs defined in this paper