779 research outputs found

    Tensor Regression Networks

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    Convolutional neural networks typically consist of many convolutional layers followed by one or more fully connected layers. While convolutional layers map between high-order activation tensors, the fully connected layers operate on flattened activation vectors. Despite empirical success, this approach has notable drawbacks. Flattening followed by fully connected layers discards multilinear structure in the activations and requires many parameters. We address these problems by incorporating tensor algebraic operations that preserve multilinear structure at every layer. First, we introduce Tensor Contraction Layers (TCLs) that reduce the dimensionality of their input while preserving their multilinear structure using tensor contraction. Next, we introduce Tensor Regression Layers (TRLs), which express outputs through a low-rank multilinear mapping from a high-order activation tensor to an output tensor of arbitrary order. We learn the contraction and regression factors end-to-end, and produce accurate nets with fewer parameters. Additionally, our layers regularize networks by imposing low-rank constraints on the activations (TCL) and regression weights (TRL). Experiments on ImageNet show that, applied to VGG and ResNet architectures, TCLs and TRLs reduce the number of parameters compared to fully connected layers by more than 65% while maintaining or increasing accuracy. In addition to the space savings, our approach's ability to leverage topological structure can be crucial for structured data such as MRI. In particular, we demonstrate significant performance improvements over comparable architectures on three tasks associated with the UK Biobank dataset

    Learning Compact Recurrent Neural Networks with Block-Term Tensor Decomposition

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    Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are powerful sequence modeling tools. However, when dealing with high dimensional inputs, the training of RNNs becomes computational expensive due to the large number of model parameters. This hinders RNNs from solving many important computer vision tasks, such as Action Recognition in Videos and Image Captioning. To overcome this problem, we propose a compact and flexible structure, namely Block-Term tensor decomposition, which greatly reduces the parameters of RNNs and improves their training efficiency. Compared with alternative low-rank approximations, such as tensor-train RNN (TT-RNN), our method, Block-Term RNN (BT-RNN), is not only more concise (when using the same rank), but also able to attain a better approximation to the original RNNs with much fewer parameters. On three challenging tasks, including Action Recognition in Videos, Image Captioning and Image Generation, BT-RNN outperforms TT-RNN and the standard RNN in terms of both prediction accuracy and convergence rate. Specifically, BT-LSTM utilizes 17,388 times fewer parameters than the standard LSTM to achieve an accuracy improvement over 15.6\% in the Action Recognition task on the UCF11 dataset.Comment: CVPR201

    Applying Deep Learning To Airbnb Search

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    The application to search ranking is one of the biggest machine learning success stories at Airbnb. Much of the initial gains were driven by a gradient boosted decision tree model. The gains, however, plateaued over time. This paper discusses the work done in applying neural networks in an attempt to break out of that plateau. We present our perspective not with the intention of pushing the frontier of new modeling techniques. Instead, ours is a story of the elements we found useful in applying neural networks to a real life product. Deep learning was steep learning for us. To other teams embarking on similar journeys, we hope an account of our struggles and triumphs will provide some useful pointers. Bon voyage!Comment: 8 page
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