83 research outputs found

    Generalized Remote Preparation of Arbitrary mm-qubit Entangled States via Genuine Entanglements

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    Herein, we present a feasible, general protocol for quantum communication within a network via generalized remote preparation of an arbitrary mm-qubit entangled state designed with genuine tripartite Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger-type entangled resources. During the implementations, we construct novel collective unitary operations; these operations are tasked with performing the necessary phase transfers during remote state preparations. We have distilled our implementation methods into a five-step procedure, which can be used to faithfully recover the desired state during transfer. Compared to previous existing schemes, our methodology features a greatly increased success probability. After the consumption of auxiliary qubits and the performance of collective unitary operations, the probability of successful state transfer is increased four-fold and eight-fold for arbitrary two- and three-qubit entanglements when compared to other methods within the literature, respectively. We conclude this paper with a discussion of the presented scheme for state preparation, including: success probabilities, reducibility and generalizability.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, Accepted to Entrop

    Entanglement, intractability and no-signaling

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    We consider the problem of deriving the no-signaling condition from the assumption that, as seen from a complexity theoretic perspective, the universe is not an exponential place. A fact that disallows such a derivation is the existence of {\em polynomial superluminal} gates, hypothetical primitive operations that enable superluminal signaling but not the efficient solution of intractable problems. It therefore follows, if this assumption is a basic principle of physics, either that it must be supplemented with additional assumptions to prohibit such gates, or, improbably, that no-signaling is not a universal condition. Yet, a gate of this kind is possibly implicit, though not recognized as such, in a decade-old quantum optical experiment involving position-momentum entangled photons. Here we describe a feasible modified version of the experiment that appears to explicitly demonstrate the action of this gate. Some obvious counter-claims are shown to be invalid. We believe that the unexpected possibility of polynomial superluminal operations arises because some practically measured quantum optical quantities are not describable as standard quantum mechanical observables.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures (REVTeX 4

    Ideal quantum protocols in the non-ideal physical world

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    The development of quantum protocols from conception to experimental realizations is one of the main sources of the stimulating exchange between fundamental and experimental research characteristic to quantum information processing. In this thesis we contribute to the development of two recent quantum protocols, Universal Blind Quantum Computation (UBQC) and Quantum Digital Signatures (QDS). UBQC allows a client to delegate a quantum computation to a more powerful quantum server while keeping the input and computation private. We analyse the resilience of the privacy of UBQC under imperfections. Then, we introduce approximate blindness quantifying any compromise to privacy, and propose a protocol which enables arbitrary levels of security despite imperfections. Subsequently, we investigate the adaptability of UBQC to alternative implementations with practical advantages. QDS allow a party to send a message to other parties which cannot be forged, modified or repudiated. We analyse the security properties of a first proof-of-principle experiment of QDS, implemented in an optical system. We estimate the security failure probabilities of our system as a function of protocol parameters, under all but the most general types of attacks. Additionally, we develop new techniques for analysing transformations between symmetric sets of states, utilized not only in the security proofs of QDS but in other applications as well

    How Much Entanglement Does a Quantum Code Need?

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    In the setting of entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs), the sender and the receiver have access to pre-shared entanglement. Such codes promise better information rates or improved error handling properties. Entanglement incurs costs and must be judiciously calibrated in designing quantum codes with good performance, relative to their deployment parameters. Revisiting known constructions, we devise tools from classical coding theory to better understand how the amount of entanglement can be varied. We present three new propagation rules and discuss how each of them affects the error handling. Tables listing the parameters of the best performing qubit and qutrit EAQECCs that we can explicitly construct are supplied for reference and comparison

    Quantum Cloning Machines and the Applications

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    No-cloning theorem is fundamental for quantum mechanics and for quantum information science that states an unknown quantum state cannot be cloned perfectly. However, we can try to clone a quantum state approximately with the optimal fidelity, or instead, we can try to clone it perfectly with the largest probability. Thus various quantum cloning machines have been designed for different quantum information protocols. Specifically, quantum cloning machines can be designed to analyze the security of quantum key distribution protocols such as BB84 protocol, six-state protocol, B92 protocol and their generalizations. Some well-known quantum cloning machines include universal quantum cloning machine, phase-covariant cloning machine, the asymmetric quantum cloning machine and the probabilistic quantum cloning machine etc. In the past years, much progress has been made in studying quantum cloning machines and their applications and implementations, both theoretically and experimentally. In this review, we will give a complete description of those important developments about quantum cloning and some related topics. On the other hand, this review is self-consistent, and in particular, we try to present some detailed formulations so that further study can be taken based on those results.Comment: 98 pages, 12 figures, 400+ references. Physics Reports (published online