6 research outputs found

    Shapes From Pixels

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    Continuous-domain visual signals are usually captured as discrete (digital) images. This operation is not invertible in general, in the sense that the continuous-domain signal cannot be exactly reconstructed based on the discrete image, unless it satisfies certain constraints (\emph{e.g.}, bandlimitedness). In this paper, we study the problem of recovering shape images with smooth boundaries from a set of samples. Thus, the reconstructed image is constrained to regenerate the same samples (consistency), as well as forming a shape (bilevel) image. We initially formulate the reconstruction technique by minimizing the shape perimeter over the set of consistent binary shapes. Next, we relax the non-convex shape constraint to transform the problem into minimizing the total variation over consistent non-negative-valued images. We also introduce a requirement (called reducibility) that guarantees equivalence between the two problems. We illustrate that the reducibility property effectively sets a requirement on the minimum sampling density. One can draw analogy between the reducibility property and the so-called restricted isometry property (RIP) in compressed sensing which establishes the equivalence of the â„“0\ell_0 minimization with the relaxed â„“1\ell_1 minimization. We also evaluate the performance of the relaxed alternative in various numerical experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Shapes from Pixels

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    In today's digital world, sampling is at the heart of any signal acquisition device. Imaging devices are ubiquitous examples that capture two-dimensional visual signals and store them as the pixels of discrete images. The main concern is whether and how the pixels provide an exact or at least a fair representation of the original visual signal in the continuous domain. This motivates the design of exact reconstruction or approximation techniques for a target class of images. Such techniques benefit different imaging tasks such as super-resolution, deblurring and compression. This thesis focuses on the reconstruction of visual signals representing a shape over a background, from their samples. Shape images have only two intensity values. However, the filtering effect caused by the sampling kernel of imaging devices smooths out the sharp transitions in the image and results in samples with varied intensity levels. To trace back the shape boundaries, we need strategies to reconstruct the original bilevel image. But, abrupt intensity changes along the shape boundaries as well as diverse shape geometries make reconstruction of this class of signals very challenging. Curvelets and contourlets have been proved as efficient multiresolution representations for the class of shape images. This motivates the approximation of shape images in the aforementioned domains. In the first part of this thesis, we study generalized sampling and infinite-dimensional compressed sensing to approximate a signal in a domain that is known to provide a sparse or efficient representation for the signal, given its samples in a different domain. We show that the generalized sampling, due to its linearity, is incapable of generating good approximation of shape images from a limited number of samples. The infinite-dimensional compressed sensing is a more promising approach. However, the concept of random sampling in this scheme does not apply to the shape reconstruction problem. Next, we propose a sampling scheme for shape images with finite rate of innovation (FRI). More specifically, we model the shape boundaries as a subset of an algebraic curve with an implicit bivariate polynomial. We show that the image parameters are solutions of a set of linear equations with the coefficients being the image moments. We then replace conventional moments with more stable generalized moments that are adjusted to the given sampling kernel. This leads to successful reconstruction of shapes with moderate complexities from samples generated with realistic sampling kernels and in the presence of moderate noise levels. Our next contribution is a scheme for recovering shapes with smooth boundaries from a set of samples. The reconstructed image is constrained to regenerate the same samples (consistency) as well as forming a bilevel image. We initially formulate the problem by minimizing the shape perimeter over the set of consistent shapes. Next, we relax the non-convex shape constraint to transform the problem into minimizing the total variation over consistent non-negative-valued images. We introduce a requirement -called reducibility- that guarantees equivalence between the two problems. We illustrate that the reducibility effectively sets a requirement on the minimum sampling density. Finally, we study a relevant problem in the Boolean algebra: the Boolean compressed sensing. The problem is about recovering a sparse Boolean vector from a few collective binary tests. We study a formulation of this problem as a binary linear program, which is NP hard. To overcome the computational burden, we can relax the binary constraint on the variables and apply a rounding to the solution. We replace the rounding procedure with a randomized algorithm. We show that the proposed algorithm considerably improves the success rate with only a slight increase in the computational cost

    Sampling and Reconstruction of Shapes with Algebraic Boundaries

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    We present a sampling theory for a class of binary images with finite rate of innovation (FRI). Every image in our model is the restriction of \mathds{1}_{\{p\leq0\}} to the image plane, where \mathds{1} denotes the indicator function and pp is some real bivariate polynomial. This particularly means that the boundaries in the image form a subset of an algebraic curve with the implicit polynomial pp. We show that the image parameters --i.e., the polynomial coefficients-- satisfy a set of linear annihilation equations with the coefficients being the image moments. The inherent sensitivity of the moments to noise makes the reconstruction process numerically unstable and narrows the choice of the sampling kernels to polynomial reproducing kernels. As a remedy to these problems, we replace conventional moments with more stable \emph{generalized moments} that are adjusted to the given sampling kernel. The benefits are threefold: (1) it relaxes the requirements on the sampling kernels, (2) produces annihilation equations that are robust at numerical precision, and (3) extends the results to images with unbounded boundaries. We further reduce the sensitivity of the reconstruction process to noise by taking into account the sign of the polynomial at certain points, and sequentially enforcing measurement consistency. We consider various numerical experiments to demonstrate the performance of our algorithm in reconstructing binary images, including low to moderate noise levels and a range of realistic sampling kernels.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    An Enhanced Image retrieval Technique based on Edge-Orientation Technique

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    With the tremendous development in Networking and Multimedia technologies, Image Retrieval plays significant roleand is used for browsing, searching and retrieving images from a large database of digital images. Image Retrieval techniques utilize annotation methods of adding metadata such as captioning, keywords or descriptions to the images. The manual image annotation is much time consuming laborious and expensive.As the data bases size increases, annotation becomes a tedious task. Thus automatic image annotationhas drawn the attention of the researchers in recent years.. The increase in social web application and the semantic web drawn attention of researchers in  the development of several web-based image retrieval tools. This paper presents an easy, efficient image retrieval approach using a new image feature descriptor called Micro-Structure Descriptor (MSD). The microstructures are defined based on an edge orientation similarly while the MSD is built based on the underlying colors in micro-structures with similar edge orientation.In this method of Image retrieval the MSD extracts features by simulating human’s early visual processing by effectively integrating color, texture, color lay out information and shape. The proposed MSD algorithm has high indexing performance and low dimensionalityas it has only 72 dimensions for full color images.The technique is examined on Corel datasets with natural images; the results demonstrate that this image retrieval method is much more efficient and effective than reprehensive feature descriptors, such as Gabor features and Multi Texton Histograms