2 research outputs found

    Constrained Interpolation And Shape Preserving Approximation By Space Curves [QA297.6. K82 2006 f rb].

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    Dua jenis masalah rekabentuk lengkung telah ipertimbangkan. Terlebih dahulu kami mempertimbangkan interpolasi satu set titik data ruang yang bertertib dengan satu lengkung licin tertakluk kepada satu set satah kekangan yang berbentuk terhingga atau tak terhingga di mana garis cebis demi cebis yang menyambung titik data secara berturutan tidak bersilang dengan satah kekangan. Two types of curve designing problem have been considered. We first consider the interpolation of a given set of ordered spatial data points by a smooth curve in the presence of a set of finite or infinite constraint planes, where the polyline joining consecutive data points does not intersect with the constraint planes

    Shape-preserving interpolation on surfaces via variable-degree splines

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    This paper proposes two, geodesic-curvature based, criteria for shape-preserving interpolation on smooth surfaces, the first criterion being of non-local nature, while the second criterion is a local (weaker) version of the first one. These criteria are tested against a family of on-surface C2 splines obtained by composing the parametric representation of the supporting surface with variable-degree (≥3) splines amended with the preimages of the shortest-path geodesic arcs connecting each pair of consecutive interpolation points. After securing that the interpolation problem is well posed, we proceed to investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the proposed on-surface splines as degrees increase. Firstly, it is shown that the local-convexity sub-criterion of the local criterion is satisfied. Second, moving to non-local asymptotics, we prove that, as degrees increase, the interpolant tends uniformly to the spline curve consisting of the shortest-path geodesic arcs. Then, focusing on isometrically parametrized developable surfaces, sufficient conditions are derived, which secure that all criteria of the first (strong) criterion for shape-preserving interpolation are met. Finally, it is proved that, for adequately large degrees, the aforementioned sufficient conditions are satisfied. This permits to build an algorithm that, after a finite number of iterations, provides a C2 shape-preserving interpolant for a given data set on a developable surface