7 research outputs found

    Geometric Loss for Deep Multiple Sclerosis lesion Segmentation

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions occupy a small fraction of the brain volume, and are heterogeneous with regards to shape, size and locations, which poses a great challenge for training deep learning based segmentation models. We proposed a new geometric loss formula to address the data imbalance and exploit the geometric property of MS lesions. We showed that traditional region-based and boundary-aware loss functions can be associated with the formula. We further develop and instantiate two loss functions containing first- and second-order geometric information of lesion regions to enforce regularization on optimizing deep segmentation models. Experimental results on two MS lesion datasets with different scales, acquisition protocols and resolutions demonstrated the superiority of our proposed methods compared to other state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 5 pages, three figure

    MTANS:Multi-Scale Mean Teacher Combined Adversarial Network with Shape-Aware Embedding for Semi-Supervised Brain Lesion Segmentation

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    The annotation of brain lesion images is a key step in clinical diagnosis and treatment of a wide spectrum of brain diseases. In recent years, segmentation methods based on deep learning have gained unprecedented popularity, leveraging a large amount of data with high-quality voxel-level annotations. However, due to the limited time clinicians can provide for the cumbersome task of manual image segmentation, semi-supervised medical image segmentation methods present an alternative solution as they require only a few labeled samples for training. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised segmentation framework that combines improved mean teacher and adversarial network. Specifically, our framework consists of (i) a student model and a teacher model for segmenting the target and generating the signed distance maps of object surfaces, and (ii) a discriminator network for extracting hierarchical features and distinguishing the signed distance maps of labeled and unlabeled data. Besides, based on two different adversarial learning processes, a multi-scale feature consistency loss derived from the student and teacher models is proposed, and a shape-aware embedding scheme is integrated into our framework. We evaluated the proposed method on the public brain lesion datasets from ISBI 2015, ISLES 2015, and BRATS 2018 for the multiple sclerosis lesion, ischemic stroke lesion, and brain tumor segmentation respectively. Experiments demonstrate that our method can effectively leverage unlabeled data while outperforming the supervised baseline and other state-of-the-art semi-supervised methods trained with the same labeled data. The proposed framework is suitable for joint training of limited labeled data and additional unlabeled data, which is expected to reduce the effort of obtaining annotated images

    Shape-Aware Organ Segmentation by Predicting Signed Distance Maps

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    Automatic Segmentation of the Mandible for Three-Dimensional Virtual Surgical Planning

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    Three-dimensional (3D) medical imaging techniques have a fundamental role in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS). 3D images are used to guide diagnosis, assess the severity of disease, for pre-operative planning, per-operative guidance and virtual surgical planning (VSP). In the field of oral cancer, where surgical resection requiring the partial removal of the mandible is a common treatment, resection surgery is often based on 3D VSP to accurately design a resection plan around tumor margins. In orthognathic surgery and dental implant surgery, 3D VSP is also extensively used to precisely guide mandibular surgery. Image segmentation from the radiography images of the head and neck, which is a process to create a 3D volume of the target tissue, is a useful tool to visualize the mandible and quantify geometric parameters. Studies have shown that 3D VSP requires accurate segmentation of the mandible, which is currently performed by medical technicians. Mandible segmentation was usually done manually, which is a time-consuming and poorly reproducible process. This thesis presents four algorithms for mandible segmentation from CT and CBCT and contributes to some novel ideas for the development of automatic mandible segmentation for 3D VSP. We implement the segmentation approaches on head and neck CT/CBCT datasets and then evaluate the performance. Experimental results show that our proposed approaches for mandible segmentation in CT/CBCT datasets exhibit high accuracy