741 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Holistic Image Generation from Key Local Patches

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    We introduce a new problem of generating an image based on a small number of key local patches without any geometric prior. In this work, key local patches are defined as informative regions of the target object or scene. This is a challenging problem since it requires generating realistic images and predicting locations of parts at the same time. We construct adversarial networks to tackle this problem. A generator network generates a fake image as well as a mask based on the encoder-decoder framework. On the other hand, a discriminator network aims to detect fake images. The network is trained with three losses to consider spatial, appearance, and adversarial information. The spatial loss determines whether the locations of predicted parts are correct. Input patches are restored in the output image without much modification due to the appearance loss. The adversarial loss ensures output images are realistic. The proposed network is trained without supervisory signals since no labels of key parts are required. Experimental results on six datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably on challenging objects and scenes.Comment: 16 page

    Visual Object Networks: Image Generation with Disentangled 3D Representation

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    Recent progress in deep generative models has led to tremendous breakthroughs in image generation. However, while existing models can synthesize photorealistic images, they lack an understanding of our underlying 3D world. We present a new generative model, Visual Object Networks (VON), synthesizing natural images of objects with a disentangled 3D representation. Inspired by classic graphics rendering pipelines, we unravel our image formation process into three conditionally independent factors---shape, viewpoint, and texture---and present an end-to-end adversarial learning framework that jointly models 3D shapes and 2D images. Our model first learns to synthesize 3D shapes that are indistinguishable from real shapes. It then renders the object's 2.5D sketches (i.e., silhouette and depth map) from its shape under a sampled viewpoint. Finally, it learns to add realistic texture to these 2.5D sketches to generate natural images. The VON not only generates images that are more realistic than state-of-the-art 2D image synthesis methods, but also enables many 3D operations such as changing the viewpoint of a generated image, editing of shape and texture, linear interpolation in texture and shape space, and transferring appearance across different objects and viewpoints.Comment: NeurIPS 2018. Code: https://github.com/junyanz/VON Website: http://von.csail.mit.edu

    Deformable Shape Completion with Graph Convolutional Autoencoders

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    The availability of affordable and portable depth sensors has made scanning objects and people simpler than ever. However, dealing with occlusions and missing parts is still a significant challenge. The problem of reconstructing a (possibly non-rigidly moving) 3D object from a single or multiple partial scans has received increasing attention in recent years. In this work, we propose a novel learning-based method for the completion of partial shapes. Unlike the majority of existing approaches, our method focuses on objects that can undergo non-rigid deformations. The core of our method is a variational autoencoder with graph convolutional operations that learns a latent space for complete realistic shapes. At inference, we optimize to find the representation in this latent space that best fits the generated shape to the known partial input. The completed shape exhibits a realistic appearance on the unknown part. We show promising results towards the completion of synthetic and real scans of human body and face meshes exhibiting different styles of articulation and partiality.Comment: CVPR 201

    Generative Face Completion

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    In this paper, we propose an effective face completion algorithm using a deep generative model. Different from well-studied background completion, the face completion task is more challenging as it often requires to generate semantically new pixels for the missing key components (e.g., eyes and mouths) that contain large appearance variations. Unlike existing nonparametric algorithms that search for patches to synthesize, our algorithm directly generates contents for missing regions based on a neural network. The model is trained with a combination of a reconstruction loss, two adversarial losses and a semantic parsing loss, which ensures pixel faithfulness and local-global contents consistency. With extensive experimental results, we demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively that our model is able to deal with a large area of missing pixels in arbitrary shapes and generate realistic face completion results.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 201

    Contextual-based Image Inpainting: Infer, Match, and Translate

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    We study the task of image inpainting, which is to fill in the missing region of an incomplete image with plausible contents. To this end, we propose a learning-based approach to generate visually coherent completion given a high-resolution image with missing components. In order to overcome the difficulty to directly learn the distribution of high-dimensional image data, we divide the task into inference and translation as two separate steps and model each step with a deep neural network. We also use simple heuristics to guide the propagation of local textures from the boundary to the hole. We show that, by using such techniques, inpainting reduces to the problem of learning two image-feature translation functions in much smaller space and hence easier to train. We evaluate our method on several public datasets and show that we generate results of better visual quality than previous state-of-the-art methods.Comment: ECCV 2018 camera read
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