30,108 research outputs found

    Shape identification in inverse medium scattering problems with a single far-field pattern

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    Consider time-harmonic acoustic scattering from a bounded penetrable obstacle D⊂RND\subset \mathbb R^N embedded in a homogeneous background medium. The index of refraction characterizing the material inside DD is supposed to be H\"older continuous near the corners. If D⊂R2D\subset \mathbb R^2 is a convex polygon, we prove that its shape and location can be uniquely determined by the far-field pattern incited by a single incident wave at a fixed frequency. In dimensions N≥3N \geq 3, the uniqueness applies to penetrable scatterers of rectangular type with additional assumptions on the smoothness of the contrast. Our arguments are motivated by recent studies on the absence of non-scattering wavenumbers in domains with corners. As a byproduct, we show that the smoothness conditions in previous corner scattering results are only required near the corners

    Locating Multiple Multi-scale Electromagnetic Scatterers by A Single Far-field Measurement

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    Two inverse scattering schemes were recently developed in \cite{LiLiuShangSun} for locating multiple electromagnetic (EM) scatterers, respectively, of small size and regular size compared to the detecting EM wavelength. Both schemes make use of a single far-field measurement. The scheme of locating regular-size scatterers requires the {\it a priori} knowledge of the possible shapes, orientations and sizes of the underlying scatterer components. In this paper, we extend that imaging scheme to a much more practical setting by relaxing the requirement on the orientations and sizes. We also develop an imaging scheme of locating multiple multi-scale EM scatterers, which may include at the same time, both components of regular size and small size. For the second scheme, a novel local re-sampling technique is developed. Furthermore, more robust and accurate reconstruction can be achieved for the second scheme if an additional far-field measurement is used. Rigorous mathematical justifications are provided and numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and the promising features of the proposed imaging schemes.Comment: Any comments are welcom
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