135 research outputs found

    Shadow Tomography of Quantum States

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    We introduce the problem of *shadow tomography*: given an unknown DD-dimensional quantum mixed state ρ\rho, as well as known two-outcome measurements E1,,EME_{1},\ldots,E_{M}, estimate the probability that EiE_{i} accepts ρ\rho, to within additive error ε\varepsilon, for each of the MM measurements. How many copies of ρ\rho are needed to achieve this, with high probability? Surprisingly, we give a procedure that solves the problem by measuring only O~(ε4log4MlogD)\widetilde{O}\left( \varepsilon^{-4}\cdot\log^{4} M\cdot\log D\right) copies. This means, for example, that we can learn the behavior of an arbitrary nn-qubit state, on all accepting/rejecting circuits of some fixed polynomial size, by measuring only nO(1)n^{O\left( 1\right)} copies of the state. This resolves an open problem of the author, which arose from his work on private-key quantum money schemes, but which also has applications to quantum copy-protected software, quantum advice, and quantum one-way communication. Recently, building on this work, Brand\~ao et al. have given a different approach to shadow tomography using semidefinite programming, which achieves a savings in computation time.Comment: 29 pages, extended abstract appeared in Proceedings of STOC'2018, revised to give slightly better upper bound (1/eps^4 rather than 1/eps^5) and lower bounds with explicit dependence on the dimension

    Hamiltonian-Driven Shadow Tomography of Quantum States

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    Classical shadow tomography provides an efficient method for predicting functions of an unknown quantum state from a few measurements of the state. It relies on a unitary channel that efficiently scrambles the quantum information of the state to the measurement basis. Facing the challenge of realizing deep unitary circuits on near-term quantum devices, we explore the scenario in which the unitary channel can be shallow and is generated by a quantum chaotic Hamiltonian via time evolution. We provide an unbiased estimator of the density matrix for all ranges of the evolution time. We analyze the sample complexity of the Hamiltonian-driven shadow tomography. For Pauli observables, we find that it can be more efficient than the unitary-2-design-based shadow tomography in a sequence of intermediate time windows that range from an order-1 scrambling time to a time scale of D1/6D^{1/6}, given the Hilbert space dimension DD. In particular, the efficiency of predicting diagonal Pauli observables is improved by a factor of DD without sacrificing the efficiency of predicting off-diagonal Pauli observables.Comment: 4+epsilon pages, 2 figures, with appendix. Add detailed discussion and numerical evidence in the new version. Add and modify some reference

    Collective randomized measurements in quantum information processing

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    The concept of randomized measurements on individual particles has proven to be useful for analyzing quantum systems and is central for methods like shadow tomography of quantum states. We introduce collective\textit{collective} randomized measurements as a tool in quantum information processing. Our idea is to perform measurements of collective angular momentum on a quantum system and actively rotate the directions using simultaneous multilateral unitaries. Based on the moments of the resulting probability distribution, we propose systematic approaches to characterize quantum entanglement in a collective-reference-frame-independent manner. First, we show that existing spin-squeezing inequalities can be accessible in this scenario. Next, we present an entanglement criterion based on three-body correlations, going beyond spin-squeezing inequalities with two-body correlations. Finally, we apply our method to characterize entanglement between spatially-separated two ensembles.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Observing Schr\"odinger's Cat with Artificial Intelligence: Emergent Classicality from Information Bottleneck

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    We train a generative language model on the randomized local measurement data collected from Schr\"odinger's cat quantum state. We demonstrate that the classical reality emerges in the language model due to the information bottleneck: although our training data contains the full quantum information about Schr\"odinger's cat, a weak language model can only learn to capture the classical reality of the cat from the data. We identify the quantum-classical boundary in terms of both the size of the quantum system and the information processing power of the classical intelligent agent, which indicates that a stronger agent can realize more quantum nature in the environmental noise surrounding the quantum system. Our approach opens up a new avenue for using the big data generated on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices to train generative models for representation learning of quantum operators, which might be a step toward our ultimate goal of creating an artificial intelligence quantum physicist.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Improvements in Quantum SDP-Solving with Applications

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    Following the first paper on quantum algorithms for SDP-solving by Brandão and Svore [Brandão and Svore, 2017] in 2016, rapid developments have been made on quantum optimization algorithms. In this paper we improve and generalize all prior quantum algorithms for SDP-solving and give a simpler and unified framework. We take a new perspective on quantum SDP-solvers and introduce several new techniques. One of these is the quantum operator input model, which generalizes the different input models used in previous work, and essentially any other reasonable input model. This new model assumes that the input matrices are embedded in a block of a unitary operator. In this model we give a O~((sqrt{m}+sqrt{n}gamma)alpha gamma^4) algorithm, where n is the size of the matrices, m is the number of constraints, gamma is the reciprocal of the scale-invariant relative precision parameter, and alpha is a normalization factor of the input matrices. In particular for the standard sparse-matrix access, the above result gives a quantum algorithm where alpha=s. We also improve on recent results of Brandão et al. [Fernando G. S. L. Brandão et al., 2018], who consider the special case w

    Online Learning of Quantum States

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    Suppose we have many copies of an unknown nn-qubit state ρ\rho. We measure some copies of ρ\rho using a known two-outcome measurement E1E_{1}, then other copies using a measurement E2E_{2}, and so on. At each stage tt, we generate a current hypothesis σt\sigma_{t} about the state ρ\rho, using the outcomes of the previous measurements. We show that it is possible to do this in a way that guarantees that Tr(Eiσt)Tr(Eiρ)|\operatorname{Tr}(E_{i} \sigma_{t}) - \operatorname{Tr}(E_{i}\rho) |, the error in our prediction for the next measurement, is at least ε\varepsilon at most O ⁣(n/ε2)\operatorname{O}\!\left(n / \varepsilon^2 \right) times. Even in the "non-realizable" setting---where there could be arbitrary noise in the measurement outcomes---we show how to output hypothesis states that do significantly worse than the best possible states at most O ⁣(Tn)\operatorname{O}\!\left(\sqrt {Tn}\right) times on the first TT measurements. These results generalize a 2007 theorem by Aaronson on the PAC-learnability of quantum states, to the online and regret-minimization settings. We give three different ways to prove our results---using convex optimization, quantum postselection, and sequential fat-shattering dimension---which have different advantages in terms of parameters and portability.Comment: 18 page

    Fewer measurements from shadow tomography with NN-representability conditions

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    Classical shadow tomography provides a randomized scheme for approximating the quantum state and its properties at reduced computational cost with applications in quantum computing. In this Letter we present an algorithm for realizing fewer measurements in the shadow tomography of many-body systems by imposing NN-representability constraints. Accelerated tomography of the two-body reduced density matrix (2-RDM) is achieved by combining classical shadows with necessary constraints for the 2-RDM to represent an NN-body system, known as NN-representability conditions. We compute the ground-state energies and 2-RDMs of hydrogen chains and the N2_{2} dissociation curve. Results demonstrate a significant reduction in the number of measurements with important applications to quantum many-body simulations on near-term quantum devices