12 research outputs found

    A conjecture on permutation trinomials over finite fields of characteristic two

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    In this paper, by analyzing the quadratic factors of an 1111-th degree polynomial over the finite field \ftwon, a conjecture on permutation trinomials over \ftwon[x] proposed very recently by Deng and Zheng is settled, where n=2mn=2m and mm is a positive integer with gcd⁑(m,5)=1\gcd(m,5)=1

    New Permutation Trinomials From Niho Exponents over Finite Fields with Even Characteristic

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    In this paper, a class of permutation trinomials of Niho type over finite fields with even characteristic is further investigated. New permutation trinomials from Niho exponents are obtained from linear fractional polynomials over finite fields, and it is shown that the presented results are the generalizations of some earlier works

    On a Class of Permutation Trinomials in Characteristic 2

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    Recently, Tu, Zeng, Li, and Helleseth considered trinomials of the form f(X)=X+aXq(qβˆ’1)+1+bX2(qβˆ’1)+1∈Fq2[X]f(X)=X+aX^{q(q-1)+1}+bX^{2(q-1)+1}\in\Bbb F_{q^2}[X], where qq is even and a,b∈Fq2βˆ—a,b\in\Bbb F_{q^2}^*. They found sufficient conditions on a,ba,b for ff to be a permutation polynomial (PP) of Fq2\Bbb F_{q^2} and they conjectured that the sufficient conditions are also necessary. The conjecture has been confirmed by Bartoli using the Hasse-Weil bound. In this paper, we give an alternative solution to the question. We also use the Hasse-Weil bound, but in a different way. Moreover, the necessity and sufficiency of the conditions are proved by the same approach

    Two types of permutation polynomials with special forms

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    Let qq be a power of a prime and Fq\mathbb{F}_q be a finite field with qq elements. In this paper, we propose four families of infinite classes of permutation trinomials having the form cxβˆ’xs+xqscx-x^s + x^{qs} over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}, and investigate the relationship between this type of permutation polynomials with that of the form (xqβˆ’x+Ξ΄)s+cx(x^q-x+\delta)^s+cx. Based on this relation, many classes of permutation trinomials having the form (xqβˆ’x+Ξ΄)s+cx(x^q-x+\delta)^s+cx without restriction on Ξ΄\delta over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} are derived from known permutation trinomials having the form cxβˆ’xs+xqscx-x^s + x^{qs}

    A family of permutation trinomials in Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}

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    Let p>3p>3 and consider a prime power q=phq=p^h. We completely characterize permutation polynomials of Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} of the type fa,b(X)=X(1+aXq(qβˆ’1)+bX2(qβˆ’1))∈Fq2[X]f_{a,b}(X) = X(1 + aX^{q(q-1)} + bX^{2(q-1)}) \in \mathbb{F}_{q^2}[X]. In particular, using connections with algebraic curves over finite fields, we show that the already known sufficient conditions are also necessary

    New Constructions of Permutation Polynomials of the Form xrh(xqβˆ’1)x^rh\left(x^{q-1}\right) over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}

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    Permutation polynomials over finite fields have been studied extensively recently due to their wide applications in cryptography, coding theory, communication theory, among others. Recently, several authors have studied permutation trinomials of the form xrh(xqβˆ’1)x^rh\left(x^{q-1}\right) over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}, where q=2kq=2^k, h(x)=1+xs+xth(x)=1+x^s+x^t and r,s,t,k>0r, s, t, k>0 are integers. Their methods are essentially usage of a multiplicative version of AGW Criterion because they all transformed the problem of proving permutation polynomials over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} into that of showing the corresponding fractional polynomials permute a smaller set ΞΌq+1\mu_{q+1}, where ΞΌq+1:={x∈Fq2:xq+1=1}\mu_{q+1}:=\{x\in\mathbb{F}_{q^2} : x^{q+1}=1\}. Motivated by these results, we characterize the permutation polynomials of the form xrh(xqβˆ’1)x^rh\left(x^{q-1}\right) over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} such that h(x)∈Fq[x]h(x)\in\mathbb{F}_q[x] is arbitrary and qq is also an arbitrary prime power. Using AGW Criterion twice, one is multiplicative and the other is additive, we reduce the problem of proving permutation polynomials over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} into that of showing permutations over a small subset SS of a proper subfield Fq\mathbb{F}_{q}, which is significantly different from previously known methods. In particular, we demonstrate our method by constructing many new explicit classes of permutation polynomials of the form xrh(xqβˆ’1)x^rh\left(x^{q-1}\right) over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}. Moreover, we can explain most of the known permutation trinomials, which are in [6, 13, 14, 16, 20, 29], over finite field with even characteristic.Comment: 29 pages. An early version of this paper was presented at Fq13 in Naples, Ital

    On the constructions of nn-cycle permutations

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    Any permutation polynomial is an n n -cycle permutation. When nn is a specific small positive integer, one can obtain efficient permutations, such as involutions, triple-cycle permutations and quadruple-cycle permutations. These permutations have important applications in cryptography and coding theory. Inspired by the AGW Criterion, we propose criteria for n n -cycle permutations, which mainly are of the form xrh(xs) x^rh(x^s) . We then propose unified constructing methods including recursive ways and a cyclotomic way for n n -cycle permutations of such form. We demonstrate our approaches by constructing three classes of explicit triple-cycle permutations with high index and two classes of n n -cycle permutations with low index

    Finding compositional inverses of permutations from the AGW criterion

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    Permutation polynomials and their compositional inverses have wide applications in cryptography, coding theory, and combinatorial designs. Motivated by several previous results on finding compositional inverses of permutation polynomials of different forms, we propose a general method for finding these inverses of permutation polynomials constructed by the AGW criterion. As a result, we have reduced the problem of finding the compositional inverse of such a permutation polynomial over a finite field to that of finding the inverse of a bijection over a smaller set. We demonstrate our method by interpreting several recent known results, as well as by providing new explicit results on more classes of permutation polynomials in different types. In addition, we give new criteria for these permutation polynomials being involutions. Explicit constructions are also provided for all involutory criteria.Comment: 24 pages. Revision submitte

    Determination of a Class of Permutation Trinomials in Characteristic Three

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    Let f(X)=X(1+aXq(qβˆ’1)+bX2(qβˆ’1))∈Fq2[X]f(X)=X(1+aX^{q(q-1)}+bX^{2(q-1)})\in\Bbb F_{q^2}[X], where a,b∈Fq2βˆ—a,b\in\Bbb F_{q^2}^*. In a series of recent papers by several authors, sufficient conditions on aa and bb were found for ff to be a permutation polynomial (PP) of Fq2\Bbb F_{q^2} and, in characteristic 22, the sufficient conditions were shown to be necessary. In the present paper, we confirm that in characteristic 3, the sufficient conditions are also necessary. More precisely, we show that when char Fq=3\text{char}\,\Bbb F_q=3, ff is a PP of Fq2\Bbb F_{q^2} if and only if (ab)q=a(bq+1βˆ’aq+1)(ab)^q=a(b^{q+1}-a^{q+1}) and 1βˆ’(b/a)q+11-(b/a)^{q+1} is a square in Fqβˆ—\Bbb F_q^*.Comment: 31 page

    Permutation polynomials and complete permutation polynomials over Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^{3}}

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    Motivated by many recent constructions of permutation polynomials over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}, we study permutation polynomials over Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^3} in terms of their coefficients. Based on the multivariate method and resultant elimination, we construct several new classes of sparse permutation polynomials over Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^3}, q=pkq=p^{k}, pβ‰₯3p\geq3. Some of them are complete mappings.Comment: 31 page