27 research outputs found

    QoS-Aware Mobile Service Selection Algorithm

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    QoS-Aware Mobile Service Selection Algorithm

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    For the problem of mobile service selection, this paper gives a context-aware service selection algorithm based on Genetic Algorithm. In this algorithm, a tree encoding method, a fitness function, and a fitness-better strategy were proposed. The tree encoding mode made Genetic Algorithm support selection of various types of service combinations, for example, sequence composition, concurrence composition, probability composition, and loop composition. According to the encoding method, a fitness function was designed specially. The fitness-better strategy gives the direction of population evolution and avoids the degradation of population fitness. Some experiments analyses show that the provided service selection algorithm can get better service composition

    Jolie and LEMMA: Model-Driven Engineering and Programming Languages Meet on Microservices

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    Part 3: Large-Scale Decentalised SystemsInternational audienceIn microservices, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has emerged as a powerful methodology for architectural design. Independently, the community of programming languages has investigated new linguistic abstractions for effective microservice development. Here, we present the first preliminary study of how the two approaches can crosspollinate, taking the LEMMA framework and the Jolie programming language as respective representatives. We establish a common ground for comparing the two technologies in terms of metamodels, discuss practical enhancements that can be derived from the comparison, and present some directions for future work that arise from our new viewpoint

    Vnode: Low-overhead Transparent Tracing of Node.js-based Microservice Architectures

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    Tracing serves as a key method for evaluating the performance of microservices-based architectures, which are renowned for their scalability, resource efficiency, and high availability. Despite their advantages, these architectures often pose unique debugging challenges that necessitate trade-offs, including the burden of instrumentation overhead. With Node.js emerging as a leading development environment, recognized for its rapidly growing ecosystem, there is a pressing need for innovative approaches that reduce the telemetry data collection efforts, and the overhead incurred by the environment instrumentation. In response, we introduce a new approach designed for transparent tracing and seamless deployment of microservices in cloud settings. This approach is centered around our newly developed Internal Transparent Tracing and Context Reconstruction (ITTCR) algorithm. ITTCR is adept at correlating internal metrics from various distributed trace files, to reconstruct the intricate execution contexts of microservices operating in a Node.js environment. Our method achieves transparency by directly instrumenting the Node.js virtual machine, enabling the collection and analysis of trace events in a transparent manner. This process facilitates the creation of visualization tools, enhancing the understanding and analysis of microservice performance in cloud environments

    Advanced Strategies for Precise and Transparent Debugging of Performance Issues in In-Memory Data Store-Based Microservices

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    The rise of microservice architectures has revolutionized application design, fostering adaptability and resilience. These architectures facilitate scaling and encourage collaborative efforts among specialized teams, streamlining deployment and maintenance. Critical to this ecosystem is the demand for low latency, prompting the adoption of cloud-based structures and in-memory data storage. This shift optimizes data access times, supplanting direct disk access and driving the adoption of non-relational databases. Despite their benefits, microservice architectures present challenges in system performance and debugging, particularly as complexity grows. Performance issues can readily cascade through components, jeopardizing user satisfaction and service quality. Existing monitoring approaches often require code instrumentation, demanding extensive developer involvement. Recent strategies like proxies and service meshes aim to enhance tracing transparency, but introduce added configuration complexities. Our innovative solution introduces a new framework that transparently integrates heterogeneous microservices, enabling the creation of tailored tools for fine-grained performance debugging, especially for in-memory data store-based microservices. This approach leverages transparent user-level tracing, employing a two-level abstraction analysis model to pinpoint key performance influencers. It harnesses system tracing and advanced analysis to provide visualization tools for identifying intricate performance issues. In a performance-centric landscape, this approach offers a promising solution to ensure peak efficiency and reliability for in-memory data store-based cloud applications

    Modeling Interaction-Oriented Architectures using Choreographies

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    The Software architecture of a system can be regarded as a consistent set of views to describe the system. This paper focuses on the interaction between components in a system. These can be modeled as choreographies, capturing all allowed interactions between the components. In this paper, we show that it is feasible to analyze a composed set of these choreographies: a tree of choreographies in which each member may refer to another. The two major components of the analysis are correctness by structure: a choreography needs to follow strict rules to guarantee soundness. Otherwise, the choreography is transformed into a Petri net which is checked by an external tool. This paper shows the theoretical techniques to verify a composed choreography, and implements the solutions into a single educational modeler tool: INORA2