316,139 research outputs found

    Master of Science

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    thesisArguably, the inherent complexity of network management makes it the top concern for network operators. While true for all networks, network management complexity is significantly exacerbated in open access networks where, unlike more monolithic "closed access networks," services are provided by different service providers on a shared network infrastructure that is operated by a separate network owner/operator. The intricate responsibilities of the role players in this environment, combined with the lack of automation in current network management and operation practices, conspire to prevent open access networks from reaching their true potential. In this thesis, we present our work on the FlowOps framework to address these concerns. FlowOps is a network management and operations framework that provides structured, automated network management for heterogeneous open access network environments. In FlowOps, we are exploring the use of a production rules system to realize automated network management and operations. This rule-based approach enables us to accurately model dependencies and relationships of devices and role players in an open access network. FlowOps enables the automation of network configuration and fault management tasks in both traditional and software-defined networks. We present a prototype implementation of FlowOps and demonstrate its utility for network operators, service providers, and end users

    A flexible information service for management of virtualized software-defined infrastructures

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    Summary There is a major shift in the Internet towards using programmable and virtualized network devices, offering significant flexibility and adaptability. New networking paradigms such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization bring networks and IT domains closer together using appropriate architectural abstractions. In this context, new and novel information management features need to be introduced. The deployed management and control entities in these environments should have a clear, and often global, view of the network environment and should exchange information in alternative ways (e.g. some may have real-time constraints, while others may be throughput sensitive). Our work addresses these two network management features. In this paper, we define the research challenges in information management for virtualized highly dynamic environments. Along these lines, we introduce and present the design details of the virtual infrastructure information service, a new management information handling framework that (i) provides logically centralized information flow establishment, optimization, coordination, synchronization and management with respect to the diverse management and control entity demands; (ii) is designed according to the characteristics and requirements of software-defined networking and network function virtualization; and (iii) inter-operates with our own virtualized infrastructure framework. Evaluation results demonstrating the flexible and adaptable behaviour of the virtual infrastructure information service and its main operations are included in the paper. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Dynamic Virtual Network Reconfiguration Over SDN Orchestrated Multitechnology Optical Transport Domains

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    Network virtualization is an emerging technique that enables multiple tenants to share an underlying physical infrastructure, isolating the traffic running over different virtual infrastructures/tenants. This technique aims to improve network utilization, while reducing the complexities in terms of network management for operators. Applied to this context, software defined networking (SDN) paradigm can ease network configurations by enabling network programmability and automation, which reduces the amount of operations required from both service and infrastructure providers. SDN techniques are decreasing vendor lock-in issues due to specific configuration methods or protocols. Application-based Network Operations (ABNO) is a toolbox of key network functional components with the goal of offering application-driven network management. Service provisioning using ABNO may involve direct configuration of data plane elements or delegate it to several control plane modules. We validate the applicability of ABNO to multi-tenant virtual networks in multi-technology optical domains based on two scenarios, in which multiple control plane instances are orchestrated by the architecture. Congestion Detection and Failure Recovery, are chosen to demonstrate fast recalculation and reconfiguration, while hiding the configurations in the physical layer from the upper layer.Grant numbers : supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the project FARO (TEC2012-38119)

    An Integrated SDN-Based Architecture for Passive Optical Networks

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    Passive optical network (PON) are often managed by non-flexible, proprietary network management systems. Software defined networking (SDN) opens the way for a more efficient operation and management of networks. We describe a new SDN-based architecture for Ethernet passive optical networks (EPON), in which some functions of the optical line terminal (OLT) are virtualized and located in an external controller, while keeping the rest of the passive optical network (PON) functionality around an OpenFlow switch. This opens the way for an improved management of the resource usage, bandwidth allocation, quality-of-service (QoS) monitoring and enforcement, or power consumption management, among other possibilities. In order to maintain the time-sensitive nature of the EPON operations, synchronous ports are added to the switch. OpenFlow messages are extended in order to cope with the PON-related parameters. Results based on simulations demonstrate that our proposal performs similarly or better than legacy architectures, in terms of delay and throughput

    An integrated SDN-based architecture for Passive Optical Networks

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    Passive Optical Network (PON) are often managed by non-flexible, proprietary network management systems. Software Defined Networking (SDN) opens the way for a more efficient operation and management of networks. We describe a new SDN-based architecture for Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPON), in which some functions of the Optical Line Terminal (OLT) are virtualized and located in an external controller, while keeping the rest of the PON functionality around an Open Flow switch. This opens the way for an improved management of the resource usage, bandwidth allocation, Quality-of-Service (QoS) monitoring and enforcement, or power consumption management, among other possibilities. In order to maintain the time-sensitive nature of the EPON operations, synchronous ports are added to the switch. OpenFlow messages are extended in order to cope with the PON-related parameters. Results based on simulations demonstrate that our proposal performs similarly or better than legacy architectures, in terms of delay and throughput.Postprint (author's final draft

    A Northbound Interface for Software-based Networks

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    The current shift from traditional network architectures to software-based solutions is offering new opportunities to allow network functionality to be managed in a flexible way. Substantial efforts have been invested in the recent years in the development of new network management approaches taking advantage of emerging paradigms such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization. Until now however there has not been much progress in the development of a northbound interface (NBI) linking high-level requirements (HLRs) capturing business objectives to management operations. This is a crucial functionality to facilitate faster service deployment and realization of business objectives. In this paper we extend the efforts towards the development of a NBI and propose a novel approach for the automatic decomposition of HLRs to network management operations. We demonstrate its functionality based on representative use cases and evaluate its feasibility through prototype implementation. The results obtained show that our solution can translate new technical requirements to network configurations in the order of a few seconds, thus enabling the management of network functionality and services in short timescales

    A Northbound Interface for Software-based Networks

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    The current shift from traditional network architectures to software-based solutions is offering new opportunities to allow network functionality to be managed in a flexible way. Substantial efforts have been invested in the recent years in the development of new network management approaches taking advantage of emerging paradigms such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization. Until now however there has not been much progress in the development of a northbound interface (NBI) linking high-level requirements (HLRs) capturing business objectives to management operations. This is a crucial functionality to facilitate faster service deployment and realization of business objectives. In this paper we extend the efforts towards the development of a NBI and propose a novel approach for the automatic decomposition of HLRs to network management operations. We demonstrate its functionality based on representative use cases and evaluate its feasibility through prototype implementation. The results obtained show that our solution can translate new technical requirements to network configurations in the order of a few seconds, thus enabling the management of network functionality and services in short timescales

    Migration cost optimization for service provider legacy network migration to software-defined IPv6 network

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Dawadi, BR, Rawat, DB, Joshi, SR, Manzoni, P, Keitsch, MM. Migration cost optimization for service provider legacy network migration to software-defined IPv6 network. Int J Network Mgmt. 2021; 31:e2145, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/nem.2145. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] This paper studies a problem for seamless migration of legacy networks of Internet service providers to a software-defined networking (SDN)-based architecture along with the transition to the full adoption of the Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) connectivity. Migration of currently running legacy IPv4 networks into such new approaches requires either upgrades or replacement of existing networking devices and technologies that are actively operating. The joint migration to SDN and IPv6 network is considered to be vital in terms of migration cost optimization, skilled human resource management, and other critical factors. In this work, we first present the approaches of SDN and IPv6 migration in service providers' networks. Then, we present the common concerns of IPv6 and SDN migration with joint transition strategies so that the cost associated with joint migration is minimized to lower than that of the individual migration. For the incremental adoption of software-defined IPv6 (SoDIP6) network with optimum migration cost, a greedy algorithm is proposed based on optimal path and the customer priority. Simulation and empirical analysis show that a unified transition planning to SoDIP6 network results in lower migration cost.U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Grant/Award Number: CNS 1650831 and HRD 1828811; ERASMUS+ KA107; Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST); Norwegian University of Science and Technology; University Grant Commission (UGC), Nepal, Grant/Award Number: FRG/74_75/Engg-1Dawadi, BR.; Rawat, DB.; Joshi, SR.; Manzoni, P.; Keitsch, MM. (2021). Migration cost optimization for service provider legacy network migration to software-defined IPv6 network. International Journal of Network Management. 31(4):1-24. https://doi.org/10.1002/nem.2145S124314APNIC.IPv6 capability measurement.https://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6. Accessed April 22 2020.Google Incl. IPv6 user access status.https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html. Accessed February 16 2020.Rawat, D. B., & Reddy, S. R. (2017). Software Defined Networking Architecture, Security and Energy Efficiency: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 19(1), 325-346. doi:10.1109/comst.2016.2618874Dai, B., Xu, G., Huang, B., Qin, P., & Xu, Y. (2017). Enabling network innovation in data center networks with software defined networking: A survey. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 94, 33-49. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2017.07.004Kobayashi, M., Seetharaman, S., Parulkar, G., Appenzeller, G., Little, J., van Reijendam, J., 
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