3 research outputs found

    Series current flow controllers for DC grids

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    Large-scale grid integration of renewables and cross-country border energy exchange may be facilitated by multi-terminal high-voltage direct-current (MTDC) grids. However, as the number of terminals and dc lines increases, power flow management may become a major challenge. This paper addresses such a fundamental issue through the introduction of current flow controllers (CFCs) into the MTDC grid. A CFC is a low power rated controllable voltage source that can enhance system performance by suitably redirecting the power flow at the point of connection. This is achieved through the regulation of the dc line current by introducing a series voltage at the connection node. The characteristics, control, and operation for three configurations of series-connected CFCs are studied. These have been termed a dual-thyristor converter CFC, a cascaded voltage source converter-dc chopper-based CFC, and a dual H-bridge CFC (2B-CFC). A four-terminal MTDC grid has been modeled in Simulink/SimPowerSystems to analyze the dynamic performance of the devices. The simulation results show that all devices are capable of improving system performance. In addition, the CFCs are compared in terms of controllability and dc fault performance. For completeness, a 2B-CFC prototype has been developed to study the impact of a CFC on MTDC grid operation, with an MTDC test rig used to validate simulation results

    A hybrid modular interline current flow controller for meshed HVDC grids

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    In meshed high voltage direct current (HVDC) grid, the current flows through the lines cannot be controlled with sufficient freedom without additional power electronics based devices, namely current flow controller (CFC). In this paper, a novel hybrid modular interline CFC is proposed based on H-bridge sub-modules (SMs) and thyristor valves. Due to its modularity, the proposed CFC is particularly suitable for applications requiring high voltage and large power capacity. The circuit structure, operation principle and parameter design are presented. In addition, a control strategy is developed for the proposed CFC. Simulations are carried out using a four-terminal meshed HVDC grid to verify the effectiveness of the topology and its control strategy. A downscaled prototype is built which further validates the proposed CFC

    Series Current Flow Controllers for DC Grids

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