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    Issues in Group Sequential/Adaptive Designs

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    In recent years, there has been great interest in the use of adaptive features in clinical trials (i.e., changes in design or analyses guided by examination of the accumulated data at an interim point in the trial) that may make the studies more efficient (e.g., shorter duration, fewer patients). Many statistical methods have been developed to maintain the validity of study results when adaptive designs are used (e.g., control of the Type I error rate). Group sequential designs, which allow early stopping for efficacy in light of compelling evidence of benefit or early stopping for futility when the likelihood of success is low at interim analyses, have been widely used for many years. In this dissertation, we study several aspects of statistical issues in group sequential/adaptive designs. Sample size re-estimation has drawn a great deal of interest due to its permitting revision of the target treatment difference based on the unblinded interim analysis results from an ongoing trial. A possible risk of ublinded sample size re-estimation is that the exact treatment effect being observed at interim analysis might be back-calculated from the modified sample size, which might jeopardize the integrity of the trial. In the first project, we propose a pre-specified stepwise two-stage sample size adaptation to lessen the information on treatment effect that would be revealed. We minimize expected sample size among a class of these designs and compare efficiency with the fully optimized two-stage design, optimal two-stage group sequential design and designs based on promising conditional power. In the second project, we define the complete ordering of a group sequential sample space and show that a Wang-Tsiatis boundary family or an exponential spending function family can completely order the sample space. We also propose a simple method to transform a spending function to a completely ordered sample space when using the sequential p-value ordering. This method is also extended to β-spending functions for p-values to reject the alternative hypothesis. In the third project, we propose a simple approach for controlling the familywise error rate in a group sequential design with multiple testing. We apply sequential p-values at the interim analysis from a group sequential design to the sequentially rejective graphical procedure which is based on the closure principle. We also use simulations to study the operating characteristics of multiple testing in group sequential designs. We show that in terms of expected sample size, using a group sequential design in multiple hypothesis testing is more efficient than fixed sample size designs in many scenarios

    Multiple testing problems in classical clinical trial and adaptive designs

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    Multiplicity issues arise prevalently in a variety of situations in clinical trials and statistical methods for multiple testing have gradually gained importance with the increasing number of complex clinical trial designs. In general, two types of multiple testing can be performed (Dmitrienko et al., 2009): union-intersection testing (UIT) and intersection-union testing (IUT). The UIT is of the interest in this dissertation. Thus, the familywise error rate (FWER) is required to be controlled in the strong sense. A number of methods have been developed for controlling the FWER, including single-step and stepwise procedures. In single-step approaches, such as the simple Bonferroni method, the rejection decision of a hypothesis does not depend on the decision of any other hypotheses. Single-step approaches can be improved in terms of power through stepwise approaches, while also controlling for the desired error rate. Besides, it is also possible to improve those procedures by a parametric approach. In the first project, we developed a new and powerful single-step progressive parametric multiple (SPPM) testing procedure for correlated normal test statistics. Through simulation studies, we demonstrate that SPPM improves power substantially when the correlation is moderate and/or the magnitude of eect sizes are similar. Group sequential designs (GSD) are clinical trials allowing interim looks with the possibility of early terminations due to ecacy, harm or futility, which can reduce the overall costs and timelines for the development of a new drug. However, repeated looks of data also have multiplicity issues and could inflate the type I error rate. The proper treatments to the error inflation have been discussed widely (Pocock, 1977), (O'Brien and Fleming, 1979), (Wang and Tsiatis, 1987), (Lan and DeMets, 1983). Most literature about GSD focuses on a single endpoint. GSD with multiple endpoints however, has also received considerable attention. The main focus of our second project is a GSD with multiple primary endpoints, in which the trial is to evaluate whether at least one of the endpoints is statistically signicant. In this study design, multiplicity issues arise from repeated interims and multiple endpoints. Therefore, the appropriate adjustments must be made to control the Type I error rate. Our second purpose here is to show that the combination of multiple endpoint and repeated interim analyses can lead to a more powerful design. Via the multivariate normal distribution, a method that allows for simultaneously consideration of interim analyses and all clinical endpoints was proposed. The new approach is derived from the closure principle, thus it can control type I error rate strongly. We evaluate the power under dierent scenarios and show that it compares favorably to other methods when correlation among endpoints is non-zero. In the group sequential design framework, another interesting topic is multiple arm multiple stage design (MAMS), where multiple arms are involved in the trial at the beginning with the flexibility about treatment selection or stopping decisions during the interim analyses. One of major hurdles of MAMS is the computational cost with the increasing number of arms and interim looks. Various designs were implemented to overcome this diculty (Thall et al., 1988; Schaid et al., 1990; Follmann et al., 1994; Stallard and Todd, 2003; Stallard and Friede, 2008; Magirr et al., 2012; Wason et al., 2017), but also control the FWER with the potential inflation from the multiple arm comparisons and multiple interim tests. Here, we consider a more flexible drop-the-loser design allowing the safety information in the treatment selection without a pre-specied dropping-arms mechanism and it still retains reasonable high power. The two dierent types of stopping boundaries are proposed for such a design. A sample size is also adjustable if the winner arm is dropped due to the safety considerations

    A Rejection Principle for Sequential Tests of Multiple Hypotheses Controlling Familywise Error Rates

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    We present a unifying approach to multiple testing procedures for sequential (or streaming) data by giving sufficient conditions for a sequential multiple testing procedure to control the familywise error rate (FWER), extending to the sequential domain the work of Goeman and Solari (2010) who accomplished this for fixed sample size procedures. Together we call these conditions the "rejection principle for sequential tests," which we then apply to some existing sequential multiple testing procedures to give simplified understanding of their FWER control. Next the principle is applied to derive two new sequential multiple testing procedures with provable FWER control, one for testing hypotheses in order and another for closed testing. Examples of these new procedures are given by applying them to a chromosome aberration data set and to finding the maximum safe dose of a treatment
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