6 research outputs found

    ASF-Net: Robust Video Deraining via Temporal Alignment and Online Adaptive Learning

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    In recent times, learning-based methods for video deraining have demonstrated commendable results. However, there are two critical challenges that these methods are yet to address: exploiting temporal correlations among adjacent frames and ensuring adaptability to unknown real-world scenarios. To overcome these challenges, we explore video deraining from a paradigm design perspective to learning strategy construction. Specifically, we propose a new computational paradigm, Alignment-Shift-Fusion Network (ASF-Net), which incorporates a temporal shift module. This module is novel to this field and provides deeper exploration of temporal information by facilitating the exchange of channel-level information within the feature space. To fully discharge the model's characterization capability, we further construct a LArge-scale RAiny video dataset (LARA) which also supports the development of this community. On the basis of the newly-constructed dataset, we explore the parameters learning process by developing an innovative re-degraded learning strategy. This strategy bridges the gap between synthetic and real-world scenes, resulting in stronger scene adaptability. Our proposed approach exhibits superior performance in three benchmarks and compelling visual quality in real-world scenarios, underscoring its efficacy. The code is available at https://github.com/vis-opt-group/ASF-Net

    RCDNet: An Interpretable Rain Convolutional Dictionary Network for Single Image Deraining

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    As a common weather, rain streaks adversely degrade the image quality. Hence, removing rains from an image has become an important issue in the field. To handle such an ill-posed single image deraining task, in this paper, we specifically build a novel deep architecture, called rain convolutional dictionary network (RCDNet), which embeds the intrinsic priors of rain streaks and has clear interpretability. In specific, we first establish a RCD model for representing rain streaks and utilize the proximal gradient descent technique to design an iterative algorithm only containing simple operators for solving the model. By unfolding it, we then build the RCDNet in which every network module has clear physical meanings and corresponds to each operation involved in the algorithm. This good interpretability greatly facilitates an easy visualization and analysis on what happens inside the network and why it works well in inference process. Moreover, taking into account the domain gap issue in real scenarios, we further design a novel dynamic RCDNet, where the rain kernels can be dynamically inferred corresponding to input rainy images and then help shrink the space for rain layer estimation with few rain maps so as to ensure a fine generalization performance in the inconsistent scenarios of rain types between training and testing data. By end-to-end training such an interpretable network, all involved rain kernels and proximal operators can be automatically extracted, faithfully characterizing the features of both rain and clean background layers, and thus naturally lead to better deraining performance. Comprehensive experiments substantiate the superiority of our method, especially on its well generality to diverse testing scenarios and good interpretability for all its modules. Code is available in \emph{\url{https://github.com/hongwang01/DRCDNet}}

    Unsupervised Night Image Enhancement: When Layer Decomposition Meets Light-Effects Suppression

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    Night images suffer not only from low light, but also from uneven distributions of light. Most existing night visibility enhancement methods focus mainly on enhancing low-light regions. This inevitably leads to over enhancement and saturation in bright regions, such as those regions affected by light effects (glare, floodlight, etc). To address this problem, we need to suppress the light effects in bright regions while, at the same time, boosting the intensity of dark regions. With this idea in mind, we introduce an unsupervised method that integrates a layer decomposition network and a light-effects suppression network. Given a single night image as input, our decomposition network learns to decompose shading, reflectance and light-effects layers, guided by unsupervised layer-specific prior losses. Our light-effects suppression network further suppresses the light effects and, at the same time, enhances the illumination in dark regions. This light-effects suppression network exploits the estimated light-effects layer as the guidance to focus on the light-effects regions. To recover the background details and reduce hallucination/artefacts, we propose structure and high-frequency consistency losses. Our quantitative and qualitative evaluations on real images show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in suppressing night light effects and boosting the intensity of dark regions.Comment: Accepted to ECCV202

    Tracking the Temporal-Evolution of Supernova Bubbles in Numerical Simulations

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    The study of low-dimensional, noisy manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space has been extremely useful in many applications, from the chemical analysis of multi-phase flows to simulations of galactic mergers. Building a probabilistic model of the manifolds has helped in describing their essential properties and how they vary in space. However, when the manifold is evolving through time, a joint spatio-temporal modelling is needed, in order to fully comprehend its nature. We propose a first-order Markovian process that propagates the spatial probabilistic model of a manifold at fixed time, to its adjacent temporal stages. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a particle simulation of an interacting dwarf galaxy to describe the evolution of a cavity generated by a Supernov