59,024 research outputs found

    Intersections of sequences of ideals generated by polynomials

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    AbstractWe present a method for determining the reduced Gröbner basis with respect to a given admissible term order of order type ω of the intersection ideal of an infinite sequence of polynomial ideals.As an application we discuss the Lagrange type interpolation on algebraic sets and the “approximation” of the ideal I of an algebraic set by zero dimensional ideals, whose affine Hilbert functions converge towards the affine Hilbert function of I

    Rigid Divisibility Sequences Generated by Polynomial Iteration

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    The goal of this thesis is to explore the properties of a certain class of sequences, rigid divisibility sequences, generated by the iteration of certain polynomials whose coefficients are algebraic integers. The main goal is to provide, as far as is possible, a classification and description of those polynomials which generate rigid divisibility sequences

    Quasisymmetric harmonics of the exterior algebra

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    We study the ring of quasisymmetric polynomials in nn anticommuting (fermionic) variables. Let RnR_n denote the polynomials in nn anticommuting variables. The main results of this paper show the following interesting facts about quasisymmetric polynomials in anticommuting variables: (1) The quasisymmetric polynomials in RnR_n form a commutative sub-algebra of RnR_n. (2) There is a basis of the quotient of RnR_n by the ideal InI_n generated by the quasisymmetric polynomials in RnR_n that is indexed by ballot sequences. The Hilbert series of the quotient is given by HilbRn/In(q)=k=0n/2f(nk,k)qk, \text{Hilb}_{R_n/I_n}(q) = \sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor{n/2}\rfloor} f^{(n-k,k)} q^k\,, where f(nk,k)f^{(n-k,k)} is the number of standard tableaux of shape (nk,k)(n-k,k). (3) There is a basis of the ideal generated by quasisymmetric polynomials that is indexed by sequences that break the ballot conditionComment: 17 pages, changed list of authors, minor corrections to pape