10,589 research outputs found

    Discriminatively Learned Hierarchical Rank Pooling Networks

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    In this work, we present novel temporal encoding methods for action and activity classification by extending the unsupervised rank pooling temporal encoding method in two ways. First, we present "discriminative rank pooling" in which the shared weights of our video representation and the parameters of the action classifiers are estimated jointly for a given training dataset of labelled vector sequences using a bilevel optimization formulation of the learning problem. When the frame level features vectors are obtained from a convolutional neural network (CNN), we rank pool the network activations and jointly estimate all parameters of the model, including CNN filters and fully-connected weights, in an end-to-end manner which we coined as "end-to-end trainable rank pooled CNN". Importantly, this model can make use of any existing convolutional neural network architecture (e.g., AlexNet or VGG) without modification or introduction of additional parameters. Then, we extend rank pooling to a high capacity video representation, called "hierarchical rank pooling". Hierarchical rank pooling consists of a network of rank pooling functions, which encode temporal semantics over arbitrary long video clips based on rich frame level features. By stacking non-linear feature functions and temporal sub-sequence encoders one on top of the other, we build a high capacity encoding network of the dynamic behaviour of the video. The resulting video representation is a fixed-length feature vector describing the entire video clip that can be used as input to standard machine learning classifiers. We demonstrate our approach on the task of action and activity recognition. Obtained results are comparable to state-of-the-art methods on three important activity recognition benchmarks with classification performance of 76.7% mAP on Hollywood2, 69.4% on HMDB51, and 93.6% on UCF101.Comment: International Journal of Computer Visio

    Deep-Person: Learning Discriminative Deep Features for Person Re-Identification

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    Recently, many methods of person re-identification (Re-ID) rely on part-based feature representation to learn a discriminative pedestrian descriptor. However, the spatial context between these parts is ignored for the independent extractor to each separate part. In this paper, we propose to apply Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) in an end-to-end way to model the pedestrian, seen as a sequence of body parts from head to foot. Integrating the contextual information strengthens the discriminative ability of local representation. We also leverage the complementary information between local and global feature. Furthermore, we integrate both identification task and ranking task in one network, where a discriminative embedding and a similarity measurement are learned concurrently. This results in a novel three-branch framework named Deep-Person, which learns highly discriminative features for person Re-ID. Experimental results demonstrate that Deep-Person outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin on three challenging datasets including Market-1501, CUHK03, and DukeMTMC-reID. Specifically, combining with a re-ranking approach, we achieve a 90.84% mAP on Market-1501 under single query setting.Comment: Accepted to Pattern Recognition. The code is released: https://github.com/zydou/Deep-Perso

    Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification by Reusing Cross-modal Embeddings

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    Image-to-video person re-identification identifies a target person by a probe image from quantities of pedestrian videos captured by non-overlapping cameras. Despite the great progress achieved,it's still challenging to match in the multimodal scenario,i.e. between image and video. Currently,state-of-the-art approaches mainly focus on the task-specific data,neglecting the extra information on the different but related tasks. In this paper,we propose an end-to-end neural network framework for image-to-video person reidentification by leveraging cross-modal embeddings learned from extra information.Concretely speaking,cross-modal embeddings from image captioning and video captioning models are reused to help learned features be projected into a coordinated space,where similarity can be directly computed. Besides,training steps from fixed model reuse approach are integrated into our framework,which can incorporate beneficial information and eventually make the target networks independent of existing models. Apart from that,our proposed framework resorts to CNNs and LSTMs for extracting visual and spatiotemporal features,and combines the strengths of identification and verification model to improve the discriminative ability of the learned feature. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on narrowing down the gap between heterogeneous data and obtaining observable improvement in image-to-video person re-identification.Comment: under review for Pattern Recognition Letter

    Judge the Judges: A Large-Scale Evaluation Study of Neural Language Models for Online Review Generation

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    We conduct a large-scale, systematic study to evaluate the existing evaluation methods for natural language generation in the context of generating online product reviews. We compare human-based evaluators with a variety of automated evaluation procedures, including discriminative evaluators that measure how well machine-generated text can be distinguished from human-written text, as well as word overlap metrics that assess how similar the generated text compares to human-written references. We determine to what extent these different evaluators agree on the ranking of a dozen of state-of-the-art generators for online product reviews. We find that human evaluators do not correlate well with discriminative evaluators, leaving a bigger question of whether adversarial accuracy is the correct objective for natural language generation. In general, distinguishing machine-generated text is challenging even for human evaluators, and human decisions correlate better with lexical overlaps. We find lexical diversity an intriguing metric that is indicative of the assessments of different evaluators. A post-experiment survey of participants provides insights into how to evaluate and improve the quality of natural language generation systems

    Hierarchical Spatial-aware Siamese Network for Thermal Infrared Object Tracking

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    Most thermal infrared (TIR) tracking methods are discriminative, treating the tracking problem as a classification task. However, the objective of the classifier (label prediction) is not coupled to the objective of the tracker (location estimation). The classification task focuses on the between-class difference of the arbitrary objects, while the tracking task mainly deals with the within-class difference of the same objects. In this paper, we cast the TIR tracking problem as a similarity verification task, which is coupled well to the objective of the tracking task. We propose a TIR tracker via a Hierarchical Spatial-aware Siamese Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named HSSNet. To obtain both spatial and semantic features of the TIR object, we design a Siamese CNN that coalesces the multiple hierarchical convolutional layers. Then, we propose a spatial-aware network to enhance the discriminative ability of the coalesced hierarchical feature. Subsequently, we train this network end to end on a large visible video detection dataset to learn the similarity between paired objects before we transfer the network into the TIR domain. Next, this pre-trained Siamese network is used to evaluate the similarity between the target template and target candidates. Finally, we locate the candidate that is most similar to the tracked target. Extensive experimental results on the benchmarks VOT-TIR 2015 and VOT-TIR 2016 show that our proposed method achieves favourable performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    A Siamese Long Short-Term Memory Architecture for Human Re-Identification

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    Matching pedestrians across multiple camera views known as human re-identification (re-identification) is a challenging problem in visual surveillance. In the existing works concentrating on feature extraction, representations are formed locally and independent of other regions. We present a novel siamese Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture that can process image regions sequentially and enhance the discriminative capability of local feature representation by leveraging contextual information. The feedback connections and internal gating mechanism of the LSTM cells enable our model to memorize the spatial dependencies and selectively propagate relevant contextual information through the network. We demonstrate improved performance compared to the baseline algorithm with no LSTM units and promising results compared to state-of-the-art methods on Market-1501, CUHK03 and VIPeR datasets. Visualization of the internal mechanism of LSTM cells shows meaningful patterns can be learned by our method

    Self Attention Grid for Person Re-Identification

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    In this paper, we present an attention mechanism scheme to improve person re-identification task. Inspired by biology, we propose Self Attention Grid (SAG) to discover the most informative parts from a high-resolution image using its internal representation. In particular, given an input image, the proposed model is fed with two copies of the same image and consists of two branches. The upper branch processes the high-resolution image and learns high dimensional feature representation while the lower branch processes the low-resolution image and learn a filtering attention grid. We apply a max filter operation to non-overlapping sub-regions on the high feature representation before element-wise multiplied with the output of the second branch. The feature maps of the second branch are subsequently weighted to reflect the importance of each patch of the grid using a softmax operation. Our attention module helps the network learn the most discriminative visual features of multiple image regions and is specifically optimized to attend feature representation at different levels. Extensive experiments on three large-scale datasets show that our self-attention mechanism significantly improves the baseline model and outperforms various state-of-art models by a large margin.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, under revie

    Intra-clip Aggregation for Video Person Re-identification

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    Video-based person re-identification has drawn massive attention in recent years due to its extensive applications in video surveillance. While deep learning-based methods have led to significant progress, these methods are limited by ineffectively using complementary information, which is blamed on necessary data augmentation in the training process. Data augmentation has been widely used to mitigate the over-fitting trap and improve the ability of network representation. However, the previous methods adopt image-based data augmentation scheme to individually process the input frames, which corrupts the complementary information between consecutive frames and causes performance degradation. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that our framework outperforms the most recent state-of-the-art methods. We also perform cross-dataset validation to prove the generality of our method.Comment: Due to the privacy issue of person re-ID, we require to withdraw the previous version of this pape

    Deep Recurrent Convolutional Networks for Video-based Person Re-identification: An End-to-End Approach

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    In this paper, we present an end-to-end approach to simultaneously learn spatio-temporal features and corresponding similarity metric for video-based person re-identification. Given the video sequence of a person, features from each frame that are extracted from all levels of a deep convolutional network can preserve a higher spatial resolution from which we can model finer motion patterns. These low-level visual percepts are leveraged into a variant of recurrent model to characterize the temporal variation between time-steps. Features from all time-steps are then summarized using temporal pooling to produce an overall feature representation for the complete sequence. The deep convolutional network, recurrent layer, and the temporal pooling are jointly trained to extract comparable hidden-unit representations from input pair of time series to compute their corresponding similarity value. The proposed framework combines time series modeling and metric learning to jointly learn relevant features and a good similarity measure between time sequences of person. Experiments demonstrate that our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance for video-based person re-identification on iLIDS-VID and PRID 2011, the two primary public datasets for this purpose.Comment: 11 page

    Deep Co-attention based Comparators For Relative Representation Learning in Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (re-ID) requires rapid, flexible yet discriminant representations to quickly generalize to unseen observations on-the-fly and recognize the same identity across disjoint camera views. Recent effective methods are developed in a pair-wise similarity learning system to detect a fixed set of features from distinct regions which are mapped to their vector embeddings for the distance measuring. However, the most relevant and crucial parts of each image are detected independently without referring to the dependency conditioned on one and another. Also, these region based methods rely on spatial manipulation to position the local features in comparable similarity measuring. To combat these limitations, in this paper we introduce the Deep Co-attention based Comparators (DCCs) that fuse the co-dependent representations of the paired images so as to focus on the relevant parts of both images and produce their \textit{relative representations}. Given a pair of pedestrian images to be compared, the proposed model mimics the foveation of human eyes to detect distinct regions concurrent on both images, namely co-dependent features, and alternatively attend to relevant regions to fuse them into the similarity learning. Our comparator is capable of producing dynamic representations relative to a particular sample every time, and thus well-suited to the case of re-identifying pedestrians on-the-fly. We perform extensive experiments to provide the insights and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DCCs in person re-ID. Moreover, our approach has achieved the state-of-the-art performance on three benchmark data sets: DukeMTMC-reID \cite{DukeMTMC}, CUHK03 \cite{FPNN}, and Market-1501 \cite{Market1501}
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