368 research outputs found

    Sequence Discriminative Training for Deep Learning based Acoustic Keyword Spotting

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    Speech recognition is a sequence prediction problem. Besides employing various deep learning approaches for framelevel classification, sequence-level discriminative training has been proved to be indispensable to achieve the state-of-the-art performance in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR). However, keyword spotting (KWS), as one of the most common speech recognition tasks, almost only benefits from frame-level deep learning due to the difficulty of getting competing sequence hypotheses. The few studies on sequence discriminative training for KWS are limited for fixed vocabulary or LVCSR based methods and have not been compared to the state-of-the-art deep learning based KWS approaches. In this paper, a sequence discriminative training framework is proposed for both fixed vocabulary and unrestricted acoustic KWS. Sequence discriminative training for both sequence-level generative and discriminative models are systematically investigated. By introducing word-independent phone lattices or non-keyword blank symbols to construct competing hypotheses, feasible and efficient sequence discriminative training approaches are proposed for acoustic KWS. Experiments showed that the proposed approaches obtained consistent and significant improvement in both fixed vocabulary and unrestricted KWS tasks, compared to previous frame-level deep learning based acoustic KWS methods.Comment: accepted by Speech Communication, 08/02/201

    Streaming Small-Footprint Keyword Spotting using Sequence-to-Sequence Models

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    We develop streaming keyword spotting systems using a recurrent neural network transducer (RNN-T) model: an all-neural, end-to-end trained, sequence-to-sequence model which jointly learns acoustic and language model components. Our models are trained to predict either phonemes or graphemes as subword units, thus allowing us to detect arbitrary keyword phrases, without any out-of-vocabulary words. In order to adapt the models to the requirements of keyword spotting, we propose a novel technique which biases the RNN-T system towards a specific keyword of interest. Our systems are compared against a strong sequence-trained, connectionist temporal classification (CTC) based "keyword-filler" baseline, which is augmented with a separate phoneme language model. Overall, our RNN-T system with the proposed biasing technique significantly improves performance over the baseline system.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of IEEE ASRU 201

    Multi-Task Network for Noise-Robust Keyword Spotting and Speaker Verification using CTC-based Soft VAD and Global Query Attention

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    Keyword spotting (KWS) and speaker verification (SV) have been studied independently although it is known that acoustic and speaker domains are complementary. In this paper, we propose a multi-task network that performs KWS and SV simultaneously to fully utilize the interrelated domain information. The multi-task network tightly combines sub-networks aiming at performance improvement in challenging conditions such as noisy environments, open-vocabulary KWS, and short-duration SV, by introducing novel techniques of connectionist temporal classification (CTC)-based soft voice activity detection (VAD) and global query attention. Frame-level acoustic and speaker information is integrated with phonetically originated weights so that forms a word-level global representation. Then it is used for the aggregation of feature vectors to generate discriminative embeddings. Our proposed approach shows 4.06% and 26.71% relative improvements in equal error rate (EER) compared to the baselines for both tasks. We also present a visualization example and results of ablation experiments.Comment: Accepted to Interspeech 202

    Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection using Attention-based Multi-hop Networks

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    Retrieving spoken content with spoken queries, or query-by- example spoken term detection (STD), is attractive because it makes possible the matching of signals directly on the acoustic level without transcribing them into text. Here, we propose an end-to-end query-by-example STD model based on an attention-based multi-hop network, whose input is a spoken query and an audio segment containing several utterances; the output states whether the audio segment includes the query. The model can be trained in either a supervised scenario using labeled data, or in an unsupervised fashion. In the supervised scenario, we find that the attention mechanism and multiple hops improve performance, and that the attention weights indicate the time span of the detected terms. In the unsupervised setting, the model mimics the behavior of the existing query-by-example STD system, yielding performance comparable to the existing system but with a lower search time complexity

    Learning acoustic word embeddings with phonetically associated triplet network

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    Previous researches on acoustic word embeddings used in query-by-example spoken term detection have shown remarkable performance improvements when using a triplet network. However, the triplet network is trained using only a limited information about acoustic similarity between words. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture, phonetically associated triplet network (PATN), which aims at increasing discriminative power of acoustic word embeddings by utilizing phonetic information as well as word identity. The proposed model is learned to minimize a combined loss function that was made by introducing a cross entropy loss to the lower layer of LSTM-based triplet network. We observed that the proposed method performs significantly better than the baseline triplet network on a word discrimination task with the WSJ dataset resulting in over 20% relative improvement in recall rate at 1.0 false alarm per hour. Finally, we examined the generalization ability by conducting the out-of-domain test on the RM dataset.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ICASSP 201

    Online Keyword Spotting with a Character-Level Recurrent Neural Network

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    In this paper, we propose a context-aware keyword spotting model employing a character-level recurrent neural network (RNN) for spoken term detection in continuous speech. The RNN is end-to-end trained with connectionist temporal classification (CTC) to generate the probabilities of character and word-boundary labels. There is no need for the phonetic transcription, senone modeling, or system dictionary in training and testing. Also, keywords can easily be added and modified by editing the text based keyword list without retraining the RNN. Moreover, the unidirectional RNN processes an infinitely long input audio streams without pre-segmentation and keywords are detected with low-latency before the utterance is finished. Experimental results show that the proposed keyword spotter significantly outperforms the deep neural network (DNN) and hidden Markov model (HMM) based keyword-filler model even with less computations

    DONUT: CTC-based Query-by-Example Keyword Spotting

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    Keyword spotting--or wakeword detection--is an essential feature for hands-free operation of modern voice-controlled devices. With such devices becoming ubiquitous, users might want to choose a personalized custom wakeword. In this work, we present DONUT, a CTC-based algorithm for online query-by-example keyword spotting that enables custom wakeword detection. The algorithm works by recording a small number of training examples from the user, generating a set of label sequence hypotheses from these training examples, and detecting the wakeword by aggregating the scores of all the hypotheses given a new audio recording. Our method combines the generalization and interpretability of CTC-based keyword spotting with the user-adaptation and convenience of a conventional query-by-example system. DONUT has low computational requirements and is well-suited for both learning and inference on embedded systems without requiring private user data to be uploaded to the cloud.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 2018 Workshop on Interpretability and Robustness for Audio, Speech, and Languag

    Semantic query-by-example speech search using visual grounding

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    A number of recent studies have started to investigate how speech systems can be trained on untranscribed speech by leveraging accompanying images at training time. Examples of tasks include keyword prediction and within- and across-mode retrieval. Here we consider how such models can be used for query-by-example (QbE) search, the task of retrieving utterances relevant to a given spoken query. We are particularly interested in semantic QbE, where the task is not only to retrieve utterances containing exact instances of the query, but also utterances whose meaning is relevant to the query. We follow a segmental QbE approach where variable-duration speech segments (queries, search utterances) are mapped to fixed-dimensional embedding vectors. We show that a QbE system using an embedding function trained on visually grounded speech data outperforms a purely acoustic QbE system in terms of both exact and semantic retrieval performance.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 201

    Acoustic Word Embedding System for Code-Switching Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection

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    In this paper, we propose a deep convolutional neural network-based acoustic word embedding system on code-switching query by example spoken term detection. Different from previous configurations, we combine audio data in two languages for training instead of only using one single language. We transform the acoustic features of keyword templates and searching content to fixed-dimensional vectors and calculate the distances between keyword segments and searching content segments obtained in a sliding manner. An auxiliary variability-invariant loss is also applied to training data within the same word but different speakers. This strategy is used to prevent the extractor from encoding undesired speaker- or accent-related information into the acoustic word embeddings. Experimental results show that our proposed system produces promising searching results in the code-switching test scenario. With the increased number of templates and the employment of variability-invariant loss, the searching performance is further enhanced

    Fast and Accurate Recurrent Neural Network Acoustic Models for Speech Recognition

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    We have recently shown that deep Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks (RNNs) outperform feed forward deep neural networks (DNNs) as acoustic models for speech recognition. More recently, we have shown that the performance of sequence trained context dependent (CD) hidden Markov model (HMM) acoustic models using such LSTM RNNs can be equaled by sequence trained phone models initialized with connectionist temporal classification (CTC). In this paper, we present techniques that further improve performance of LSTM RNN acoustic models for large vocabulary speech recognition. We show that frame stacking and reduced frame rate lead to more accurate models and faster decoding. CD phone modeling leads to further improvements. We also present initial results for LSTM RNN models outputting words directly.Comment: To be published in the INTERSPEECH 2015 proceeding