3 research outputs found

    Algebraic Properties of Parikh Matrices of Words under an Extension of Thue Morphism

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    The Parikh matrix of a word ww over an alphabet {a1,⋯ ,ak}\{a_1, \cdots , a_k \} with an ordering a1<a2<β‹―ak,a_1 < a_2 < \cdots a_k, gives the number of occurrences of each factor of the word a1β‹―aka_1 \cdots a_k as a (scattered) subword of the word w.w. Two words u,vu,v are said to be Mβˆ’M-equivalent, if the Parikh matrices of uu and vv are the same. On the other hand properties of image words under different morphisms have been studied in the context of subwords and Parikh matrices. Here an extension to three letters, introduced by Seˊeˊ\acute{e}\acute{e}bold (2003), of the well-known Thue morphism on two letters, is considered and properties of Parikh matrices of morphic images of words are investigated. The significance of the contribution is that various classes of binary words are obtained whose images are Mβˆ’M-equivalent under this extended morphism