2 research outputs found

    An evaluation of streaming algorithms for distinct counting over a sliding window

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    Counting the number of distinct elements in a data stream (distinct counting) is a fundamental aggregation task in database query processing, query optimization, and network monitoring. On a stream of elements, it is commonly needed to compute an aggregate over only the most recent elements, leading to the problem of distinct counting over a “sliding window” of the stream. We present a detailed experimental study of the performance of different algorithms for distinct counting over a sliding window. We observe that the performance of an algorithm depends on the basic method used, as well as aspects such as the hash function, the mix of query and updates, and the method used to boost accuracy. We compare the performance of prominent algorithms and evaluate the influence of these factors, leading to practical recommendations for implementation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first detailed experimental study of distinct counting over a sliding window

    Techniques for online analysis of large distributed data

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    With the advancement of technology, there has been an exponential growth in the volume of data that is continuously being generated by several applications in domains such as finance, networking, security. Examples of such continuously streaming data include internet traffic data, sensor readings, tweets, stock market data, telecommunication records. As a result, processing and analyzing data to derive useful insights from them in real time is becoming increasingly important. The goal of my research is to propose techniques to effectively find aggregates and patterns from massive distributed data stream in real time. In many real world applications, there may be specific user requirements for analyzing data. We consider three different user requirements for our work - Sliding window, Distributed data stream, and a Union of historical and streaming data. We aim to address the following problems in our research : First, we present a detailed experimental evaluation of streaming algorithms over sliding window for distinct counting, which is a fundamental aggregation problem widely applied in database query optimization and network monitoring. Next, we present the first communication-efficient distributed algorithm for tracking persistent items in a distributed data stream over both infinite and sliding window. We present theoretical analysis on communication cost and accuracy, and provide experimental results to validate the guarantees. Finally, we present the design and evaluation of a low cost algorithm that identifies quantiles from a union of historical and streaming data with improved accuracy