3 research outputs found

    A Conceptual Framework for Enhancing Product Search with Product Information from Reviews

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    Product search today is limited, as users can only search and filter for a restricted set of product features, e.g. 15” and 1TB hard disk when searching for a laptop. The often decision- critical aspects of a product are however hidden in user reviews (“noisy fan” or “bright display”) and are not available until a product has been found. This paper proposes a conceptual framework for the integration of product aspects, that have been mined and derived from consumer reviews, into the product search. The framework structures the challenges that arise in four major fields and gives an overview of existing research for each one of them: Data challenges, user experience challenges, purchase process challenges and business challenges. It may inform researchers from various disciplines to perform target-oriented research as well as practitioners what to consider when building up such an enriched product search

    A Synthesis Survey of Ontology Evaluation Tools, Applications and Methods to Propose a Novel Branch in Evaluating the Structure of Ontologies: Graph-Independent Approach

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    Diverse tools, application and methods can logically be organized in clear categories (i.e., Gold standard, Application, Data-driven and Human assessment) or their dimensions (i.e., Functionality (task-based), Usability based and Structural evaluation). This paper attempts to propose a novel branch in structural analysis of ontology through analyzing current methods. Structural dimensions can be involved in evaluating ontologies when the research attempts to analyze the graph representation based on Conceptual Graph (CG). Two types of nodes (i.e., concepts and conceptual relations) can be merely linked with one another via logical conjunction. When logical conjunction between concepts and conceptual relations were removed, the remaining components would be independent domains which would no longer bear the meaning of graph.  The separate concepts and conceptual relations cannot be involved in the notion of the graph-dependent approach. Thus, there is the lack of a novel branch in structural analysis which is called Graph-independent approach