3 research outputs found

    Sensing Capacity for Markov Random Fields

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    This paper computes the sensing capacity of a sensor network, with sensors of limited range, sensing a two-dimensional Markov random field, by modeling the sensing operation as an encoder. Sensor observations are dependent across sensors, and the sensor network output across different states of the environment is neither identically nor independently distributed. Using a random coding argument, based on the theory of types, we prove a lower bound on the sensing capacity of the network, which characterizes the ability of the sensor network to distinguish among environments with Markov structure, to within a desired accuracy.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Adelaide, Australia, September 4-9, 200

    The Sensing Capacity of Sensor Networks

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    This paper demonstrates fundamental limits of sensor networks for detection problems where the number of hypotheses is exponentially large. Such problems characterize many important applications including detection and classification of targets in a geographical area using a network of sensors, and detecting complex substances with a chemical sensor array. We refer to such applications as largescale detection problems. Using the insight that these problems share fundamental similarities with the problem of communicating over a noisy channel, we define a quantity called the sensing capacity and lower bound it for a number of sensor network models. The sensing capacity expression differs significantly from the channel capacity due to the fact that a fixed sensor configuration encodes all states of the environment. As a result, codewords are dependent and non-identically distributed. The sensing capacity provides a bound on the minimal number of sensors required to detect the state of an environment to within a desired accuracy. The results differ significantly from classical detection theory, and provide an ntriguing connection between sensor networks and communications. In addition, we discuss the insight that sensing capacity provides for the problem of sensor selection.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, November 200

    Sensing Capacity for Markov Random Fields

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    This paper computes the sensing capacity of a sensor network, with sensors of limited range, sensing a two-dimensional Markov random field, by modeling the sensing operation as an encoder. Sensor observations are dependent across sensors, and the sensor network output across different states of the environment is neither identically nor independently distributed. Using a random coding argument, based on the theory of types, we prove a lower bound on the sensing capacity of the network, which characterizes the ability of the sensor network to distinguish among environments with Markov structure, to within a desired accuracy.</p