2,516 research outputs found

    Basic Linguistic Resources and Baselines for Bhojpuri, Magahi and Maithili for Natural Language Processing

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    Corpus preparation for low-resource languages and for development of human language technology to analyze or computationally process them is a laborious task, primarily due to the unavailability of expert linguists who are native speakers of these languages and also due to the time and resources required. Bhojpuri, Magahi, and Maithili, languages of the Purvanchal region of India (in the north-eastern parts), are low-resource languages belonging to the Indo-Aryan (or Indic) family. They are closely related to Hindi, which is a relatively high-resource language, which is why we make our comparisons with Hindi. We collected corpora for these three languages from various sources and cleaned them to the extent possible, without changing the data in them. The text belongs to different domains and genres. We calculated some basic statistical measures for these corpora at character, word, syllable, and morpheme levels. These corpora were also annotated with parts-of-speech (POS) and chunk tags. The basic statistical measures were both absolute and relative and were meant to give an indication of linguistic properties such as morphological, lexical, phonological, and syntactic complexities (or richness). The results were compared with a standard Hindi corpus. For most of the measures, we tried to keep the size of the corpus the same across the languages so as to avoid the effect of corpus size, but in some cases it turned out that using the full corpus was better, even if sizes were very different. Although the results are not very clear, we try to draw some conclusions about the languages and the corpora. For POS tagging and chunking, the BIS tagset was used to manually annotate the data. The sizes of the POS tagged data are 16067, 14669 and 12310 sentences, respectively for Bhojpuri, Magahi and Maithili. The sizes for chunking are 9695 and 1954 sentences for Bhojpuri and Maithili, respec

    Enrichment of OntoSenseNet: Adding a Sense-annotated Telugu lexicon

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    The paper describes the enrichment of OntoSenseNet - a verb-centric lexical resource for Indian Languages. This resource contains a newly developed Telugu-Telugu dictionary. It is important because native speakers can better annotate the senses when both the word and its meaning are in Telugu. Hence efforts are made to develop a soft copy of Telugu dictionary. Our resource also has manually annotated gold standard corpus consisting 8483 verbs, 253 adverbs and 1673 adjectives. Annotations are done by native speakers according to defined annotation guidelines. In this paper, we provide an overview of the annotation procedure and present the validation of our resource through inter-annotator agreement. Concepts of sense-class and sense-type are discussed. Additionally, we discuss the potential of lexical sense-annotated corpora in improving word sense disambiguation (WSD) tasks. Telugu WordNet is crowd-sourced for annotation of individual words in synsets and is compared with the developed sense-annotated lexicon (OntoSenseNet) to examine the improvement. Also, we present a special categorization (spatio-temporal classification) of adjectives.Comment: Accepted Long Paper at 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, March 2018, Hanoi, Vietna

    Prepositional Attachment Disambiguation Using Bilingual Parsing and Alignments

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    In this paper, we attempt to solve the problem of Prepositional Phrase (PP) attachments in English. The motivation for the work comes from NLP applications like Machine Translation, for which, getting the correct attachment of prepositions is very crucial. The idea is to correct the PP-attachments for a sentence with the help of alignments from parallel data in another language. The novelty of our work lies in the formulation of the problem into a dual decomposition based algorithm that enforces agreement between the parse trees from two languages as a constraint. Experiments were performed on the English-Hindi language pair and the performance improved by 10% over the baseline, where the baseline is the attachment predicted by the MSTParser model trained for English

    Context based Analysis of Lexical Semantics for Hindi Language

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    A word having multiple senses in a text introduces the lexical semantic task to find out which particular sense is appropriate for the given context. One such task is Word sense disambiguation which refers to the identification of the most appropriate meaning of the polysemous word in a given context using computational algorithms. The language processing research in Hindi, the official language of India, and other Indian languages is restricted by unavailability of the standard corpus. For Hindi word sense disambiguation also, the large corpus is not available. In this work, we prepared the text containing new senses of certain words leading to the enrichment of the sense-tagged Hindi corpus of sixty polysemous words. Furthermore, we analyzed two novel lexical associations for Hindi word sense disambiguation based on the contextual features of the polysemous word. The evaluation of these methods is carried out over learning algorithms and favorable results are achieved.Comment: Accepted in NGCT-201

    Coping with Construals in Broad-Coverage Semantic Annotation of Adpositions

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    We consider the semantics of prepositions, revisiting a broad-coverage annotation scheme used for annotating all 4,250 preposition tokens in a 55,000 word corpus of English. Attempts to apply the scheme to adpositions and case markers in other languages, as well as some problematic cases in English, have led us to reconsider the assumption that a preposition's lexical contribution is equivalent to the role/relation that it mediates. Our proposal is to embrace the potential for construal in adposition use, expressing such phenomena directly at the token level to manage complexity and avoid sense proliferation. We suggest a framework to represent both the scene role and the adposition's lexical function so they can be annotated at scale---supporting automatic, statistical processing of domain-general language---and sketch how this representation would inform a constructional analysis.Comment: Presentation at Construction Grammar and NLU AAAI Spring Symposium, Stanford, March 27-29 2017; 9 pages including references; 1 figur

    LERIL : Collaborative Effort for Creating Lexical Resources

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    The paper reports on efforts taken to create lexical resources pertaining to Indian languages, using the collaborative model. The lexical resources being developed are: (1) Transfer lexicon and grammar from English to several Indian languages. (2) Dependencey tree bank of annotated corpora for several Indian languages. The dependency trees are based on the Paninian model. (3) Bilingual dictionary of 'core meanings'.Comment: [ To appear in Proceedings of Workshop on Language Resources in Asia, along with NLPRS-2001, Tokyo, 27-30 November 2001] Appeared in the Proceedings of Workshop on Language Resources in Asia, along with NLPRS-2001, Tokyo, 27-30 November 2001. Appeared in the proceedings of Workshop on Language Resources in Asia, along with NLPRS-2001, Tokyo, 27-30 November 200

    Towards Automation of Sense-type Identification of Verbs in OntoSenseNet(Telugu)

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    In this paper, we discuss the enrichment of a manually developed resource of Telugu lexicon, OntoSenseNet. OntoSenseNet is a ontological sense annotated lexicon that marks each verb of Telugu with a primary and a secondary sense. The area of research is relatively recent but has a large scope of development. We provide an introductory work to enrich the OntoSenseNet to promote further research in Telugu. Classifiers are adopted to learn the sense relevant features of the words in the resource and also to automate the tagging of sense-types for verbs. We perform a comparative analysis of different classifiers applied on OntoSenseNet. The results of the experiment prove that automated enrichment of the resource is effective using SVM classifiers and Adaboost ensemble.Comment: Accepted Long Oral Paper at 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP) at 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, AC

    Word sense disambiguation: a survey

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    In this paper, we made a survey on Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). Near about in all major languages around the world, research in WSD has been conducted upto different extents. In this paper, we have gone through a survey regarding the different approaches adopted in different research works, the State of the Art in the performance in this domain, recent works in different Indian languages and finally a survey in Bengali language. We have made a survey on different competitions in this field and the bench mark results, obtained from those competitions.Comment: International Journal of Control Theory and Computer Modeling (IJCTCM) Vol.5, No.3, July 201

    An Empirical Evaluation of Text Representation Schemes on Multilingual Social Web to Filter the Textual Aggression

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    This paper attempt to study the effectiveness of text representation schemes on two tasks namely: User Aggression and Fact Detection from the social media contents. In User Aggression detection, The aim is to identify the level of aggression from the contents generated in the Social media and written in the English, Devanagari Hindi and Romanized Hindi. Aggression levels are categorized into three predefined classes namely: `Non-aggressive`, `Overtly Aggressive`, and `Covertly Aggressive`. During the disaster-related incident, Social media like, Twitter is flooded with millions of posts. In such emergency situations, identification of factual posts is important for organizations involved in the relief operation. We anticipated this problem as a combination of classification and Ranking problem. This paper presents a comparison of various text representation scheme based on BoW techniques, distributed word/sentence representation, transfer learning on classifiers. Weighted F1F_1 score is used as a primary evaluation metric. Results show that text representation using BoW performs better than word embedding on machine learning classifiers. While pre-trained Word embedding techniques perform better on classifiers based on deep neural net. Recent transfer learning model like ELMO, ULMFiT are fine-tuned for the Aggression classification task. However, results are not at par with pre-trained word embedding model. Overall, word embedding using fastText produce best weighted F1F_1-score than Word2Vec and Glove. Results are further improved using pre-trained vector model. Statistical significance tests are employed to ensure the significance of the classification results. In the case of lexically different test Dataset, other than training Dataset, deep neural models are more robust and perform substantially better than machine learning classifiers.Comment: 21 Page, 2 Figur

    BCSAT : A Benchmark Corpus for Sentiment Analysis in Telugu Using Word-level Annotations

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    The presented work aims at generating a systematically annotated corpus that can support the enhancement of sentiment analysis tasks in Telugu using word-level sentiment annotations. From OntoSenseNet, we extracted 11,000 adjectives, 253 adverbs, 8483 verbs and sentiment annotation is being done by language experts. We discuss the methodology followed for the polarity annotations and validate the developed resource. This work aims at developing a benchmark corpus, as an extension to SentiWordNet, and baseline accuracy for a model where lexeme annotations are applied for sentiment predictions. The fundamental aim of this paper is to validate and study the possibility of utilizing machine learning algorithms, word-level sentiment annotations in the task of automated sentiment identification. Furthermore, accuracy is improved by annotating the bi-grams extracted from the target corpus.Comment: Accepted as Long Paper at Student Research Workshop in 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL-201
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