37 research outputs found

    Adaptive Oblivious Transfer and Generalization

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    International audienceOblivious Transfer (OT) protocols were introduced in the seminal paper of Rabin, and allow a user to retrieve a given number of lines (usually one) in a database, without revealing which ones to the server. The server is ensured that only this given number of lines can be accessed per interaction, and so the others are protected; while the user is ensured that the server does not learn the numbers of the lines required. This primitive has a huge interest in practice, for example in secure multi-party computation, and directly echoes to Symmetrically Private Information Retrieval (SPIR). Recent Oblivious Transfer instantiations secure in the UC framework suf- fer from a drastic fallback. After the first query, there is no improvement on the global scheme complexity and so subsequent queries each have a global complexity of O(|DB|) meaning that there is no gain compared to running completely independent queries. In this paper, we propose a new protocol solving this issue, and allowing to have subsequent queries with a complexity of O(log(|DB|)), and prove the protocol security in the UC framework with adaptive corruptions and reliable erasures. As a second contribution, we show that the techniques we use for Obliv- ious Transfer can be generalized to a new framework we call Oblivi- ous Language-Based Envelope (OLBE). It is of practical interest since it seems more and more unrealistic to consider a database with uncontrolled access in access control scenarii. Our approach generalizes Oblivious Signature-Based Envelope, to handle more expressive credentials and requests from the user. Naturally, OLBE encompasses both OT and OSBE, but it also allows to achieve Oblivious Transfer with fine grain access over each line. For example, a user can access a line if and only if he possesses a certificate granting him access to such line. We show how to generically and efficiently instantiate such primitive, and prove them secure in the Universal Composability framework, with adaptive corruptions assuming reliable erasures. We provide the new UC ideal functionalities when needed, or we show that the existing ones fit in our new framework. The security of such designs allows to preserve both the secrecy of the database values and the user credentials. This symmetry allows to view our new approach as a generalization of the notion of Symmetrically PIR

    Constructing and Understanding Chosen Ciphertext Security via Puncturable Key Encapsulation Mechanisms

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    In this paper, we introduce and study a new cryptographic primitive that we call puncturable key encapsulation mechanism (PKEM), which is a special class of KEMs that satisfy some functional and security requirements that, combined together, imply chosen ciphertext security (CCA security). The purpose of introducing this primitive is to capture certain common patterns in the security proofs of the several existing CCA secure public key encryption (PKE) schemes and KEMs based on general cryptographic primitives which (explicitly or implicitly) use the ideas and techniques of the Dolev-Dwork-Naor (DDN) construction (STOC\u2791), and break down the proofs into smaller steps, so that each small step is easier to work with/verify/understand than directly tackling CCA security. To see the usefulness of PKEM, we show (1) how several existing constructions of CCA secure PKE/KEM constructed based on general cryptographic primitives can be captured as a PKEM, which enables us to understand these constructions via a unified framework, (2) its connection to detectable CCA security (Hohenberger et al. EUROCRYPT\u2712), and (3) a new security proof for a KEM-analogue of the DDN construction from a set of assumptions: sender non-committing encryption (SNCE) and non-interactive witness indistinguishable proofs. Then, as our main technical result, we show how to construct a PKEM satisfying our requirements (and thus a CCA secure KEM) from a new set of general cryptographic primitives: SNCE and symmetric key encryption secure for key-dependent messages (KDM secure SKE). Our construction realizes the decrypt-then-re-encrypt -style validity check of a ciphertext which is powerful but in general has a problem of the circularity between a plaintext and a randomness.We show how SNCE and KDM secure SKE can be used together to overcome the circularity. We believe that the connection among three seemingly unrelated notions of encryption primitives, i.e. CCA security, the sender non-committing property, and KDM security, to be of theoretical interest

    Trapdoor commitment schemes and their applications

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    Informally, commitment schemes can be described by lockable steely boxes. In the commitment phase, the sender puts a message into the box, locks the box and hands it over to the receiver. On one hand, the receiver does not learn anything about the message. On the other hand, the sender cannot change the message in the box anymore. In the decommitment phase the sender gives the receiver the key, and the receiver then opens the box and retrieves the message. One application of such schemes are digital auctions where each participant places his secret bid into a box and submits it to the auctioneer. In this thesis we investigate trapdoor commitment schemes. Following the abstract viewpoint of lockable boxes, a trapdoor commitment is a box with a tiny secret door. If someone knows the secret door, then this person is still able to change the committed message in the box, even after the commitment phase. Such trapdoors turn out to be very useful for the design of secure cryptographic protocols involving commitment schemes. In the first part of the thesis, we formally introduce trapdoor commitments and extend the notion to identity-based trapdoors, where trapdoors can only be used in connection with certain identities. We then recall the most popular constructions of ordinary trapdoor protocols and present new solutions for identity-based trapdoors. In the second part of the thesis, we show the usefulness of trapdoors in commitment schemes. Deploying trapdoors we construct efficient non-malleable commitment schemes which basically guarantee indepency of commitments. Furthermore, applying (identity-based) trapdoor commitments we secure well-known identification protocols against a new kind of attack. And finally, by means of trapdoors, we show how to construct composable commitment schemes that can be securely executed as subprotocols within complex protocols

    Partially-Fair Computation from Timed-Release Encryption and Oblivious Transfer

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    We describe a new protocol to achieve two party Ï”\epsilon-fair exchange: at any point in the unfolding of the protocol the difference in the probabilities of the parties having acquired the desired term is bounded by a value Ï”\epsilon that can be made as small as necessary. Our construction uses oblivious transfer and sidesteps previous impossibility results by using a timed-release encryption, that releases its contents only after some lower bounded time. We show that our protocol can be easily generalized to an Ï”\epsilon-fair two-party protocol for all functionalities. To our knowledge, this is the first protocol to truly achieve Ï”\epsilon-fairness for all functionalities. All previous constructions achieving some form of fairness for all functionalities (without relying on a trusted third party) had a strong limitation: the fairness guarantee was only guaranteed to hold if the honest parties are at least as powerful as the corrupted parties and invest a similar amount of resources in the protocol, an assumption which is often not realistic. Our construction does not have this limitation: our protocol provides a clear upper bound on the running time of all parties, and partial fairness holds even if the corrupted parties have much more time or computational power than the honest parties. Interestingly, this shows that a minimal use of timed-release encryption suffices to circumvent an impossibility result of Katz and Gordon regarding Ï”\epsilon-fair computation for all functionalities, without having to make the (unrealistic) assumption that the honest parties are as computationally powerful as the corrupted parties - this assumption was previously believed to be unavoidable in order to overcome this impossibility result. We present detailed security proofs of the new construction, which are non-trivial and form the core technical contribution of this work

    Structure-Preserving Smooth Projective Hashing

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    International audienceSmooth projective hashing has proven to be an extremely useful primitive, in particular when used in conjunction with commitments to provide implicit decommitment. This has lead to applications proven secure in the UC framework, even in presence of an adversary which can do adaptive corruptions, like for example Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE), and 1-out-of-m Oblivious Transfer (OT). However such solutions still lack in efficiency, since they heavily scale on the underlying message length. Structure-preserving cryptography aims at providing elegant and efficient schemes based on classical assumptions and standard group operations on group elements. Recent trend focuses on constructions of structure- preserving signatures, which require message, signature and verification keys to lie in the base group, while the verification equations only consist of pairing-product equations. Classical constructions of Smooth Projective Hash Function suffer from the same limitation as classical signatures: at least one part of the computation (messages for signature, witnesses for SPHF) is a scalar. In this work, we introduce and instantiate the concept of Structure- Preserving Smooth Projective Hash Function, and give as applications more efficient instantiations for one-round PAKE and three-round OT, and information retrieval thanks to Anonymous Credentials, all UC- secure against adaptive adversaries

    A Framework for UC-Secure Commitments from Publicly Computable Smooth Projective Hashing

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    Hash proof systems or smooth projective hash functions (SPHFs) have been proposed by Cramer and Shoup (Eurocrypt\u2702) and can be seen as special type of zero-knowledge proof system for a language. While initially used to build efficient chosen-ciphertext secure public-key encryption, they found numerous applications in several other contexts. In this paper, we revisit the notion of SPHFs and introduce a new feature (a third mode of hashing) that allows to compute the hash value of an SPHF without having access to neither the witness nor the hashing key, but some additional auxiliary information. We call this new type publicly computable SPHFs (PC-SPHFs) and present a formal framework along with concrete instantiations from a large class of SPHFs. We then show that this new tool generically leads to commitment schemes that are secure against adaptive adversaries, assuming erasures in the Universal Composability (UC) framework, yielding the first UC secure commitments build from a single SPHF instance. Instantiating our PC-SPHF with an SPHF for labeled Cramer-Shoup encryption gives the currently most efficient non-interactive UC-secure commitment. Finally, we also discuss additional applications to information retrieval based on anonymous credentials being UC secure against adaptive adversaries

    Non-malleability under Selective Opening Attacks: Implication and Separation

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    We formalize the security notions of non-malleability under selective opening attacks (NM-SO security) in two approaches: the indistinguishability-based approach and the simulationbased approach. We explore the relations between NM-SO security notions and the known selective opening security notions, and the relations between NM-SO security notions and the standard non-malleability notions

    One Round Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Abort

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    Threshold ECDSA signatures have received much attention in recent years due to the widespread use of ECDSA in cryptocurrencies. While various protocols now exist that admit efficient distributed key generation and signing, these protocols have two main drawbacks. Firstly, if a player misbehaves, the protocol will abort, but all current protocols give no way to detect which player is responsible for the abort. In distributed settings, this can be catastrophic as any player can cause the protocol to fail without any consequence. General techniques to realize dishonest-majority MPC with identifiable abort add a prohibitive overhead, but we show how to build a tailored protocol for threshold ECDSA with minimal overhead. Secondly, current threshold ECDSA protocols (that do not rely on generic MPC) have numerous rounds of interaction. We present a highly efficient protocol with a non-interactive online phase allowing for players to asynchronously participate in the protocol without the need to be online simultaneously. We benchmark our protocols and find that our protocol simultaneously reduces the rounds and computations of current protocols, while adding significant functionality: identifiable abort and noninteractivity

    Post-Quantum UC-Secure Oblivious Transfer in the Standard Model with Adaptive Corruptions

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    Since the seminal result of Kilian, Oblivious Transfer has proven to be a fundamental primitive in cryptography. In such a scheme, a user is able to gain access to an element owned by a server, without learning more than this single element, and without the server learning which element the user has accessed. This primitive has received a lot of study in the literature, among which very few schemes are based on lattices. The recent NIST call for post-quantum encryption and signature schemes has revived the interest for cryptographic protocols based on post-quantum assumptions and the need for a secure post-quantum oblivious transfer scheme. In this paper, we show how to construct an oblivious transfer scheme based on lattices, from a collision-resistant chameleon hash scheme (CH) and a CCA encryption scheme accepting a smooth projective hash function (SPHF). Note that our scheme does not rely on random oracles and provides UC security against adaptive corruptions assuming reliable erasures

    Critical Perspectives on Provable Security: Fifteen Years of Another Look Papers

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    We give an overview of our critiques of “proofs” of security and a guide to our papers on the subject that have appeared over the past decade and a half. We also provide numerous additional examples and a few updates and errata