53,772 research outputs found

    Model Checking Classes of Metric LTL Properties of Object-Oriented Real-Time Maude Specifications

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    This paper presents a transformational approach for model checking two important classes of metric temporal logic (MTL) properties, namely, bounded response and minimum separation, for nonhierarchical object-oriented Real-Time Maude specifications. We prove the correctness of our model checking algorithms, which terminate under reasonable non-Zeno-ness assumptions when the reachable state space is finite. These new model checking features have been integrated into Real-Time Maude, and are used to analyze a network of medical devices and a 4-way traffic intersection system.Comment: In Proceedings RTRTS 2010, arXiv:1009.398

    Explicit Model Checking of Very Large MDP using Partitioning and Secondary Storage

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    The applicability of model checking is hindered by the state space explosion problem in combination with limited amounts of main memory. To extend its reach, the large available capacities of secondary storage such as hard disks can be exploited. Due to the specific performance characteristics of secondary storage technologies, specialised algorithms are required. In this paper, we present a technique to use secondary storage for probabilistic model checking of Markov decision processes. It combines state space exploration based on partitioning with a block-iterative variant of value iteration over the same partitions for the analysis of probabilistic reachability and expected-reward properties. A sparse matrix-like representation is used to store partitions on secondary storage in a compact format. All file accesses are sequential, and compression can be used without affecting runtime. The technique has been implemented within the Modest Toolset. We evaluate its performance on several benchmark models of up to 3.5 billion states. In the analysis of time-bounded properties on real-time models, our method neutralises the state space explosion induced by the time bound in its entirety.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24953-7_1

    Parameterized Synthesis

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    We study the synthesis problem for distributed architectures with a parametric number of finite-state components. Parameterized specifications arise naturally in a synthesis setting, but thus far it was unclear how to detect realizability and how to perform synthesis in a parameterized setting. Using a classical result from verification, we show that for a class of specifications in indexed LTL\X, parameterized synthesis in token ring networks is equivalent to distributed synthesis in a network consisting of a few copies of a single process. Adapting a well-known result from distributed synthesis, we show that the latter problem is undecidable. We describe a semi-decision procedure for the parameterized synthesis problem in token rings, based on bounded synthesis. We extend the approach to parameterized synthesis in token-passing networks with arbitrary topologies, and show applicability on a simple case study. Finally, we sketch a general framework for parameterized synthesis based on cutoffs and other parameterized verification techniques.Comment: Extended version of TACAS 2012 paper, 29 page

    Extended macro grammars and stack controlled machines

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    K-extended basic macro grammars are introduced, where K is any class of languages. The class B(K) of languages generated by such grammars is investigated, together with the class LB(K) of languages generated by the corresponding linear basic grammars. For any full semi-AFL K, B(K) is a full AFL closed under iterated LB(K)-substitution, but not necessarily under substitution. For any machine type D, the stack controlled machine type corresponding to D is introduced, denoted S(D), and the checking-stack controlled machine type CS(D). The data structure of this machine is a stack which controls a pushdown of data structures from D. If D accepts K, then S(D) accepts B(K) and CS(D) accepts LB(K). Thus the classes B(K) are characterized by stack controlled machines and the classes LB(K), i.e., the full hyper-AFLs, by checking-stack controlled machines. A full basic-AFL is a full AFL K such that B(K)C K. Every full basic-AFL is a full hyper-AFL, but not vice versa. The class of OI macro languages (i.e., indexed languages, i.e., nested stack automaton languages) is a full basic-AFL, properly containing the smallest full basic-AFL. The latter is generated by the ultrabasic macro grammars and accepted by the nested stack automata with bounded depth of nesting (and properly contains the stack languages, the ETOL languages, i.e., the smallest full hyper-AFL, and the basic macro languages). The full basic-AFLs are characterized by bounded nested stack controlled machines

    Tree transducers, L systems, and two-way machines

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    A relationship between parallel rewriting systems and two-way machines is investigated. Restrictions on the “copying power” of these devices endow them with rich structuring and give insight into the issues of determinism, parallelism, and copying. Among the parallel rewriting systems considered are the top-down tree transducer; the generalized syntax-directed translation scheme and the ETOL system, and among the two-way machines are the tree-walking automaton, the two-way finite-state transducer, and (generalizations of) the one-way checking stack automaton. The. relationship of these devices to macro grammars is also considered. An effort is made .to provide a systematic survey of a number of existing results

    Parameterized Verification of Algorithms for Oblivious Robots on a Ring

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    We study verification problems for autonomous swarms of mobile robots that self-organize and cooperate to solve global objectives. In particular, we focus in this paper on the model proposed by Suzuki and Yamashita of anonymous robots evolving in a discrete space with a finite number of locations (here, a ring). A large number of algorithms have been proposed working for rings whose size is not a priori fixed and can be hence considered as a parameter. Handmade correctness proofs of these algorithms have been shown to be error-prone, and recent attention had been given to the application of formal methods to automatically prove those. Our work is the first to study the verification problem of such algorithms in the parameter-ized case. We show that safety and reachability problems are undecidable for robots evolving asynchronously. On the positive side, we show that safety properties are decidable in the synchronous case, as well as in the asynchronous case for a particular class of algorithms. Several properties on the protocol can be decided as well. Decision procedures rely on an encoding in Presburger arithmetics formulae that can be verified by an SMT-solver. Feasibility of our approach is demonstrated by the encoding of several case studies
