1 research outputs found

    Semi-dynamic connectivity in the plane

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    Motivated by a path planning problem we consider the following procedure. Assume that we have two points ss and tt in the plane and take K=∅\mathcal{K}=\emptyset. At each step we add to K\mathcal{K} a compact convex set that does not contain ss nor tt. The procedure terminates when the sets in K\mathcal{K} separate ss and tt. We show how to add one set to K\mathcal{K} in O(1+kα(n))O(1+k\alpha(n)) amortized time plus the time needed to find all sets of K\mathcal{K} intersecting the newly added set, where nn is the cardinality of K\mathcal{K}, kk is the number of sets in K\mathcal{K} intersecting the newly added set, and α(⋅)\alpha(\cdot) is the inverse of the Ackermann function