2 research outputs found

    Automatic Data Expansion for Customer-care Spoken Language Understanding

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    Spoken language understanding (SLU) systems are widely used in handling of customer-care calls.A traditional SLU system consists of an acoustic model (AM) and a language model (LM) that areused to decode the utterance and a natural language understanding (NLU) model that predicts theintent. While AM can be shared across different domains, LM and NLU models need to be trainedspecifically for every new task. However, preparing enough data to train these models is prohibitivelyexpensive. In this paper, we introduce an efficient method to expand the limited in-domain data. Theprocess starts with training a preliminary NLU model based on logistic regression on the in-domaindata. Since the features are based onn= 1,2-grams, we can detect the most informative n-gramsfor each intent class. Using these n-grams, we find the samples in the out-of-domain corpus that1) contain the desired n-gram and/or 2) have similar intent label. The ones which meet the firstconstraint are used to train a new LM model and the ones that meet both constraints are used to train anew NLU model. Our results on two divergent experimental setups show that the proposed approachreduces by 30% the absolute classification error rate (CER) comparing to the preliminary modelsand it significantly outperforms the traditional data expansion algorithms such as the ones based onsemi-supervised learning, TF-IDF and embedding vectors.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 5 tabel

    Semi-Supervised Semantic Tagging of Conversational Understanding using Markov Topic Regression

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    Finding concepts in natural language utterances is a challenging task, especially given the scarcity of labeled data for learning semantic ambiguity. Furthermore, data mismatch issues, which arise when the expected test (target) data does not exactly match the training data, aggravate this scarcity problem. To deal with these issues, we describe an efficient semisupervised learning (SSL) approach which has two components: (i) Markov Topic Regression is a new probabilistic model to cluster words into semantic tags (concepts). It can efficiently handle semantic ambiguity by extending standard topic models with two new features. First, it encodes word n-gram features from labeled source and unlabeled target data. Second, by going beyond a bag-of-words approach, it takes into account the inherent sequential nature of utterances to learn semantic classes based on context. (ii) Retrospective Learner is a new learning technique that adapts to the unlabeled target data. Our new SSL approach improves semantic tagging performance by 3 % absolute over the baseline models, and also compares favorably on semi-supervised syntactic tagging.