70,121 research outputs found

    Semi-Supervised Image-to-Image Translation

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    Image-to-image translation is a long-established and a difficult problem in computer vision. In this paper we propose an adversarial based model for image-to-image translation. The regular deep neural-network based methods perform the task of image-to-image translation by comparing gram matrices and using image segmentation which requires human intervention. Our generative adversarial network based model works on a conditional probability approach. This approach makes the image translation independent of any local, global and content or style features. In our approach we use a bidirectional reconstruction model appended with the affine transform factor that helps in conserving the content and photorealism as compared to other models. The advantage of using such an approach is that the image-to-image translation is semi-supervised, independant of image segmentation and inherits the properties of generative adversarial networks tending to produce realistic. This method has proven to produce better results than Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-image translation

    Transformation Consistency Regularization – A Semi-supervised Paradigm for Image-to-Image Translation

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    Scarcity of labeled data has motivated the development of semi-supervised learning methods, which learn from large portions of unlabeled data alongside a few labeled samples. Consistency Regularization between model's predictions under different input perturbations, particularly has shown to provide state-of-the art results in a semi-supervised framework. However, most of these method have been limited to classification and segmentation applications. We propose Transformation Consistency Regularization, which delves into a more challenging setting of image-to-image translation, which remains unexplored by semi-supervised algorithms. The method introduces a diverse set of geometric transformations and enforces the model's predictions for unlabeled data to be invariant to those transformations. We evaluate the efficacy of our algorithm on three different applications: image colorization, denoising and super-resolution. Our method is significantly data efficient, requiring only around 10 - 20% of labeled samples to achieve similar image reconstructions to its fully-supervised counterpart. Furthermore, we show the effectiveness of our method in video processing applications, where knowledge from a few frames can be leveraged to enhance the quality of the rest of the movie

    Scenimefy: Learning to Craft Anime Scene via Semi-Supervised Image-to-Image Translation

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    Automatic high-quality rendering of anime scenes from complex real-world images is of significant practical value. The challenges of this task lie in the complexity of the scenes, the unique features of anime style, and the lack of high-quality datasets to bridge the domain gap. Despite promising attempts, previous efforts are still incompetent in achieving satisfactory results with consistent semantic preservation, evident stylization, and fine details. In this study, we propose Scenimefy, a novel semi-supervised image-to-image translation framework that addresses these challenges. Our approach guides the learning with structure-consistent pseudo paired data, simplifying the pure unsupervised setting. The pseudo data are derived uniquely from a semantic-constrained StyleGAN leveraging rich model priors like CLIP. We further apply segmentation-guided data selection to obtain high-quality pseudo supervision. A patch-wise contrastive style loss is introduced to improve stylization and fine details. Besides, we contribute a high-resolution anime scene dataset to facilitate future research. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art baselines in terms of both perceptual quality and quantitative performance.Comment: ICCV 2023. The first two authors contributed equally. Code: https://github.com/Yuxinn-J/Scenimefy Project page: https://yuxinn-j.github.io/projects/Scenimefy.htm

    RainDiffusion:When Unsupervised Learning Meets Diffusion Models for Real-world Image Deraining

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    What will happen when unsupervised learning meets diffusion models for real-world image deraining? To answer it, we propose RainDiffusion, the first unsupervised image deraining paradigm based on diffusion models. Beyond the traditional unsupervised wisdom of image deraining, RainDiffusion introduces stable training of unpaired real-world data instead of weakly adversarial training. RainDiffusion consists of two cooperative branches: Non-diffusive Translation Branch (NTB) and Diffusive Translation Branch (DTB). NTB exploits a cycle-consistent architecture to bypass the difficulty in unpaired training of standard diffusion models by generating initial clean/rainy image pairs. DTB leverages two conditional diffusion modules to progressively refine the desired output with initial image pairs and diffusive generative prior, to obtain a better generalization ability of deraining and rain generation. Rain-Diffusion is a non adversarial training paradigm, serving as a new standard bar for real-world image deraining. Extensive experiments confirm the superiority of our RainDiffusion over un/semi-supervised methods and show its competitive advantages over fully-supervised ones.Comment: 9 page

    Semantically consistent image-to-image translation for unsupervised domain adaptation

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    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) aims to adapt models trained on a source domain to a new target domain where no labelled data is available. In this work, we investigate the problem of UDA from a synthetic computer-generated domain to a similar but real-world domain for learning semantic segmentation. We propose a semantically consistent image-to-image translation method in combination with a consistency regularisation method for UDA. We overcome previous limitations on transferring synthetic images to real looking images. We leverage pseudo-labels in order to learn a generative image-to-image translation model that receives additional feedback from semantic labels on both domains. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods that combine image-to-image translation and semi-supervised learning on relevant domain adaptation benchmarks, i.e., on GTA5 to Cityscapes and SYNTHIA to Cityscapes
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