346 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Transfer Hashing with Adaptive Bipartite Graph Learning

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    Thanks to the efficient retrieval speed and low storage consumption, learning to hash has been widely used in visual retrieval tasks. However, existing hashing methods assume that the query and retrieval samples lie in homogeneous feature space within the same domain. As a result, they cannot be directly applied to heterogeneous cross-domain retrieval. In this paper, we propose a Generalized Image Transfer Retrieval (GITR) problem, which encounters two crucial bottlenecks: 1) the query and retrieval samples may come from different domains, leading to an inevitable {domain distribution gap}; 2) the features of the two domains may be heterogeneous or misaligned, bringing up an additional {feature gap}. To address the GITR problem, we propose an Asymmetric Transfer Hashing (ATH) framework with its unsupervised/semi-supervised/supervised realizations. Specifically, ATH characterizes the domain distribution gap by the discrepancy between two asymmetric hash functions, and minimizes the feature gap with the help of a novel adaptive bipartite graph constructed on cross-domain data. By jointly optimizing asymmetric hash functions and the bipartite graph, not only can knowledge transfer be achieved but information loss caused by feature alignment can also be avoided. Meanwhile, to alleviate negative transfer, the intrinsic geometrical structure of single-domain data is preserved by involving a domain affinity graph. Extensive experiments on both single-domain and cross-domain benchmarks under different GITR subtasks indicate the superiority of our ATH method in comparison with the state-of-the-art hashing methods

    Pairwise Teacher-Student Network for Semi-Supervised Hashing

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    Hashing method maps similar high-dimensional data to binary hashcodes with smaller hamming distance, and it has received broad attention due to its low storage cost and fast retrieval speed. Pairwise similarity is easily obtained and widely used for retrieval, and most supervised hashing algorithms are carefully designed for the pairwise supervisions. As labeling all data pairs is difficult, semi-supervised hashing is proposed which aims at learning efficient codes with limited labeled pairs and abundant unlabeled ones. Existing methods build graphs to capture the structure of dataset, but they are not working well for complex data as the graph is built based on the data representations and determining the representations of complex data is difficult. In this paper, we propose a novel teacher-student semi-supervised hashing framework in which the student is trained with the pairwise information produced by the teacher network. The network follows the smoothness assumption, which achieves consistent distances for similar data pairs so that the retrieval results are similar for neighborhood queries. Experiments on large-scale datasets show that the proposed method reaches impressive gain over the supervised baselines and is superior to state-of-the-art semi-supervised hashing methods

    Efficient end-to-end learning for quantizable representations

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    Embedding representation learning via neural networks is at the core foundation of modern similarity based search. While much effort has been put in developing algorithms for learning binary hamming code representations for search efficiency, this still requires a linear scan of the entire dataset per each query and trades off the search accuracy through binarization. To this end, we consider the problem of directly learning a quantizable embedding representation and the sparse binary hash code end-to-end which can be used to construct an efficient hash table not only providing significant search reduction in the number of data but also achieving the state of the art search accuracy outperforming previous state of the art deep metric learning methods. We also show that finding the optimal sparse binary hash code in a mini-batch can be computed exactly in polynomial time by solving a minimum cost flow problem. Our results on Cifar-100 and on ImageNet datasets show the state of the art search accuracy in precision@k and NMI metrics while providing up to 98X and 478X search speedup respectively over exhaustive linear search. The source code is available at https://github.com/maestrojeong/Deep-Hash-Table-ICML18Comment: Accepted and to appear at ICML 2018. Camera ready versio