169 research outputs found

    HyperStyle3D: Text-Guided 3D Portrait Stylization via Hypernetworks

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    Portrait stylization is a long-standing task enabling extensive applications. Although 2D-based methods have made great progress in recent years, real-world applications such as metaverse and games often demand 3D content. On the other hand, the requirement of 3D data, which is costly to acquire, significantly impedes the development of 3D portrait stylization methods. In this paper, inspired by the success of 3D-aware GANs that bridge 2D and 3D domains with 3D fields as the intermediate representation for rendering 2D images, we propose a novel method, dubbed HyperStyle3D, based on 3D-aware GANs for 3D portrait stylization. At the core of our method is a hyper-network learned to manipulate the parameters of the generator in a single forward pass. It not only offers a strong capacity to handle multiple styles with a single model, but also enables flexible fine-grained stylization that affects only texture, shape, or local part of the portrait. While the use of 3D-aware GANs bypasses the requirement of 3D data, we further alleviate the necessity of style images with the CLIP model being the stylization guidance. We conduct an extensive set of experiments across the style, attribute, and shape, and meanwhile, measure the 3D consistency. These experiments demonstrate the superior capability of our HyperStyle3D model in rendering 3D-consistent images in diverse styles, deforming the face shape, and editing various attributes

    Realtime Fewshot Portrait Stylization Based On Geometric Alignment

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    This paper presents a portrait stylization method designed for real-time mobile applications with limited style examples available. Previous learning based stylization methods suffer from the geometric and semantic gaps between portrait domain and style domain, which obstacles the style information to be correctly transferred to the portrait images, leading to poor stylization quality. Based on the geometric prior of human facial attributions, we propose to utilize geometric alignment to tackle this issue. Firstly, we apply Thin-Plate-Spline (TPS) on feature maps in the generator network and also directly to style images in pixel space, generating aligned portrait-style image pairs with identical landmarks, which closes the geometric gaps between two domains. Secondly, adversarial learning maps the textures and colors of portrait images to the style domain. Finally, geometric aware cycle consistency preserves the content and identity information unchanged, and deformation invariant constraint suppresses artifacts and distortions. Qualitative and quantitative comparison validate our method outperforms existing methods, and experiments proof our method could be trained with limited style examples (100 or less) in real-time (more than 40 FPS) on mobile devices. Ablation study demonstrates the effectiveness of each component in the framework.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    DeformToon3D: Deformable 3D Toonification from Neural Radiance Fields

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    In this paper, we address the challenging problem of 3D toonification, which involves transferring the style of an artistic domain onto a target 3D face with stylized geometry and texture. Although fine-tuning a pre-trained 3D GAN on the artistic domain can produce reasonable performance, this strategy has limitations in the 3D domain. In particular, fine-tuning can deteriorate the original GAN latent space, which affects subsequent semantic editing, and requires independent optimization and storage for each new style, limiting flexibility and efficient deployment. To overcome these challenges, we propose DeformToon3D, an effective toonification framework tailored for hierarchical 3D GAN. Our approach decomposes 3D toonification into subproblems of geometry and texture stylization to better preserve the original latent space. Specifically, we devise a novel StyleField that predicts conditional 3D deformation to align a real-space NeRF to the style space for geometry stylization. Thanks to the StyleField formulation, which already handles geometry stylization well, texture stylization can be achieved conveniently via adaptive style mixing that injects information of the artistic domain into the decoder of the pre-trained 3D GAN. Due to the unique design, our method enables flexible style degree control and shape-texture-specific style swap. Furthermore, we achieve efficient training without any real-world 2D-3D training pairs but proxy samples synthesized from off-the-shelf 2D toonification models.Comment: ICCV 2023. Code: https://github.com/junzhezhang/DeformToon3D Project page: https://www.mmlab-ntu.com/project/deformtoon3d

    VToonify: Controllable High-Resolution Portrait Video Style Transfer

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    Generating high-quality artistic portrait videos is an important and desirable task in computer graphics and vision. Although a series of successful portrait image toonification models built upon the powerful StyleGAN have been proposed, these image-oriented methods have obvious limitations when applied to videos, such as the fixed frame size, the requirement of face alignment, missing non-facial details and temporal inconsistency. In this work, we investigate the challenging controllable high-resolution portrait video style transfer by introducing a novel VToonify framework. Specifically, VToonify leverages the mid- and high-resolution layers of StyleGAN to render high-quality artistic portraits based on the multi-scale content features extracted by an encoder to better preserve the frame details. The resulting fully convolutional architecture accepts non-aligned faces in videos of variable size as input, contributing to complete face regions with natural motions in the output. Our framework is compatible with existing StyleGAN-based image toonification models to extend them to video toonification, and inherits appealing features of these models for flexible style control on color and intensity. This work presents two instantiations of VToonify built upon Toonify and DualStyleGAN for collection-based and exemplar-based portrait video style transfer, respectively. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed VToonify framework over existing methods in generating high-quality and temporally-coherent artistic portrait videos with flexible style controls.Comment: ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022). Code: https://github.com/williamyang1991/VToonify Project page: https://www.mmlab-ntu.com/project/vtoonify

    CartoonGAN: generative adversarial networks for photo cartoonization

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    In this paper, we propose a solution to transforming photos of real-world scenes into cartoon style images, which is valuable and challenging in computer vision and computer graphics. Our solution belongs to learning based methods, which have recently become popular to stylize images in artistic forms such as painting. However, existing methods do not produce satisfactory results for cartoonization, due to the fact that (1) cartoon styles have unique characteristics with high level simplification and abstraction, and (2) cartoon images tend to have clear edges, smooth color shading and relatively simple textures, which exhibit significant challenges for texture-descriptor-based loss functions used in existing methods. In this paper, we propose CartoonGAN, a generative adversarial network (GAN) framework for cartoon stylization. Our method takes unpaired photos and cartoon images for training, which is easy to use. Two novel losses suitable for cartoonization are proposed: (1) a semantic content loss, which is formulated as a sparse regularization in the high-level feature maps of the VGG network to cope with substantial style variation between photos and cartoons, and (2) an edge-promoting adversarial loss for preserving clear edges. We further introduce an initialization phase, to improve the convergence of the network to the target manifold. Our method is also much more efficient to train than existing methods. Experimental results show that our method is able to generate high-quality cartoon images from real-world photos (i.e., following specific artists’ styles and with clear edges and smooth shading) and outperforms state-of-the-art methods
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