1 research outputs found

    Semantics for Intuitionistic Arithmetic Based on Tarski Games with Retractable Moves

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    Abstract. We define an effective, sound and complete game semantics for HAinf, Intuitionistic Arithmetic with ω-rule. Our semantics is equivalent to the original semantics proposed by Lorentzen [6], but it is based on the more recent notions of ”backtracking ” ([5], [2]) and of isomorphism between proofs and strategies ([8]). We prove that winning strategies in our game semantics are tree-isomorphic to the set of proofs of some variant of HAinf, and that they are a sound and complete interpretation of HAinf. 1 Why game semantics of Intuitionistic Arithmetic? In [7], S.Hayashi proposed the use of an effective game semantics in his Proof Animation project. The goal of the project is ”animating” (turning into algorithms) proofs of program specifications, in order to find bugs in the way a specification is formalized. Proofs are formalized in classical Arithmetic, and the method chosen for “animating ” proofs i