1 research outputs found

    Semantics and the Syntactic Classification of Words

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    this paper was sponsored by the U.S.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (OAR), Information Sciences Uirecto=ate (Grant AFOSR L319-67) and actively supported by the University of Georgia, Athens,USA. - 2 - or form that was inherently ganeralisable, and the slight- ly.messy, unsystemic, and therefore far less interesting one of individual content. This dichotomy was possible and workable as long as the use of language was restricted to or9anisms who, by the time they embarked on linguistic act- ivities, .had necessarily absorbed a vast body of experien- tial and concaptual knowledge, on which, more or less con- sciously, they could draw whenaver the formulation or com- prehension of a linguistic expression required somathin 9 beyond tha rules of tha ideal 9ramma