1,159 research outputs found

    Semi-supervised prediction of protein interaction sentences exploiting semantically encoded metrics

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    Protein-protein interaction (PPI) identification is an integral component of many biomedical research and database curation tools. Automation of this task through classification is one of the key goals of text mining (TM). However, labelled PPI corpora required to train classifiers are generally small. In order to overcome this sparsity in the training data, we propose a novel method of integrating corpora that do not contain relevance judgements. Our approach uses a semantic language model to gather word similarity from a large unlabelled corpus. This additional information is integrated into the sentence classification process using kernel transformations and has a re-weighting effect on the training features that leads to an 8% improvement in F-score over the baseline results. Furthermore, we discover that some words which are generally considered indicative of interactions are actually neutralised by this process

    Measuring Semantic Similarity: Representations and Methods

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    This dissertation investigates and proposes ways to quantify and measure semantic similarity between texts. The general approach is to rely on linguistic information at various levels, including lexical, lexico-semantic, and syntactic. The approach starts by mapping texts onto structured representations that include lexical, lexico-semantic, and syntactic information. The representation is then used as input to methods designed to measure the semantic similarity between texts based on the available linguistic information.While world knowledge is needed to properly assess semantic similarity of texts, in our approach world knowledge is not used, which is a weakness of it.We limit ourselves to answering the question of how successfully one can measure the semantic similarity of texts using just linguistic information.The lexical information in the original texts is retained by using the words in the corresponding representations of the texts. Syntactic information is encoded using dependency relations trees, which represent explicitly the syntactic relations between words. Word-level semantic information is relatively encoded through the use of semantic similarity measures like WordNet Similarity or explicitly encoded using vectorial representations such as Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). Several methods are being studied to compare the representations, ranging from simple lexical overlap, to more complex methods such as comparing semantic representations in vector spaces as well as syntactic structures. Furthermore, a few powerful kernel models are proposed to use in combination with Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers for the case in which the semantic similarity problem is modeled as a classification task

    End-to-End Supervised Multilabel Contrastive Learning

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    Multilabel representation learning is recognized as a challenging problem that can be associated with either label dependencies between object categories or data-related issues such as the inherent imbalance of positive/negative samples. Recent advances address these challenges from model- and data-centric viewpoints. In model-centric, the label correlation is obtained by an external model designs (e.g., graph CNN) to incorporate an inductive bias for training. However, they fail to design an end-to-end training framework, leading to high computational complexity. On the contrary, in data-centric, the realistic nature of the dataset is considered for improving the classification while ignoring the label dependencies. In this paper, we propose a new end-to-end training framework -- dubbed KMCL (Kernel-based Mutlilabel Contrastive Learning) -- to address the shortcomings of both model- and data-centric designs. The KMCL first transforms the embedded features into a mixture of exponential kernels in Gaussian RKHS. It is then followed by encoding an objective loss that is comprised of (a) reconstruction loss to reconstruct kernel representation, (b) asymmetric classification loss to address the inherent imbalance problem, and (c) contrastive loss to capture label correlation. The KMCL models the uncertainty of the feature encoder while maintaining a low computational footprint. Extensive experiments are conducted on image classification tasks to showcase the consistent improvements of KMCL over the SOTA methods. PyTorch implementation is provided in \url{https://github.com/mahdihosseini/KMCL}

    Transforming Graph Representations for Statistical Relational Learning

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    Relational data representations have become an increasingly important topic due to the recent proliferation of network datasets (e.g., social, biological, information networks) and a corresponding increase in the application of statistical relational learning (SRL) algorithms to these domains. In this article, we examine a range of representation issues for graph-based relational data. Since the choice of relational data representation for the nodes, links, and features can dramatically affect the capabilities of SRL algorithms, we survey approaches and opportunities for relational representation transformation designed to improve the performance of these algorithms. This leads us to introduce an intuitive taxonomy for data representation transformations in relational domains that incorporates link transformation and node transformation as symmetric representation tasks. In particular, the transformation tasks for both nodes and links include (i) predicting their existence, (ii) predicting their label or type, (iii) estimating their weight or importance, and (iv) systematically constructing their relevant features. We motivate our taxonomy through detailed examples and use it to survey and compare competing approaches for each of these tasks. We also discuss general conditions for transforming links, nodes, and features. Finally, we highlight challenges that remain to be addressed
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