1 research outputs found

    Standards-based sensor web for wide area monitoring of power systems

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    The balance of supply and demand of energy is the key factor in the stability of power systems. A small disturbance in the supply demand relationship, if not properly handled, can cascade into a major outage, costing millions of dollars to the stakeholders. Proper monitoring and exchange of critical information in real time is the only solution to prevent the instability in this vulnerable system. But, the disparity in the protocols used by power utilities and the lack of infrastructure for information exchange are proving to be hindrance to obtaining a reliable de-regularized power industry. In this thesis, an emerging Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) has been adapted for the wide area monitoring of power systems. SWE and CIM provide a solution to both problems; the heterogeneity of data and the lack of central repository of the data for proper action. The sensor data from utilities that are published in CIM were modeled thorough a SensorML and exposed via a Sensor Observation Service (SOS). This provides a standard method for discovering and accessing the sensor data between utilities and facilitates rapid response functionality to handle contingences